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Wuppa Wuppa Report | 12/18/2010 11:37 pm
Wuppa Wuppa
Some noob clothes then
Wuppa Wuppa Report | 12/18/2010 11:26 pm
Wuppa Wuppa
Wuppa Wuppa Report | 12/18/2010 11:17 pm
Wuppa Wuppa
Why are you naked?
Pysockoras Report | 12/18/2010 6:38 am
ElliotVampire Report | 12/17/2010 12:10 pm
dude ur with her shes always with u sitting on ur car and always there, i no there r som rite bitches that do that to us in this world and ive met alot of them and i knew they would cheat on me as soon as i met them but kayla doesnt seem like that type of girl, shes devoted,loving,caring, yh she can be odd somtimes but we all love a good random question or awnser, all im trna say if trust her and believe in her n things wont end or go wrong, if somthing does go wrong its because u let it, sorry to be harsh but keep her close and if u say lets meet up to her, n she says im doin somthing, ask wad shes doin if she takes a while to reply then u can get worried, just be happy and make her know the guy inside dont hold back.
ElliotVampire Report | 12/17/2010 12:03 pm
yh that does sound a bit odd but ur just have to trust her if u really love her.
ElliotVampire Report | 12/17/2010 11:56 am
wad did u do nice 4 kayla and wad did she say back?
ElliotVampire Report | 12/17/2010 11:53 am
tell, maybe i can help smile
ElliotVampire Report | 12/17/2010 11:52 am
y u sad ??
ElliotVampire Report | 12/17/2010 11:49 am
lol sorry dad >D


  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Skeeter Squasher[137]
  • Cherry Fluff Victor[149]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Ghost Lantern Dim[155]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
  • Kokeshi Doll Reveler[159]
  • Outlaw Pup Blaster[167]
  • Buzz Saw Splitter[170]
  • Predi-prairie Resistant[185]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Two Docks One Lake[226]
  • I Can Almost Touch the Stars[229]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
  • Ranch Hand[250]
  • Ninja Trials[252]
  • The Wailing Windmill[253]


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