For The Most Part...Olivia

Hardy Har Har, Im Olivia. there are a couple of things you should know about me. I love Flapjack.I am moderately tall. i also have an obsession with the joker, the number 23, and juice boxes.My nails are usually painted rainbow.If i could marry Edgar Allen Poe, i would.i am voting for barack hussain obama. i love to play soccer. i am a japanese fanatic.i always wear t-shirts bandanas and belts and on occasion buttons smile . I shop at hot topic usually, its addicting. i have a thing for weird looking guys and lip rings. im not all that attractive but if you get to know me we could be fast friends. i hate haters. im not a big fan or preps. and if ya wanna know anything more or just wanna chat im usually here do to a lack of friends.