This how i feel about you babe!


hey all you beautiful angels out there, yes i mean all you ladys. im here to show all you ladys how it feels to be in love. i wont to be there to whip away all of your tears, and hold you when you get scared. and when you feel a lone i want to be the one you call on, i want to make you smile, i never want to see you cry. i was way want to see u happy. love always Jake Fang
P.S i want to make all you dreams came true babe.....

Forever Anime Love


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Lord jake-fang

my dog and me

This is my girl little sister! I love her like family maybe one day she will be in my family =]..... so any a s s holes want to hurt her in any way i will hurt you!!!!!!!!

~~~~ Amazing girl<3 ~~~~~~

~~cool new girl i just meet~~