
live-in-a-toy's avatar

Birthday: 12/09


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Hey. Not much to write here really. Besides some RP samples. If you want to RP with me, hit me up!

Serenity watched as fury was lit ablaze in Damian's eyes, and all she could do was crouch there, frozen in her spot. Dear god, what would he do to her? Slap her? Break another bone in her body? Kill her? She hadn't told Benjamin where she was, she hadn't told him yet. She began to run through excuses of why she had the phone or why she called Benjamin. She was even about to tell him that she loved him, if that would calm him down at all. But she was afraid that it wouldn't, he looked beyond soothing now. His maroon eyes dashing between the phone and her before he charged forward. She didn't even have time to cry out before she was thrown back against the wall. The hit hurt so bad, she felt her ribs crack, her spine snap in the lower part and she felt a piece of her skull get punched in.

Sh*t. This wasn't good. Her body slumped to the floor, her back against the wall as her body was in terrible pain. And yet, everything was numb. It was basically said, right when Damian burst through the door, that she wasn't bound to being saved. And now, she was going to meet her maker, the one that gave her life. Isn't that what happened when you died? She felt a warm liquid running on her forehead and down her neck. She also felt hot tears running out of her eyes and she wanted to cry even harder. But she couldn't open her eyes. She went to move her legs, but she couldn't even curl her toes. Oh god! And not just that, but Damian left her, and she was going to die alone, without anyone. Benjamin wouldn't know it, her family probably already thought that she was dead.

Soon enough though, she felt the darkness surround her though she pushed it back. She thought about all the good things that had happened to her. Like the first day that she started dancing, that was a wonderful day wasn't it? Then she remembered how she felt when she moved, and how upset she had been, though she quickly shoved that aside. She thought about her twin brother's, how they were always up in her business and always pulling pranks on their sister. It was like she was their Guiana pig. She remembered her mother, how her eyes wrinkled when she smiled and how she always seemed to be able to work things out between the family, no matter what problem they were having. Her father, who had trouble learning any musical instrument. And how he always smelled good to her.

Emily, her best friend. The day she beat up that kid who made fun of her, telling the kid if he didn't want her to break his face, she suggested that he left her alone. After that, Emily was always with her. How she was so thrilled when it turned out that Emily moved to Forks with her, and right across the street at that! And how she always knew what Serenity was going to say or what she was feeling, just by the little things in her. Like the twitch in her nose, how quickly she blinks and if she toys with her bottom lip or the inside of her cheek with her teeth. She was her shopping buddy, she was her best friend. She could tell her anything, when it came to anything. But there was only one thing that made them a bit distant sometimes, and Serenity didn't mind it at all. Knowing who she was thinking about, she through herself into the memories with him.

Benjamin. She swore that her lips twitched at the sides, just thinking about him. When they first met, how he just grabbed her and ran with her. How she immediately felt a connection with him and wanted to know him much better. The way that his cool lips felt when he kissed her the first time, and the second, third, ect. Each time was just as good as the first. The way that she so easily fit in his arms and the way her body molded against his when she spent the night with him. And then just him in general. How he made her feel so special, and beautiful. How careful he was because he was terrified that he would hurt her. How protective he was when it came to her doing things alone and without people knowing where she was or who she was with. She loved him, she loves him so much it makes her heart ache. And that would never change.

And then, suddenly, nothing was numb. She let her eyes snap open, though her vision was blurry. Her back arched wildly and she reached out for something, anything to hold on to. She grabbed hold of what was Damian, and could smell her blood all around her. Oh god, he changed her. He saved her from death by changing her into a vampire. She began to cry because of the pain that ripped through her, and she cried out. "P-please don't l-l-l-leave me..." She begged Damian, her hand tightening as another wave hit her hard. Making her legs spaz out of control. She couldn't do this alone. And she didn't care if she hated Damian at the moment, but he should stay. To comfort her and watch the pain she has to go through because he wanted her to stay on this earth with him.

3 days later

Finally, finally the pain stopped. Her body didn't thrash around any more. Her heart didn't beat. She was unbelievably thirsty, but she didn't dare tell him that. Her now steel grip was still on Damian's shirt, it ripped though from her pulling on it in pain. No more tears fell from her eyes. No more heat came from her body. Everything smelled different, looked different, felt different, sounded different, and she bet that everything tasted different as well. No more chocolate Sundays from Friendly anymore for her. She looked up at Damian, her eyes the darkest black that anyone could imagine. It was almost a new color it was so dark. Her eyes showed she was hungry, but she didn't say it. Instead, she stood up, a little shaky at first and looked at the dried blood that was hers. She looked down at herself, her body seemed different. She let her hands touch her neck, which was cold. They slid down and noticed that her breasts were the same, and she had an even more toned stomach then before.

Her hips were the same, and her legs were toned like always. So what had changed? She raised a hand to her mouth, and prodded her front canines. Sure enough, they were sharp and deadly. She tried to remember what her name was. But right now, all she could recall was being slammed against the wall and then the pain. The agonizing pain. She looked over at Damian, her black eyes taking him in. She remembered him, he took her from someone when she was a human. Someone she loved.... who? She felt her dead heart bleed as she looked at the phone on the bed. She called whoever it was. She talked to them. She remembered the growling coming from the phone, and the male voice screaming 'Serenity'. That must have been her name. Serenity. And she called..... Barney? Blake? Ben..... Benjamin. Yes, his name was Benjamin. He was a vampire as well.

She looked at Damian before looking to the one window in 'her' room. She held herself tall, though she was sure she wasn't any taller. "I..." Her voice was hoarse, so she cleared her throat and tried again. "I'd like new clothes. Instead of these bloodied ones." She informed the male vampire. Her eyes soaking in the sight out the window. She felt like she had never seen a city before, never looked out that window before. She moved forward with grace that wasn't her's. She reached the window, looking at the lights and such that she could see, she watched the people wondering down on the streets, laughing, loving, talking, joking. Her hand went to the window, as if she could reach out and touch what she used to be. Just days before, before she called this Benjamin person. Just at the sound of his name, something pounded inside of her head, in her chest. She really loved this male.

She could hear footsteps of others. Serenity even smelled there was a lot of other vampires. She even smelled a human that was inside the walls. A female, most likely, but she wasn't sure. All this was new to her. After a while, she turned to Damian, her graceful body leaning towards him. "I'm thirsty." She whispered, though his ears would pick it up, right? She let her eyes glace back to the blood, or maybe it wasn't really there. Maybe she thought it was, but she could still smell it. It made her wonder why none of the other vampires came running at the scent. Maybe they thought she smelled bad. Though a memory popped into her head. She was sitting in a car, and a beautiful male was sitting beside her talking to her about something.

"Your scent is hard to describe. Its like a mix between Vanilla and Chocolate. There's more to it but that's all that I can verbally describe to you."

She came back and smiled. Okay, so she didn't smell bad. She must have smelt good by the way she remembered he looked as he took a deep breath of her scent. A light smile tilted her lips up and she let her body turn towards the window again, her long hair wet from her sweating, and tangled from her flipping around.

When her lips only tilted into a smile after he asked if he was a strange person, he couldn't help but let his eyes wonder over to her. She didn't answer him or even make a short laugh, like 'Ha, I was just kidding.'. And yet she didn't frown and scoot away, like she would if she did believe that he was a strange person. His thoughts said something that was so true, that he almost voiced it to her. 'Don't trust me, don't like me, hate me. It would be the best for you.' The voice said, but something in him raised its head. Saying that it would prove that voice wrong. He would show it that she could trust him, and like him. Possibly love him, and that it too could be the best for her. His heart, or whatever it was in his chest, leapt at the thought of her loving him.

She could hold him close to her, her small body wrapping around his, making him feel completely at ease. He could watch over her as she slept in his arms, her small frame tucked against him nicely. Her breathing light and heart beat faint. But not so faint, just faint enough. Her warm breath playing against his throat or chest, warming his deathly cold skin. He shivered at the thought. She would be soft against his hard body, and her smell would play around him. Oh god, he could have that tonight! She was staying at his house and they would be in the same room. Seeing as he only had a one bedroom apartment. Though the couch pulled out into a double bed. He was going to give her his bed, though he didn't need one, thinking that the couch wouldn't be worthy of her. He couldn't help but smile, perhaps she would lay beside him, nothing funny or anything. Just lay there and let him stroke her arm with care.

He glanced over as she spoke, though he looked back at the road. Even though he didn't need to look at the road, he didn't want her to panic. And he didn't want to make mistakes, he was half blind and didn't want to miss something turn or someone cut him off and him threatening to hurt her. Or worse, which he gulped, kill her. Though her laugh made him relax completely. "It's no problem at all. Really. It will give me time..." To be with you more.. is what he wanted to say. But he didn't feel that he could quite say that, yet. It would come out soon though, and probably tonight. Before, he though love at first sight only happened in movies. But Matik got a real taste of it, and he had a feeling that this wasn't just a bluff. This was something that was going to last, even if for a short time. He would be happy with whatever he got from her. He was going to protect her, with everything he was.

"Time to be away from my apartment. It gets lonely being in there sometimes. Though my brothers are right down the hall." He said, flashing her a smile, though careful not to show anything 'vampirish' to her. Like his fangs. He looked for a parking spot while listening to her tell him about herself. He loved getting to know these little things about her. He also got to listen to her speak for quite an amount of time. So he was completely content with this, not being able to find a spot right away. Normally he would have been a bit ticked at having to drive around, but not now. No, she made him relax, calm himself down. It was quite amazing really, no other person, female or male, has been able to get him so calm. He felt like giving her a reward for that, just for calming the beast within him.

He smiled as she asked him questions, this wasn't a one sided 'I really want to get to know you' was it? No, she seemed rather intent on knowing him too. Which made his chest swell with pride and happiness. "Well, my brothers and I have always been handy. And naturally, we wanted to do something that we were good at. Which happened to be fixing cars. So, together we opened a shop, which people around here seem rather happy about. Because that old man who owns the other car shop, was charging people way to much." Matik explained, braking as someone started to pull out. He waited patiently, not quite wanting to leave the small car that kept her scent everywhere. He smiled at the thought that it would still be there next time he got in the car.

"My brothers and I do get along, when we are in favorable moods. Like every brother, we do get on each others nerves and whatever. But we are extremely close. We are all that we have." He said, parking the car and turning the car off. They were all that he had, the only family he will remember. His other family, he remembered the way they looked that night he was turned. After that, everything was blank. God, that night haunted him every day. Whenever he was alone, it would creep up on him and he hated it. He would go running out his door to Xander's, and thank the lord for that brother. He would sit there with him and distract him, no matter what. He was always there for Matik, and so were the others. If he knew that Xander had a, um, lady friend over, he went to one of the others. And they happily filled in.

"Alright, do you want to get yourself done first? It would be easier that way, the car shop is on the way out." He explained. Though he made no move to open his car door. Not yet.



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iAnnoyed Report | 12/10/2008 7:10 am
iAnnoyed Report | 07/08/2008 11:46 pm
Ello my lovely.
Whatchya up to?


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