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ria is my name (though i've gone by lexi too.)
being lame is my game
this account has been inactive for over two years so idk what you're doing here man.



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Malik no Kuroshi Report | 11/18/2011 10:46 am
Draw him without piercings then, they aren't essential to his character. In fact, I think I got rid of them when I redid his profile 8| can't remember.
But if you do draw him, I will be very grateful 8D
Sorry for the horribly late reply, I couldn't remember if I responded or not xD
Malik no Kuroshi Report | 11/09/2011 6:53 pm
Oh well xD If you aren't going to use it, there's nothing I can do about it xD
Erm; I could list things that I find wrong with it, but I won't

(You haven't mentioned your age; and unless your name isn't actually Lexi, then you haven't told me 0; )
Malik no Kuroshi Report | 11/09/2011 5:38 pm
Boyfriend/thing/stalker? xD What an elaborate title xDD
You'll find a use for it eventually o;<
;A; Okay I shall show you... be prepared for the out of proportion derp that is my art xD
Malik no Kuroshi Report | 11/04/2011 10:05 pm
Haha xD it's so empty 8D You need to find people to follow that have interests similar to yours.
For example, I follow a whole lot of YGO blogs.
There's fandoms for everything on there.
I bet I draw a lot worse than you xD
I could show you something I drew not long ago o;
If you're interested...
Malik no Kuroshi Report | 11/04/2011 9:07 pm
O; may I know your URL so I can follow you? 8D
You'll find a use for it xD
I doubt you will fail o; I bet I'm a worse artist than you ;l
Malik no Kuroshi Report | 11/03/2011 8:53 am
<3 yeah I do still need a picture for him. It's been a very long time since I roleplayed as him or as any of my other characters for that matter. Honestly I almost feel like quitting Gaia because some friends no longer talk to me just because I switched back to my YGO fandom and don't fan over Hetalia as much anymore. But I can't bring myself to actually quit because I would lose all my good friends too. I'll probably just de-friend all the shallow Hetalia fans and move on to better things. Haha, I'm going to stop ranting now and get back to the point 8| I want to continue roleplaying but I won't be as active since I'm always on tumblr and rarely on Gaia. I might actually start roleplaying on tumblr, I don't know. [/rant]
Malik no Kuroshi Report | 10/31/2011 4:40 pm
Well I don't think I'll forget you unless I get a concussion or something 8|
Nyeh~ I like all the YGO series's but I am just a nerd like that and I'll stop talking about it 8D
That is kinda weird, but I've never considered Y a vowel 8|
taeyumi Report | 10/28/2011 7:17 pm
Oh yay! Hehe!
So yeah, once I finished brainstorming, I'll tell you more.
taeyumi Report | 10/28/2011 6:15 pm
LOL copy&paste w/ edit.
Students compete against each other and sing their hearts out, trying to succeed to become the world's superstar pop idol.

This would take place at a university. But not as much school-related. More like a performance+art university for students who want to pursue a singing/dancing career. Idk lol.
And um, characters would have to have some talent in singing, dancing, playing instruments and such.
You get the idea? I suck at explaining lol. I'm still brainstorming. >.<
taeyumi Report | 10/28/2011 5:03 pm
Lexi!! I came up with an idea for the RP.
Have you seen the drama Dream High?
We're going to use the concept of that drama for the rp.
Hehe, I even discussed it w/ a friend of mine.
But I still need to plan everything. ; u;


my name is ria and i'm hella gay
quoting me is the best way to get me coming faster than a b***h in heat


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