
Name: Ida
Age: 18 years
Sex: Female
Height: 1,6 meters (5'3")
Weight: Around 50kg (110lbs)
Status: Taken <3 =3
Timezone: CET/CEST , GMT 1/GMT 2 , UTC 1/UTC 2

People says that I'm a very nice and kind person and that I'm funny. I'm myself and I know what I likes and dislikes and I usually have my own opinion, and I never just pretending to like/dislike something, I am honest and true but I never act rude or mean in anyway. I just don't have that in me. I accept and respect all peoples untill they prove to me that they shouldn't be.

I do not like people who just try to be cool and/or don't have an opinion of themself and who just always go with the flow; and I really don't like when people just suddenly say "whatever..." and don't care, I find this very rude! Care! Eveything don't just happen by itself! And I do not like people who lies stare

I have both AIM and MSN, so if you want to add me, just ask =)

My interests

heart MY BUNNIES heart

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. My bunny Ludde
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. My bunny Muffe

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I'm also a great fan of this guy xD
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.And ofcourse, I can't forget to metion the coolest guys in this galaxy xD
[img mad tzv29cp]https://www.laprise.org/IMG/jpg/Stargate-SG1_1_.jpg" />
and those from another galaxy^^
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

The moon we share

I look at the moon, and my thoughts are these;
that the same moon I'm spying this moment,
is the same moon that you'll see when the night falls.
Even though when I spy the moon, the sun is still up at yours,
and not before the moon goes down and the sun rises and peers into my window,
that's when the moon is up at yours.
But that's only now, in the summer time,
when the days are long and the nights are short.
It makes me long for the winter, when the days are short and the nights are long,
then be both can watch the moon as it lights up the world in the dark nights,
with it's beautiful shine.
Two humans at each side of the world looking at the very same moon.
Two souls who know eachother, eventhough they have never really met,
looking at the same moon who can see them both.
It's a thought who makes the distant between us seem a little smaller.
Whenever you longing for me, look at the moon a dark night and think;
That's the same moon who shines down at me too.
It's the same moon. Every day. Every week. Every month. Every year.
If I could, I would write you a letter and send it by the moon,
make the stars deliver it to your door, and in that letter it would stand,
with the handwriting of an angel, these three little words:
I miss you.

By Lionessy

The poem is written to Hushiro, who is a great friend=D 4laugh

In love?

How do you know how much you are in love?
There are no instuments to mesure it
There are no test to take
There are no way to see it
There are no signs
There are no ways to find out exact how much you are in love
The only way to find it out,
is a way that can't give an exact estemate
and it's easy to get it wrong
and it's easy to affect the estemate.
To find out how much you are in love,
you got to feel inside.
You need to feel your heart beat.
You need to listen to what it says.
You need to be quiet,
cause sometimes it only whisper.
But sometimes it screams and you may want to close your ears,
but do not always do that,
because sometimes the screams is only there to cover what it really want to say.
To cover the whispering.
The whispering of who you really love and how much you are in love.
The whispering of your hearts voice.
The whispering that you sometimes wounder where have gone.

By Lionessy

Amazing Luna

Luna is amazing
The belighted moon who belong to this earth
Do you belive in the man on the moon
I know I do
I think he is up there at the moon,
Spying down at us
Spying at everything that is happening down here
Not just the terrible things
But also the good things
All the love that exist here at this earth
All the couples who love each other
All the peoples who are in love
All the peoples who are in love with someone they can’t have
Or someone they don’t dare saying it too
Or someone they had but lost
Maybe the man on the moon is love itself,
And with it’s glamorous shine, all it’s love spreads out all of the peoples
The peoples who fall in love
The peoples who are in love
The peoples who are holding hands
The peoples who are kissing
The peoples who are hugging
The peoples who cares about another
The peoples who are cuddling
The peoples who are just good friends
The peoples who have someone in their life who means the world to them
The peoples who miss a friend
The peoples who is having a good time with a friend
The peoples who thinks it’s just enough to be alone with Luna
Luna, the moon with a light filled with love

By Lionessy

I am. Am I?

I am ready for what I am ready for.
Yeah, I am ready;
Yet still I couldn't be less ready for it.
Am I ready for it? -Confused brain.

I want what I want.
Yeah, I want it all!
Yet; I don't think I want it after all.
Do I actually want it? -Uncertain brain

I know what I want.
Yeah, I know exactly what I want.
Yet, I don't know what it is really like.
How can I know how it's like? -Unknowing brain

I thought I knew. I did.
I thought I was sure. I was.
I thought I confident. I was

But now it's suddenly all new. Again?
I don't understand. What am I?
I'm no longer set with it.

What will I become by it?
What is my goal? Where?

My eyes are open and curious looking.
It's more here than I thought.
It has changed. Or maybe not.
It's changing me. I think.

I want it. I belive.
But what is it I actually want?
How can I know what it is?
I don't know it.
If I try, will I just screw it all up?

Lead me. I trust you. You know me.
Or maybe not. You thought you knew me.
But I'm just what I am, and I'm not constant.
Seems like I'm maybe changing. Do I?
It's more about than just what it looks like.

I'm weak.
Hold me. Carry me. Show me the right path.
Be gentle. I'm scared.
What is my weapon? Where is my shield?
Seems like there isn't supposed to be any.
How can I protect myself?
I want to hide.
I might say I want to be left alone,
but please no.
Don't let me. Keep me company.
Protect me. Help me. Be by my side.
Then maybe, in the end,
it will be like I belived in the beginning.
Be there for me. Always.

Learn me. Read me. Understand me.
Want me. Need me. Love me.
I promise you you'll find this:
You may not know this,
but I'm not who you think I am.
But get to know me and take me as I am.
As I really am and not just who you think I am.
Do it. You won't regret. And for that I know!

By Lionessy

Some sentensens I've come with:
- Konsentrert galskap (consentraded madness)
- Jeg synes det er attrakttivt, men ikke avgjørende (I find it attractive, but not conclusive)

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People who have been so kind and donated to me:
HermieKrab - 500g <33
yuun-chan - 1000g <333
Yoriana - clothes <3

Please feel free to comment my profile heart


Viewing 12 of 15 friends


Lionessy's Journal

Welcome to Lionessy's Journal!

Hi, I'm mainly going to write about special events, like if it has happend anything exiting one day.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Squirelly Death

Report | 09/20/2009 5:51 am

Squirelly Death

Hey girly.
Long time no talk.Hows things going?


Report | 09/18/2009 5:17 am


i like the video it is very good so how r u doing?

Report | 09/16/2009 2:04 pm


thank you idk yet but when i do you will be the first to know kk and don't tell sam plaz

Report | 09/16/2009 1:40 pm


well i hope you get more sleep. and great i asked Bella 2 marry me and she said yes and she is coming up here

Report | 09/16/2009 12:02 pm


hi how r u doing?

Report | 09/13/2009 2:23 pm


thank you

Report | 09/13/2009 2:10 pm


k good night and thxs for the junk lol and good luck bye

Report | 09/13/2009 2:07 pm


lol and hi how r u doing

Report | 09/12/2009 8:52 am


give it time you will win and thats kool and u have a ps3

Report | 09/12/2009 8:45 am


nm and yea it is i got like 2k from it last night lol so wat u doing?


When life gies you lemon, make lemonade.