{ Statue boy #2 }

Hachiko Kiryu Minamimoto

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Couldn't love anyone better.
Art done by iPrince Joshua.
<3 Thank you, Mother-dearest.

Name: Hachiko Kiryu Minamimoto.
Age: 6/16
Height: N/A
Weight: Why would I zetta tell you?
Parents: Yoshiya 'Joshua' Kiryu, Sho Minamimoto.
Weapon: Psyche is in his stuffed dog Maka, Noise form, Natural Puppy pins.
Noise Form: Lupin Cantus.

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Why hello there, 000's~.
My name is Hachiko Kiryu Minamimoto.
I am the second son of Yoshiya Kiru, and Sho Minamimoto.
I have an older brother, Moyai.
He's /so/ mean.
And easily jealous.
What kind of factoring hectopascal would pick on such an innocent boy like myself?
Theres this other boy, Molco...
He's...My love interest, I guess you can say. And he's Shibuya's little brother.
Shibuya's mean too.
Well..I'll tell you more later, radians~.