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my life and other stuff

what the title says


bubbles chcikcen power i am 19 i love to play tennis i love sakura she is the best and i love final fantasy umz just ask me what else u pplz want to know about me and i love anime and mangas and trinity blood is so cool.

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my life and other stuff

what the title says


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Sepharoo Report | 04/12/2009 7:42 pm
HEY!!! Nothing much is really going on here. Just some softball drama and trying to find someone to take me to a dance. GAH! smile
How have you been?? It feels like I never talk to you anymore!...oh wait...I don't!! hahaha! Whats new in your life? Hows work going
for ya?
Sepharoo Report | 10/16/2008 7:02 pm
HHHEEY~!!!!!!! How you been??? Its been so long since I last got on, too bsuy!! 0_o haha! So whats been happening? How are things going with you at work?
cdmorange Report | 10/15/2008 4:27 pm
thanks for the buy!
Sepharoo Report | 06/13/2008 9:23 pm
haha! oh well love is just too complicated I guess. But your specile some one is out there. You just got to be patient in finding it, and movieng too fast is not the best of things...so...watch out with that little man. Last time I had a guy that was like that turned out he was a porn-addict. EEK! haha! but yeah I know you will find some one. I have faith in you!! User Image

Well me...hmmm..nothing much really. I just got back from the worst softball tournament of my life and got a crazy tan line from my uniform. But other then that nothing much....oh oh I did go shoping today and but some of the cutest shirts ever. But I have come to a sad and depresing conclution... Mall prices SUCK!!! :><: Why is every thing just so exspencive!!! GEZZZ! haha! OH OH and I almost forgot I finaly after some long naging and debating with my parents I finaly have convinced them to let me get texting!!!! YEAH!!!...well at lest at the end of the month! haha!

Well thats pretty much it with my news nothing too exciting...Yep!! haha

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Sepharoo Report | 05/25/2008 9:19 pm
GASP!!~!!! OMG!~!! NO WAY!!! Im soo happy for you!!! Now don't leave me hanging!!! DETAILES!!!!!! haha! Oh and nothing much new with me I thought I had one but yeah he lied! oh well! Now tell me your jucie goods!!! User Image
Sepharoo Report | 05/02/2008 10:14 pm
Yeah Im storting to give up. I droped all the hints game him all the signs and still he decides not to ask anyone and then gose off to our rivel schools prom. GAH! I could shoot the kid....sadly though I still have a crush on me....haha! Im just a gluntin for punishment. haha, but its not really the end of the world...he did say we should hang out on prom though...BUT THATS TOTALY STUPID!!!! Well thats fun to be hyper in retail. haha! I would be horibel in a job like that. But ktos for you for doing it! I hope you have fun at work! haha Ill be rooting for you! ttyl! User Image
Sepharoo Report | 04/12/2008 11:06 pm
Hey yea!~

Nothing too new just a few this and thats and trying despretly to find a date for prom!!! :gah: Its so hard to find a decent guy around her. haha!
Sepharoo Report | 11/04/2007 4:29 pm

Im sssooooo sorry! I have not been on in the longest time! I just haven't had anytime at all. I just got a new job and alot of things have been super crazy! haha! So what is new with you. Ever fine out about that secret Admier??? hehe!
Sepharoo Report | 09/19/2007 10:08 pm
haha Yeah! but my date is kidna being a turd! haha oh well got to love the guy. Oh yay for secret admiers!!! Congrats!!! I hope everthing with that gose well! I kind seem to be having a lot of things like that latly. haha! No idea why though. haha! but about half of them are just stalkers and have never meet befor...:s so its kinda scary hahaha! Its all good though! Hmm...Hip hop. Well its still as fun as ever! Still cant figure out how I got into it though. haha! User Image Im just happy I did. We are working on your compation rutien and christmas program so its really exciting. My friend kinda is bugging me in it though. Cuse she is always trying to fix what im doing when in reality she dosent even know what she is talking about. haha!
Sepharoo Report | 09/18/2007 9:33 pm
HEy! Im doing good! Just same old same old! School work, softball, Hip hop, the usual haha.Ooo oo and homecoming is this week end at my school should be fun! haha. User Image How bout you? What have you been up to lately? Any thing fun going on in your life?

