
User Image
"Please, share the love and donate." -Kai.

Other Gaia Name (Less Used smile Sekushi-Sho
My Gaia Home: Welcome.

Personal Info:

Name: Kai.
Birth Date: March 31.
Ethnicity: Chinese.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Food: Chinese, Japanese or Korean food.
Colors: Dark colors (black, reds, etc) and white.
Love: Role playing, anime, games (RPGs, fighting games, etc), drawing, Final Fantasy, music, animals.
Hate: Racist people, egoists, bugs (especially spiders.)
Note: I love to role play, so please, PM me about joining a rp any time. It may take me a while to respond to it, but I will see if I am interested in it. I play both female and male characters in which all are bisexual.
Extra: deviantART Gallery.

Currently requesting:
User Image
Total Value: 1,523,482 Gold, 15,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Western Zodiac
Western Zodiac
Western Zodiac
Western Zodiac
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Mythrill Armor
Nitemare Collar
Courted Ruff
Platinum Gray Pinstripe Vest
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Golden Laurels
Black Goth Boots
Gold Mountain Uniform Pants
Mythic Hair
Spirit Falcon
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome
Enchanted Strings
Yokai's Treasure
Gift of the Goddess
Kitsune Mask

Role Playing Information:

(This information was taken from my aol profile.)

Genres: I like any type of an RP genre. I even like mixing genres, so whatever is fine really. I'm pretty flexible with the types of RPs I do, which I hope you are too. If you don't like the way I mix certain genres, then that's fine too. I'm very indecisive, so please, tell me what you'd like to play. That would help a lot to an indecisive person like me. However on a quick note, I really do not like to rp out battle or combat scenes in detail, of one versus another. Theres a lot of godmoding and so forth, which leads to a lot of conflicts. So to avoid this problem, if we can avoid battle scenes of one against another at all costs, please do so.
Characters: I play both female and male characters, all in which are bisexual. I generally use my character Kai, who can be played as a male or female character. You can read about my original version of Kai below. If you'd like me to play an original version of Kai, please tell me so. However, I do have other characters in which I haven't used in a while, so feel free to ask about them if you find a fancy to any of them from my gallery. Sometimes I even make up a character on the spot and give him/her the name of Kai for the heck of it. All of my characters can generally fit into any type of SL and genre.

About Kai:

Name: Kai
Age: ??? (Varies.)
Height: 5'10"-6'2" (Varies, sometimes even lower.)
Gender: ??? (Can be male or female, but not a herm.)
Blood Type: A
Date of Birth: March 31
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Personality: It's all hard to say and to sum it all up into a complex. Although Kai may be the distant, cold, reluctantly quiet sort. Though once you get to know Kai, Kai proves to be quite a friendly, sweet, kind hearted person, and gentle. One thing is for sure though, that is, he is a hopeless romantic. Overall, it'd be a lot easier to simply interact with Kai yourself.
Realistic Based Biography: Searching for a sense of identity, belonging, as any child should, was difficult for Kai when he was a child. Kai was born in Japan and raised in an orphanage off in Okinawa. The place was decent; it gave the orphans a roof over their heads, food to fill their stomachs, and beds to sleep in at night. The orphanage was actually sponsored by religious foreigners; thus, priests, nuns of sorts were frequent. (Though, awkwardly enough, Kai isn't at all religious. In fact, he's an agnostic/moralist; he lives life more like an atheist.)
.....Among the batch of religious supporters was Father Jonathan Gardenia, a retired cello player from the London Symphony Orchestra. He found an interest in Kai for the boy, at the age of four, did not play with any other child. Instead of playing catch, kick ball, or hide-and-go-seek, Kai was always in the shabby church area, sitting in front of a piano and idly playing a few random keys, as if depressed of his inability to recreate the pieces of music that he had happened to hear. Thus, Father Jon soon taught Kai how to play the piano, the cello, and also the violin; through this, they gained an intimate relationship. Father Jon's pupil absorbed all that was taught like a sponge with high interest; hence, he found potential. Therefore, not only did Father Jon teach Kai music, but how to be a proper gentleman, and proper English; hence, the English accent that Kai contains.
.....Father Jon and his wife, Josephine, had never had children; thus, they decided together one day that they would adopt Kai. At age seven, Kai was informed he was going to be entitled to Gardenia as his surname; in just three months, it became reality.
.....However, at the age of thirteen, Kai's father, a man with such a big heart, died of a sudden heart attack. Out of depression, Josephine too, died out of illness. Both parents deceased in their late fifties. As a result, Kai was once more orphaned. He headed off to court, pleading for emancipation. Ironically, he was successful, and carried out a life of hardship on his own. None of his adoptive relatives had realized that Kai was the adoptive son that both Jon and Josephine had occasionally talked about; so, the relatives stayed no longer in Japan after the funeral for they hadn't met Kai in person. Since Kai did not want to become a burden to anyone else, Kai carried out a vigorous life of balancing his active academic and athletic life in school and working part time afterwards up until roughly ten at night. He took every job imaginable, but in most cases, was just a waiter.
.....At eighteen, already an abnormal height of 6'4, Kai towered every student in his class. Thus, he was asked to model, which gave him a decent amount to pay off his apartment bills. He graduated high school with everything laid out before him; he was an astounding track runner and swimmer; thus, he impressed many colleges. More importantly, his music was profound for his young age, and so, he earned a full time scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music; a constituent college as part of the University of London. This was the same college that his father Jon, mother Josephine, and even uncle Jordan had all attended. Kai pursued a life almost exact to his father.
.....While in college, he continued his part time job of modeling, which paid off the expenses of living in his own apartment. Life was still hectic which gave him little time to actually rest. In fact, in him being rushed to the airport for a shoot off in Paris during his summer, Kai was involved in an extreme car accident. Their car had collided with a truck at night, and Kai's life took a heaping change afterwards. He was left with a broken right arm, left leg, a few of his ribs, and more importantly, a shattered left hand. After waking up from a coma after three weeks, Kai's world entirely sunk. With his shattered left hand, he could no longer pursue the dream of playing in an symphony orchestra.
.....In another four months, he was released from the hospital. The Academy still allowed him to graduate, and they knew he was still their top student. Not long after graduating, Kai got a tattoo on the back of his left hand that spread from his forefinger to his thumb of a random black tribal design to cover up a scar. He hoped to erase his shattered dream, though he knew it to be impossible.
.....After his life in London, Kai finally moved to the states in his twenties, and pursued the life of a part-time composer of his own music. In the mean time, he worked other various jobs to pay for the bills. With a shattered dream, Kai sought for other matters to keep his mind busy, to give himself a purpose. The only one who gave him support was later his uncle Jordan, who he coincidentally met after setting foot into a cafe entitled Gardenia Cafe; through such a high resemblance to Kai's father, Kai finally found another family member in his life. Like Jonathan, Jordan was just as loving and saw Kai as his own.
.....As of now? Well, let us all see where life would take him. He searches for a new meaning to life, perhaps a little something called love. Will you be the to give his life meaning?
Fantasy Based Biography: With wealth comes power. Thus, for the struggle for power naturally leads to a war that is waged after corruption. The war after so many years, was given title of the Heavenist War, for that was the church that went too far in their desires for power. As all religion comes, followers believe in their church, and would give anything for enlightenment. And thus, began the corruption in wealth. Churches began to preach their ways into guiding their followers that if they make an offering, (in this case, valuable items and money), they may prove to the higher ups that they truly did seek repentance, good health, a longer life, anything.
.....The Heavenist Church had very few followers, whereas the opposing churches were bustling with wealth and power. With drastic situations, comes drastic measures. And so, with their advanced rituals and technology, did the Heavenist Church decide to play with nature. They decided to create their own deity; a deity that would prove that their offerings would be worth while if they were able to offer it to a god. And so, they tweaked human being after human, using children from the Heavenist Orphanage.
.....Only one came to be successful, a four year old child in which had no name. They came to name the child Kai, a term which meant "Triumphant" or "Victorious." That is, what they sought after all. They dared to play with nature, with genetics, in altering this once innocent child into a freak of nature. What was once an adorable soft, pale skinned child of ravenous hair and eyes, now became a child with deep scars upon each shoulder blade, a curse of a black outline of wings over it's entire back, the fangs that longed for blood, the ears, the tail, the green eyes that of a feline, and it's former human ears became pointed. Oh, what had they created? Oh, how they had hoped for their Kai to spawn pure white wings, but that all failed too. Instead, those wings were tainted, tainted of black for their sins. Dare they show their deity that looked like a beast of hell? No ... they still classified this child, Kai, as a failed experiment.
.....So year after year was Kai locked up in a massive clear sphere of a green substance to maintain it's life force. Kai still did contain extreme powers, extreme powers that could one day bring them to victory in a real war. So Kai was locked up in an underground laboratory, with tubes injected into it's body, and chains to collar it down. Kai was nothing but a tool to them, while they worked on child after child to create another successful, white winged angel to their service. But all children afterwards, like before, failed shortly after their mutation.
.....It was the age of about thirteen, that Kai had finally snapped. For what reasons are unknown. That night is vague to Kai now, for all Kai could remember was sitting on the cold steel flooring, a crack within it's sphere of green substance. Blood was shed everywhere, and Heavenist scientists pierced at the neck and drained of blood while the entire city outside was burning to ashes. Was it murder from the other churches? No ... the evidence was displayed right over Kai's body. Kai had killed so many lives nevertheless, the entire kingdom to be exact; and so, the thought of sinning it's hands came to torment Kai even to now.
.....Shortly afterwards, Kai was able to escape into the world outside, appearing to be quite human. Yes, Kai fortunately, was able to maintain a human form. From the age of thirteen, Kai lived secretively on it's own, working laboriously for money in order to sustain a roof over it's head, and also to buy food ... and blood.
.....Now Kai lives as a legend to history, and few know of it. The land that once was occupied by Heavenists is now merely but an island that doesn't even show upon a map. And now, here to lurk the streets was an isolated beast of no specifics. It was a human in disguise... but it was definitely no human, it was no beast either. It was a species on it's own. And so, this legend hopes that one day it may find affection ... someone to save it from this immortal life of torture and loneliness.
Note About Kai: I play Kai in many different ways and versions. For instance, my seme male version of Kai is not played as an androgynous character, as you can see in this picture above. So don't be alarmed! There's a whole lot of different versions of Kai to love.


Viewing 12 of 25 friends


Viewing 8 of 8 comments.


Report | 03/28/2009 10:32 am


Hello, after quite a while. =3
Happy almost birthday! Hope you get everything you could wish for!

Love, Kaze. <3

Report | 12/24/2007 5:49 pm


try this out! send this to 10 people and then press F5 and u will get 10,000gold

Report | 12/10/2007 9:00 pm


try this out! send this to 10 people and then press F5 and u will get 10,000gold

Report | 11/30/2007 7:20 pm


Thanks for the purchase!

Report | 11/23/2007 5:08 pm


Thanks for the purchase from my store! User Image

Report | 10/11/2007 9:03 pm


nice profile

Report | 08/01/2007 5:03 pm


Hey long time no talk,

Watcha been up to?


Report | 07/27/2007 10:24 pm



Hope you're feeling better.



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"Please, share the love and donate." -Kai.