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Bunny_likes_2_play Report | 08/08/2009 11:37 pm
Sweet_Irish_Kitten Report | 08/08/2009 5:37 pm
Happy Birthday, hope life is treating you well.
Hope to talk to you soon.
Sweet_Irish_Kitten Report | 10/31/2008 8:09 pm
Happy Halloween! User Image
Zephyrus- the forsaken Report | 07/31/2008 7:03 am
Zephyrus- the forsaken
Zephyrus- the forsaken Report | 03/27/2008 2:47 pm
Zephyrus- the forsaken
Darkcore studios for life
Sweet_Irish_Kitten Report | 03/23/2008 4:35 pm
Happy Easter! User Image
Sweet_Irish_Kitten Report | 02/14/2008 5:29 pm
Happy Valentine's Day!Have a great valentine's day mon ami! ^^
Sweet_Irish_Kitten Report | 01/28/2008 3:10 pm
Random Comment! Hey leon! User Image It's been awhile, so what's up? Not much here-wondering whatever happened to nina; I think she may have

melted or spontaneously combust, lol jk. User Image So how goes the video productions team? Hopefully good. User Image Well, ttyl mon ami; see you around. User Image
kareen joy Report | 12/31/2007 5:46 pm
kareen joy
Happy New Year!!!User Image
Bunny_likes_2_play Report | 12/25/2007 12:46 am

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The Hakami Legacy
Book 1- The One Called Hakami

Chapter 1- The Beginning

It was a late, stormy night in West City. It's citizens were all asleep in their beds, blissfully unaware of the danger slowly nearing. Only a few miles away, in the Western Forest, a group of vampiric killers were preparing their attack on the city. Their leader, Sypher Blackwillow was shouting orders to his obedient soldiers in military fashion. They worked restlessly under the falling rain anticipating their coming, "meal." Sypher watched in the background smiling a wicked grin which showed two deadly fangs at each corner of his mouth.

The lesser men were just finishing their preparations when he rose his hand into the sky. They all stopped immediately, dropping what they held, and turned to their leader. Sypher opened his mouth, but before a word could be said a deafening shot rang out. Sleeping animals awoke, startled by the thunder like roar. The once empty sky suddenly filled with black crows struggling to escape through the treacherous rain. Sypher stood frozen, looking over his team of monstrous murderers, puzzling the shocking sound.

He couldn't quite tell what the shot had been from, but as far as he could see nothing was amiss. He dropped his hand with a sigh of relief, now back in a state of security. That feeling, however, did not last long, as on of his men dropped to the ground, a stream of blood spilling from his heart. Sypher took to steps back astonished at the sight before him. He pointed angrily toward the forest, and his minions followed the gesture. They each turned and began closely examining the area around them.

A sudden flash of lightning, blinded the area for a split second. Within the solid white light Sypher could hear shrilling cries. When it faded all of his men lay on the ground, dead. He backed away, his entire body shaking. He could see a shadowy figure, with eyes that seemed to glow a peircing green slowly approaching him. Sypher quickly reached for the long sword which hung from his belt, but another flash of lightning interrupted him. The figure vanished in the light, and appeared closer as the lightning faded away.

Sypher nearly fell back out of fear alone. He swiftly turned and ran from the man, yelling a frightened tune. He sprinted as fast as he could until he reached his secret cabin hideaway at the edge of the forest. He darted through the door and slamed it behind himself, making carefully sure he locked it as well. He stood there a moment with his hand on the door, listening to see if he was still being followed, he heard nothing. He pressed his back against the door, and began to catch his breath. He couldn't help but laugh at what had just happened, it was that or lose all sense of sanity.

His laughter was abruptly hushed, though, by the sound of shattering glass on the second floor. He jerked his head to the right where the staircase stood. There he saw his pursuer, in full light now. It was a young man, no more the 18 years of age at the most. He had mid length dirty blond hair, with a long bang which swayed back and forth as he moved, completely hiding his right eye from sight. He had a pair of gentle emerald green eyes, which seemed to glow a little even in the light. He wore a black uniform consisting of nothing more than a black dress shirt, and pants, with a pair of carefully kept black dress shoes.

On each hand he wore a black open finger glove, and around his neck hung a golden necklace, bearing a golden cross, the sight of which made Sypher utterly sick. The last thing Sypher noticed before the man finally reached the bottom of the stairs was the rose which was stitched into the upper right hand corner of his shirt. That was the sign of the legendary mercenary group, "Panther's Rose." Sypher knew them all to well, as they had ruined his plans for attacking the city in the past more times then he could count, but this time was different.

Never in the past had one of there attacks been this merciless. This man was obviously different from the others, and he meant business. The man pointed his trusty .45 magnum pistol at Sypher, and took two more steps forward before finally coming to a rest.

"Sypher Blackwillow, my name is Seira Hitimo Hakami," The man said. "Under the command of Panther's Rose leader Morphias Takall, and the Cheif of the West City Police, I am here to take you under arrest. Do you comply?"

"Yeah right..!" Sypher replied smugly.

"Please, do not make me use force. The last thing I want is a fight..." Seira pleaded.

Sypher couldn't believe his ears, this guy had just wiped out his entire group without a single hesitation. Why was he so against fighting all of a sudden? Either way Sypher wasn't about to just give himself up. He unsheathed his sword, and aimed it blade first at Seira's neck.

"Don't screw with me Panther! I saw what you did out there! Well, you're not gonna do it to me!" Sypher shouted.

Seira stared at him confused. "What do you mean out there, I just arrived here."

Sypher nearly choked on his own breath. This guy was acting like he was totally oblivious to the event that had happened only a few moments ago. This entire ordeal was beginning to confuse him. He dropped his sword a moment and began to think. There was one thing that could help prove Seira's word. It was raining violently outside, but Seira was completely dry. But, those eyes, they were the same peircing green as he had seen in the darkness of the forest, even if they did look a little gentler in the light. He refused to believe Seira's word.

"Don't you play dumb with me Panther!" He yelled, picking his sword back up. "I'll kill you for what you've done!"

Sypher thrust his sword forward, but Seira side stepped out of the way. Sypher ran right by Seira, where he was pistol wiped in the back of the neck. He fell to the floor, and slid across the old oak paneling. Seira aimed his magnum at Sypher's back with a sigh.

"I asked you not to make me do this." Seira said.

"Shut up!" Sypher yelled, jumping to his feet. He quickly kicked Seira's gun out of the way, and swung his sword. Seira ducked under the gleaming blade, and launched a swift punch. Sypher dodged the strike, and the long barrage after it. After the fifteenth punch Seira jumped back, to put distance between him and Sypher. Sypher, however, was not about to give Seira any kind of advantage. He charged Seira with a monster like roar, swinging his weapon with devastating force.

Left with no other choice, Seira was thrown into the defensive. He deflected Sypher's attacks using the barrel of his magnum as a shield. The sound of the clashing metals rang out through the cabin, and echoed though the dark corridors. Sypher managed to weaken Seira's arm, and knocked the gun from his hand on only the sixth strike. He smiled a sinister grin and continued his onslaught. Seira bent backward, dodging the next strike, but he also managed to put himself in a vulnerable position.

"Time to die!!!" Sypher shouted, lifting his sword above his head. Seira had only a split second to think. Hurriedly, he dropped down onto his back and lifted his feet. At the same time Sypher swung his sword down onto Seira's body. The blade hit Seira's hard dress shoe bottoms just in time, lodging itself in his souls. Seira then rolled backward pulling Sypher's sword from his hand. He sighed as he pulled the sword from his shoes and stood back up.

"Are you done yet..?" He said quietly.

"Not even close!" Sypher replied holding out his hand. Suddenly, the blade began to pull away from Seira. Surprised, he let go of the hilt, and the sword was guided back into Sypher's hand. Seira looked at him impressed. Hmm... That's an interesting trick - He thought to himself.

"What's wrong, are you afraid?" Sypher said with a chuckle.

"No, not really." Seira replied.

"Well, you should be!" Sypher shouted charging Seira yet again. He swung the sword as powerfully as he could, but Seira easily evaded the attack. The two men turned to face each other again, but this time Seira was ready. He booted Sypher in the stomach before he could make another attack, throwing him back into the nearest wall. Sypher growled angrily.

"Why won't you die!!!" He yelled furiously.

Seira did not answer. He was to concerned with his gun, which he had just spotted though his peripherals. He quickly ran for it, and Sypher followed behind. Seira noticed him gaining, and dove forward. He reached his gun just as Sypher pulled back his sword. He promptly bounced back up and aimed his gun toward Sypher. Sypher stopped, stunned at Seira's sudden show of speed.

"Sypher enough..." Seira said trying to catch his breath. "I suggest you stand down... NOW!"

"What, do you honestly think that gun frightens me." Sypher laughed.

"No, but that won't stop my bullet." Seira replied...

Sypher's laughter turned into a long drawn out growl. "Gah, you idiot!!" He yelled as he began to charge Seira again.

"Very well then..." Seira sighed. "Rest well..."

Seira pulled the trigger just as Sypher made his first step. The small silver bullet was launched though the air, planting itself neat in Syphers chest. Sypher fell back, a look of wild surprise spread across his face.

"H-How..." he whispered as the last of his life faded, and he hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Please, forgive me..." Seira said pulling his gun back to rest on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and let out a long out sigh.

His moment of rest was cut short by the sound of his radio. He let it beep a few times before he finally unhooked it from his belt. He holstered his gun, then lifted the radio from it's compartment. He raised it to his ear slowly, and pressing the button on the side with a small click.

"This is Seira..." He said.

"Hot dog, man I thought we'd never get a hold of you." Replied the man on the other side. it was the Panther's Rose Operator, Seira recognized his voice, and his annoying habit of shouting into the receiver.

"Don't yell..." Seira said pulling the radio from his ear.

"Oh, my bad man. So, how are things going over on your end." The Operator continued.

"Mission complete... one casualty..." Seira said softly.

"I see... Well, that means we'll be seeing you at home soon then right?" The Operator said trying to get Seira's mind on better things.

Seira glanced over at the window at the far end of the room and shuddered.

"No, I don't think so..." He said shakily.

"Well, why not?" The Operator asked.

"The storm above my area hasn't cleared up yet... and it doesn't show any signs of stopping any time soon..." Seira said, trying to calm his shaking.

"So..." The Operator retorted.

"So... you all know how I feel about being in storms..." Seira said in an almost frustrated tone. "Look just come pick me up later, Seira out."

He let out another sigh, and tossed the radio to the side. He then stretched felling exhaustion kick in and looked for a place to rest. He found a couch by a fire place in the next room, where he sat down. He let out a yawn and before he knew it he was drifting off to sleep.

He was shaken awake by an unknown force, what seemed hours later. He was shocked to find himself no longer in the cabin. Instead he was in an old beaten down room, on a hard torn bed. He was stunned when he fully realized were he was.

"I... I'm... Th-This... This is... my old room..." He said to himself. He stood up from the bed slowly and began to look around. He noticed and old pine bookshelf in the corner, the only other piece of furniture in the room. It was given to him by his mother, just as his necklace was. He used to hold his most favorite books in it, and it was always kept very clean. It nearly drove him to tears to see it in such a bad condition now. He slid his fingers across it gently, remebering his mother.

Unfortunately his memories were broken by the sound of yelling in the next room. He shot a look at the door, and quickly reached for his gun, but it wasn't there. It had vanished, holster and all. He had no idea what was going on, but he knew he had to investigate that yelling. He slowly moved to the door, and reached for the old knob. He turned it slowly and opened it with a creek, just enough to see out.

He was amazed at what he saw. It was his father, and his twin brother Vincent. What was even more amazing was, standing before them crying was himself, as a young boy. It took him a moment, but he recognized this. It had happened to him as a child. He knew what was going to happen, and didn't want to watch, but couldn't help but to look on. He stayed, and watched as the events of the past unfolded before him.

"I-I'm sorry Father." The younger Seira sobbed, moving closer to his father.

Vincent stepped in front of the Father, pulling back his leg, kicking Seira in the stomach as hard as he could. Older Seira watched on horrified, tears forming in his eyes.

"How dare you get that close to Father?!" He shouted.

"I-I just..." Seira said, but Vincent cut him off, stomping on his back once and holding it there.

"Just what?!" Vincent yelled twisting his foot on his brothers back.

"Just wanted a little hug from father!" Seira cried out in pain.

"A hug?!" Vincent said in surprise, lifting his foot from Seira's back. "You really are stupid aren't you?!"

"Wh-what..." Seira cried.

"How ignorant you can be. Don't you understand?! Your weak, Father only wants respectable children, you're nothing to him!" Vincent yelled, doing his best to make it painfully clear to Seira.

"He doesn't want you, and quite frankly I wouldn't question why... now leave!" Vincent said pointing to the door.

"L-Leave..?" Seira sniffed, confused.

"You heard me, you don't belong here, get out!!" Vincent answered harshly.

"B-But it's raining... I don't like the rain..." Seira said trying to wipe the tears from his face.

Their father let out a sigh and rose his finger to the door. Vincent nodded, and grabbed Young Seira by the back of his shirt. He was dragged across the lobby kicking and yelling. Vincent stopped in front of the door and looked down at his weeping brother.

"Get it through your little head, brother. You're no longer wanted here." He said quietly, as he opened the front door. He then threw Seira out, and slammed the door behind him. Seira fell forward into a large puddle of mud.
He sat up, covered in filth, ans began to cry again. Old Seira watched in pain from the little cracked window in his room.

He couldn't help but cry himself. It was something he hadn't done in years, but after reliving this experience, he couldn't help it. He dropped to his knees, and just cried.

A few moments later he found himself awake on the couch in a cabin. It all had been a dream, but felt so real in his heart. His face was stained with tears, and he was shaking all over. He wiped his face, angry at himself for letting his emotions get the best of him and stood up.

It was still raining, and he dared not leave the cabin. He walked back into the room with the staircase and looked around. He was shocked to see Sypher's body had vanished. He knelt by the pool of blood his enemy had left, and puzzled the sight before him. Just then a bang shot out from an upstairs room.

Seira jumped up, pulling forth his gun. Sypher you fool... - He thought to himself as he moved quietly to the steps. He moved up the hard wooden boards without so much as a creak. At the top he found himself in a long dark hallway. Doors painted the walls, but one caught Seira's attention. A single door at the very end of the hall which was painted gold.

It was the only door different from the others, more over it was the only one open. He cautiously moved forward aiming his gun at the opening across from him. Them, without warning something hit him in the back of the neck. He dropped to the floor losing grip of his gun. He felt as if all his energy had suddenly been drained, and he couldn't move.

The last thing he remembered was the sound of sadistic laughter, then darkness...


Lord-Leonn's avatar

Darkcore Studios "The Matrix Rebirth Trailer"


What's to say about me? I'm 18 years of age, Latino, and live in a small town in New Jersey. I write a lot, short stories, novels and mangas are just some of those thing. I also make my own make shift video games, RPG's and FPS's. They're not the greatest games, but hey I'm learning. I also make movies as well. In fact I run my own amature production group, called DarkCoreStudios. We make many video, and are just beginning our first "Full length feature." Well that's all I can really think about myself for now, maybe I'll remember some more stuff latter. To close this out here's a picture of me.

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Final Fantasy 7


Welcome to the Blackmark... I mean my general store... Please hurry and buy what you want. I can't have to many people growing to fond of my... little establishment... And remember you ain't never got any of this stuff from me...


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Who I am

The Matrix

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You are Tank, from "The Matrix." Loyal till the end, you spare no expense in ensuring the well-being of others.

Resident Evil

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Wow! Don't you look handsome! hee hee. Your very mysterious but charming and caring. In other words, your every gurls dream boi. When you say you'll do something, you keep your word.

Devil May Cry

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It is obvious that you are Dante. The youngest son of Sparda, you have too much fun and are very unpredictable but that isn't a bad thing... it's just that you might have a tendancy to accidentally kill someone.

The Hakami Legacy (Gaia Version)

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Forever Winter Knights
Episode One: Fallen Angel
Brenton Bravick
Age unknown, looks to be about 23 years of age

Brenton is a young looking man with mid-length, spiky blond hair. (His hair style is similar to Loz, from Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children.) His eyes are a deep hazel and a small patch of hair rests at the tip of his chin. He has dark, tan skin spread across a strong figure, one that shows he keeps care of his body. Not ripped, but at the same time, not to skinny.

Brenton has one noticeable uniform in the entire first episode. He wears a half zippered, black leather jacket with the collar popped up. A thin white T-shirt rests underneath. On his head he wears a pair of bikers’ goggles, which he never actually places over his eye. Further below he wears a pair of black leather pants, and black combat boots. His jacket also holds a short coat tail which hangs down past his butt, similar to that of a very short trench coats tail.

Brenton carries with him at all times a high caliber, one hundred round, carbine rifle similar to the P-90 assault rifle, but chrome in color. He is normally seen with it slung on his back.

Short Bio: (So you can know the character a lil better.)
Brenton is an elite devil, working under the rule of the Demon King Amon. He can be very greedy, and at times get very violent. Brenton completely defines the phrase trigger happy. He is one of the first main antagonists in the story, working side by side with his Partner Aiko. They both wish to make a pet of the Main character Inoue, son of the Lord of Guardians. In doing so, Brenton and Aiko would both be granted second highest status in the demon realm.

Project H; Aiko
Age unknown, she looks to be around the age of 19

Aiko has mid-length dirty blond hair which covers both ears, and a long bang completely blocking out her left eye. Her eyes themselves are a misleading, gentle emerald green. She has light pale skin spread along a tall, sleek body.

Aiko wears a pair of goggle like, dark tinted black sunglasses, which often hide her only visible eye. Below she wears a red leather coat, completely zippered, with a black “Z” design along the torso. Even further down, she wears a pair of red leather pants, and black combat boots.

Aiko tends to carry an exact replica of the legendary Blade of Damnation. A long silver bladed katana, with beautify decorated white sheath with golden tips. The design of a dragon with emerald eyes climbs the hilt, its tail making the hand guard.
(Though the blade is powerful, it lacks the mighty power of the ancients, and the energy of the legendary Seira Hakami, the only man ever to unleash the true powers of Damnation. This being said, Aikos’ version is just a battle ready replica and nothing more.)

She also carries with her two 9mm berretta pistols, weapons she is surprisingly skilled with, though she holds no record of training with them.

Short Bio:
Aiko is one of the demon elites, partnered with Brenton. Though, she isn’t actually a demon. She was cloned from the legendary Guardian of Neo-Earth, Seira Hakami. Shortly after, she was transported to Anaria, her experiment being read a complete failure. Now she wishes to rise in the ranks of the demon world, so she may be granted access back into Neo-Earth where she may exact her revenge.

Diamond Nighthawk
Age unknown, looks to be in his 30’s

Diamond is an older looking man with dark brown, mid-length hair, parted and banged at the end of both eyes. (His style holds similar to that of Leon S Kennedy from the game Resident evil 2, not 4. He has lightly tanned skin spread over a decent build.

Diamond has one noticeable uniform for the entire first episode. He wears a set of heavy armor. (Armor similar to that of Siegfried’s armor from the game, Soul Calibur four,) with a few altercations. Diamond’s armor is a sapphire blue, and it does not have the wing like pieces attached to the shoulder guards. Also, he wears a cape bearing the crest of the guardians. (A long sword crossed by two lightning bolts, topped with a halo in gold design.) The cape itself is black.

Diamond moves about with his beloved Machine Blade. The Machine Blade is a hybrid weapon, similar to the Gun Blade of Final Fantasy 8. However, the Machine Blade has two major differences. First off, instead of being a simple long sword, the Machine Blades main sword portion is a customized Buster Blade fitted with a long, high caliber rail gun. The blade is a dark onyx, while the gun is chrome.

Short Bio:
Diamond is the commander of the Guardians, and a very strong, strict man on the battle field. However, despite his looks, on the inside Diamond is no more than a child at heart. He enjoys spending his free time playing with toys, video games, and playing pranks. At first glance one could hardly believe he is even a guardian let alone their commander.
Diamond is best friends with Inoue, and to that mark will do anything to protect him. Both have even considered each other brothers.

The greatest song in the universe!

Kusuburu Heart ni Hi wo Tsukero!!
(Light a Fire in Your Smouldering Heart!!)

Kageyama Hironobu


Dare da! Tobikkiri no raibaru wa
Doko da? Majirikke nashi no yuushatachi
Seisei doudou say say do

Sou da hai tenshon de butsukare
Atsui adorenarin ga spark suru
Seisei doudou I say do it

Go for it
Go for it

Koko wa uchuu to iu na no stadium
Hoshi no mattadanaka de oretachi
Mirai eigou here we go

Happa kaketa nara kanousei
Toppa shite yukun da ze genkai
Mirai eigou yeah, I will go

I'm gonna fight
Hoshii takara wa
I'm gonna fight
Kono ude de kachitoru
I'm gonna make it
Kabe wo norikoete
Risuku wo hikiukete
Habataku no sa

Nemureru yuusha yo mezamero
Kusuburu heart ni hi wo tsukero
Abareru yume ga bakuretsu shita nara
Mou tomaranai

Oide hikkonderu muteppou
Ima da matta nashi no chansu da ze
Tenshin ranman say "yeah" to a man

Moshimo tobitai to negau nara
Takaku janpu shite kara hane tsukure
Tenshin ranman you are a brave man

You can fight
Hoshii mirai wo
You can fight
Tsukuru no wa jibun da ze
You can make it
Yaru to kimeta toki
Kiseki no kaze ga fuku
Tomo yo, yukou

Yuuki ga kokoro de moeta nara
Tsubasa ga nakutemo toberun da
Shibireru yume ga koko kara hajimaru
Mou tomaranai

Dare da! Tobikkiri no raibaru wa
Doko da? Majirikke nashi no yuushatachi
Kitto omoikkiri toberu ze

I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna make it

Nemureru yuusha yo mezamero
Kusuburu heart ni hi wo tsukero
Abareru yume ga bakuretsu shita nara
Mou tomaranai

Yuuki ga kokoro de moeta nara
Tsubasa ga nakutemo toberun da
Shibireru yume ga koko kara hajimaru
Mou tomaranai


Who is my biggest rival?
Where are the purest heroes?
Fair and square, say say do

Yeah, clash with high tension
The hot adrenalin makes sparks
Fair and squre, I say do it

Go for it
Go for it

This is the stadium called the universe
We're right in the middle of the stars
For eternity, here we go

With a blast, you've got possibilities
Break through the limits
For eternity, yeah, I will go

I'm gonna fight
I'll grab the treasure I want
I'm gonna fight
With my own hands
I'm gonna make it
I'll climb the walls
Take the risk
And spread my wings

Wake up, sleeping heroes
Light a fire in your smouldering hearts
Once your wild dream has exploded
There's no stopping you now

Come on, be reckless
Now's your chance - it's now or never
Innocence, say "yeah" to a man

If you wish you could fly
Then jump high and make your wings
Innocence, you are a brave man

You can fight
You're the only one
You can fight
Who can build the future you want
You can make it
When you've decided to do it
A miraculous wind will blow
My friend, let's go

When your heart's burning with courage
You can fly without wings
Your electrifying dream starts here
There's no stopping you now

Who is my biggest rival?
Where are the purest heroes?
I know I can fly with all my heart

I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna fight
I'm gonna make it

Wake up, sleeping heroes
Light a fire in your smouldering hearts
Once your wild dream has exploded
There's no stopping you now

When your heart's burning with courage
You can fly without wings
Your electrifying dream starts here
There's no stopping you now
Retrieved from "!!"


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This'll be the place for all my stories, and mangas.

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Ironheart script

IronHeart (Original Movie Script)

Blake Ironheart
Blake's Brother (Justin Ironheart)
Blake's Sister (Marie Ironheart)
Luis Hernandez
Luis's Right Hand (Crystal Milestone)
Luis Left Hand (Maverick McCave)
The Lieutenant/Mysterious Aid (Lilly Blackwillow)
The General (Morgan Mercury)
The Commander/Mysterious Man (Morrison Goldman)
The Detective (Johnson Lionheart)
Officer 1 (Steve)
Officer 2 (Mike)
Cid Cathe
Young Girl (May)
Thug 1 (Bruce)
Thug 2 (Mark)
Several clips of wars play while the narrator speaks the text that moves up the screen.


My name is Blake Ironheart... I am a soldier... and this is my story...

The clips fade out and begin the actual movie.

Scene 1: Returning home.
The opens up in an old train station. The camera slowly pans until character Blake Ironheart can fully be seen walking forward. He stops at the end of the stations waiting area and takes a deep breath.

Blake Ironheart:
Home sweet home.

Blake walks off camera. The camera switches to an old rural area where Blake is walking down the street. He crosses the street walking toward the camera. He turns just before walking off camera and continues down the street. The camera switches to a main street where you see Blake walking across a large street. He turns the corner at the end of the street and continues home. The camera switches again just as Blake turns another corner and walks toward and past the camera.

The camera switches a little farther where you see Blake cross one last street, turn the corner and walk up a long stair case. He enters the his house and drops his bags on the side. He then walks up the small stairs and heads toward the living room.

Blake Ironheart:
Hello, anyone home? Mom, dad? Justin, Marie, anyone?

Blake looks around a few more seconds than shrugs.
Blake Ironheart:
Huh, that's weird... I thought someone would be home. Oh well... I wounder if there's any food in the house. (walks to kitchen.)

Camera fades out. The Camera opens back up in an old beat down ally way. Two men are standing in front of each other speaking. One of the men is hidden in the shadows. The other man is Character Luis Hernandez.

Luis Hernandez:
So, is everything going according to plan?

Mysterious Man:
They are sir.

Luis Hernandez:
Good, good. This pathetic little city will soon learn my true power... and then this country will follow. (Laughs evilly.)

The camera fades out.

Scene 2: Unpleasant news.
The scene opens up in Blake's bedroom. You see him put away the rest of his clothing. He shuts his closet door, and turns to the living room. He opens the door and stops shocked. The camera switches to what he sees revealing characters, Justin Ironheart, and Marie Ironheart.

Justin Ironheart:
Blake?! (Reacts shocked)

Blake Ironheart:
Marie, Justine, you're home!

Blake walks to Marie and hugs her. Marie hugs back almost like she's confused. Blake then turns to Justine and holds his hand out for a hand shake.

Blake Ironheart:
I've been waiting all day for you guys to get home... (waits for his handshake, Justin just watches the hand blankly) ...well, what's wrong? Can't give you're own brother a hardy handshake?

Justin Ironheart:
(snaps back into reality) What..? Oh yeah, of course. (Gives a fake smile and shakes Blake's hand.

Blake Ironheart:
So, how's everything been? I haven't seen you guys in a while.

Justin Ironheart:
(Takes a long pause) ... F-Fine...

Marie Ironheart:
Yeah... fine... Just fine! (Storms out of the room)

Blake Ironheart:
What's wrong with her..?

Justin walks toward the stares quietly.

Blake Ironheart:
Justin..? What's going on man..?

Justin sighs and begins to walk up the stairs.

Blake Ironheart:
Justin! (Justin stops) What's the matter with you, answer me!

Justin Ironheart:
Look, Mom and Dad are dead!

Blake Ironheart:
(Takes to steps back shocked) Wh-what..?

Marie Ironheart:
(Re-enters the room) You heard him Blake... They're dead...

Blake Ironheart:
But, I don't understand... How did this happen?!

Justin Ironheart:
They don't really know fully how it happened... They assumed it was some sort of car accident...

Blake Ironheart:
No way... That's impossible... Dad's driving is perfect... He's never been in an accident...

Justin Ironheart:
That's what I said...

Blake Ironheart:
When did this happen..?

Marie Ironheart:
We were told about it the day after you left...

Blake Ironheart:
Why wasn't I informed about this?!

Justin Ironheart:
You couldn't be found... They tried to contact you several times, but apparently you were moving to much for them to find you...

Blake Ironheart:
That's crap! My squad hadn't moved once since I was there, they could have easily gotten a hold of me, unless...

Marie Ironheart:
Unless what?

Blake Ironheart:
Unless, somebody didn't want me to know.

Justin Ironheart:
Are you crazy! Why wouldn't they let you know?!

Blake Ironheart:
Exactly... why wouldn't they, none of this makes sense, and you know that! Not exactly knowing how they died..? Not informing me... and how exactly do you "assume" a car accident anyway?!

Justin Ironheart:
Look, Blake, I'm just telling you what they told me!

Blake Ironheart:
Well, there's something wrong here, and I swear I'm gonna find out what!

Blake attempts to storm out of the room, but he is stopped by Marie.

Marie Ironheart:
Blake just stop it! They're gone, face it, you can't do anything to help this, you're just angry..! Just stay out of it!

Blake Ironheart:
NO, I won't just stay out of it, and I can't believe you are!! You should have looked into this the second you heard about it!

Justin Ironheart:

Blake Ironheart:
Shut up!! You guys refused to figur this out, but I won't!

Blake pushes through Marie, and leaves the house. Justin runs after him.

Justin Ironheart:
Blake! (Is stopped by Marie)

Marie Ironheart:
Just leave him Justin...

Justin Ironheart:
(sighs) I don't like how this is going Mar...

Marie Ironheart:
Hmm... (Walks away)

The camera fades out.




Troy meet Seira, Seira meet Troy ^_^
uhm... guys..?

That's me! B-But I'm me...

No, you're not me, I'm me!

Okay, so who's next?