
Ronin grinned merrily to himself. His grin elongated into a fully fledge smile as metallic eyes laced their way across the girls horrified façade. He rather enjoyed the moment of pure terror before death.
He cooed to her softly as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled the shrieking woman against him. A firm hand would reach up to lightly caress along her cheek and run through her hair, the smile never leaving his lips.
He could feel it. Feel the pulsating blood beneath her skin, flowing effervescently through her veins. Indeed were his heart still a vital organ, the sound of her screams would have set it racing in his hallow chest. It was like ecstasy. Pure elation. He had to fight to keep his eyes focused on her panicked hues. Her once sultry rich brown eyes were now round with realized fear.
He chuckled to himself as he shushed her, and gently kissed her neck. His hand moved from her hair to stifle her screams. Her chest heaved with ire as she struggled to free herself from the prison of his arms. He kissed her neck again, seeking the veins that would so willingly spill it’s crimson gold to his waiting mouth.
His lips parted as he allowed for his fangs to graze along the flesh of her neck. Her could feel her heart beat beneath the skin, pumping the flow of the lifeblood within her.
He kissed her neck more roughly now.
His eyes slid closed as he finally lowered his jaws to tighten. His fangs pierced her flesh like knife through butter. The warm, metallic tang of blood flowed into his lips, embracing his tongue. That first taste was all that was needed before he gave in, sucking, devouring.
His strangle hold of her neck with his fangs was enough to kill her screams as he removed his hand to entangle his fingers in her golden tresses. The woman’s mouth gaped open as she tried to loose her shrieks and calls for help, but nothing came out. Her lips opened and closed like a fish out of water, only a few soft whimpers could escape, exciting her passionate executioner even further.
Finally a low moan of lustful bliss escaped his mouth as he felt her life slipping into his. Felt his body become stronger again. Indeed while he did enjoy the strange courtships and couplings of humans, he found a far greater pleasure in the taking of life and blood. This human had served him well, both physically and his hunger.
After all, that’s al these creatures were. Live stock. Merely alive to sustain and entertain him. They were not strong, or intelligent really…nor were they very aware of the world around them in his eyes. There was no difference between humans, and cattle and sheep to him.
And like every ‘human’, Ronin had developed a taste for certain ‘meats’. His personal favorites were that of young women. Occasionally he would indulge himself in a young girl, but he found them to be even more annoying and dumb then usual humans. Their voices hurt his sensitive ears, and that wasn’t even from the screams, but just how they talked. No, he preferred his victims to be the ripe age of 20 to 27 usually. Sometimes there was a 19 year old, or a 30 year old. To him, blood was like wine. Humans reached a certain amount of years were the blood would be perfectly aged to his liking.
Ronin also preferred for his victims to be, pure. Innocent. Untouched by any other. However, in this day and age finding such a perfect combination was beyond rare to say the least. Virtue among youth was something thrown away. However, when Ronin did find and untouched virgin of the proper age, he usually allowed for them to live a few days before taking and devouring them. It was the best entertainment. The best uniting. And the best meal he could ever dream of.
The woman gave a final twitch as he drained her of her lifeblood, and let her hollow body drop to the flood, a massive gash like wound left in her neck. He didn’t need to worry about leaving DNA. He’s been dead for 499 years; he didn’t exist in this world. He was already dead. He had no DNA.
Ronin stood panting slightly, hovering over the body as he wiped the blood from his lips onto the back of his wrist, his fangs still glistening.
He gave the lifeless corpse a single polite, debonair nod. “M’Lady.”
And with that, he turned, and disappeared into the night, leaving the woman’s remains beneath the small stone bridge that stretched across the small Moore. Under the bridge that they had danced by moonlight as the evening mists set in.
As he walked beneath the ghostly moon, the silver light dancing across his raven black hair and pale silver-blue tinted skin, he sang softly to himself. A light hop to his footstep. He placed a hand casually into his pocket as he lit a cigarette and brought it to his lips. His ice blue metallic eyes held a brighter twinkle in them now that he had fed.
He would rest well this oncoming dawn.
Yes…he would rest, Very well in deed.




Basically... It's just a bunch of RP Profiles.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kleine Krahe

Report | 11/25/2011 5:36 pm

Kleine Krahe

Hope to hear from you soon and that you and Naked are doing well.
Imriel Disgaea

Report | 07/30/2011 9:07 pm

Imriel Disgaea

I miss you lovie. crying
Siin Adonai

Report | 06/02/2010 3:11 am

Siin Adonai

Nice avatar you got there. Interesting description if I do say so myself. *Eyebrow perks up followed by a smirk.*

Report | 01/02/2010 8:47 pm


That is very true, Crazy Cross.


How was your new years overall?

Report | 01/01/2010 4:29 am


My new years is/was going well~ ^___^ I'm about to go sleep off my drunkeness~

Thank god for spell check on firefox, haha.

Report | 12/31/2009 9:53 pm


xD; Comin g online when I'm slightly intocixated.

I had to type my poassword about 10 times.. =(

Happy New year, crazy man!

Report | 12/31/2009 5:49 pm


I'm waiting for the time (8:30 or so) So I can commence taking Jello shots. Haha.

I'm going to be drinking New Years away~ So I'm quite happy. I barely drink, so I'm a lightweight. >:

Yay. I like calling people weird names, Silly man. (:

Report | 12/31/2009 5:46 pm


That works in both yours and my defense. (:

Good to know, though. Haha.

How are you silly man?

Report | 12/31/2009 5:37 pm


lol! See? I'm a bad judge of character.

Ketchup Bottle

Report | 12/31/2009 5:34 pm

Ketchup Bottle

Exactly! whee


†.:Silver Moonlight:.†
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Current RP Character: Gabriel Parker