Liquid Spider

Liquid Spider's avatar

Last Login: 10/31/2009 12:09 pm

Registered: 04/06/2007

Gender: Male



There comes a time when one must look at them self and ask what am I doing and where am I going. It is a very interesting thing to think about how people have the ability to change, but is quite often that we don’t allow people to change even though we ourselves are changing with them. We go by the first impression and those are almost always wrong. Think about this how many people you know that are what you thought they were when you met them for the first time. As the seasons change people change and because of that we should not carve out a stone image of who they are in our minds. If people you know can change then it in not so fare fetched that you can change also, and if you do not monitor this change you may end up changing into someone who you would never want to be. Examine your life if it leads to where you want to go then go there but not before asking yourself why I want to go there. It may turn out that the place you want to go may not be as how you pictured it.

Something Else To Think About

My very nature is what I define it to be. The goals I set and the dreams I have. But you can not argue that no mater what you set your goals to not matter how different you dream is human all shear a common nature. Some don’t fight it they accept it and live there live by that nature some are consumed by it always wanting to change it and not believe that they are it. I think the best way to deal with the human nature is to treat it like bamboo, bend it when you need to but don’t bend so much that it breaks.


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CruxisAurion_I Report | 12/29/2008 10:40 am
i thought you left gaia?
christian_vampire_rocker Report | 09/17/2008 9:22 am
sup? long time no c.
youmee400 Report | 09/13/2008 9:40 pm
no freaking idea I didn't take your pants
youmee400 Report | 09/12/2008 3:05 pm
Hello thar thor
Liquid Spider Report | 09/12/2008 11:56 am
Liquid Spider
i had nothing better to do long talks of nothing make me not want to listen even tho its prob on the test
youmee400 Report | 06/25/2008 2:09 pm
I can take them myself if you give me a thumbs up
youmee400 Report | 06/24/2008 2:41 pm
myessssssss everythiiiiing
youmee400 Report | 06/21/2008 1:41 pm
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiive me your itemssssss I heeeelped you make the monnnnnney graaaaaaahhhHH!
CruxisAurion_I Report | 06/07/2008 4:16 pm
musical POWER
youmee400 Report | 06/06/2008 6:12 am