
My name is Coral,

My story is still being written
Everyday is an Adventure.
So here is Me.
A mix between Craziness and Randomness And a Tad bit of Serious
My life Is amazing.
My friends and my Family are The people I love.I Make funny faces Often it makes me feel better.
i love Making people laugh its a thing do often.
i find Beauty in Distortion And abstract things
Fakers/Posers/Sluts/and Popular people are not my thing
I Am an outcast.
I like it to stay that way
Theres one thing that every girl loves to do which is shopping!
Label me all you want i don't care
I am me no one can change that

I HATE those stupid little crushes that People have.
I seem to always fall for those guys that i know will never like me as much as i like them so why do i bother
Yeah i like this guy.
im a music addict Moshing and Rocking out FcK Yeah! Its the best when your with Friends.
I love horror Flicks Yeah i scare myself watching them but its fun while it lasts.
I Come up with the most random and craziest s**t ever.
no one ever knows what im going to say ever.
i like causing Havoc, What cant a girl have her fun?
My friends are so much more then just people to hang with when you have nothing to do i love them all so very much sometimes they think i don't really like them But i do They are the ones that i can be with all the time and never get bored.
Ima Story being Writin, Wait until the ending, It'll be a SCREAM