

Sudėtis ♘☫ Dėmesys

Ah! Labas!
My name is Risa.
I represent the old subdivision of Lithuania Minor.
Mažoji Lietuva.
But I am also called Prussian Lithuania.
Prūsų Lietuva
A lot of people have tried to dominate me.
I can be tough at times too!
You kinda needa be when your being pushed,
shoved and pulled in all directions!
Prussia is fun to annoy...
Maybe I can find Kaliningrad!

(( Lithuania Minor was also known as
Prussian Lithuania. Prior to the invasion of
the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century,
The land became depopulated to some exten
during the warfare between Lithuania and the Order.
The war ended with the Treaty of Melno and the land
was resettled by Lithuanian newcomers,
returning refugees, and the remaining indigenous
Balticpeoples; the term Lithuania Minor appeared for the
first time between 1517 and 1526. With the exception of the
Klaipėda Region, which became a mandated territory of
the League of Nations in 1920 by the Treaty of Versailles
and was annexed to Lithuania in 1923, the area was part of
Prussia until 1945. Today a small portion of Lithuania
Minor is within the borders of modern Lithuania and Poland
while most of the territory is part of the Kaliningrad
Oblast of Russia.))

Please note, that the above flag, is indeed mine.
My flag is neither of the fallowing.

