
longdaysandpleasantnights's avatar

Birthday: 06/11


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Trying not to get consumed by work and find something of inner peace.


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Lumbee Wolf Lady Report | 06/12/2017 7:38 am
 Lumbee Wolf Lady
tonight or morning?
Lumbee Wolf Lady Report | 06/11/2017 7:10 am
 Lumbee Wolf Lady
Sure just give me a date & time biggrin
Lumbee Wolf Lady Report | 06/08/2017 8:06 am
 Lumbee Wolf Lady
Happy Birthday smile
Lumbee Wolf Lady Report | 06/08/2016 7:26 am
 Lumbee Wolf Lady
Happy B-day smile


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33


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