
Lord_Corellon_Larethian's avatar

Location: Arvandor

Occupation: God of Elves

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Hello. I am quite pleased you came to visit me. My name is Corellon Larethian, and I am the god of all elves. I’m also known as the Protector, First of the Seldarine, and the Preserver of Life.

Most of my days are spent watching and protecting the elven and half-elven race. I also run about taking care of various tasks concerning my people, mostly through my avatars when it is imperative that I physically be there for them. I really am quite a busy god, but that does not mean I will not give my council, nor will I decline suggestion.

My allies are numerous and include many dwarven, gnome, and human gods, as well as most of my elven children, some other righteously inclined races, and even bards.

Unfortunately, with allies comes a few enemies. The two greatest I feel I should warn you about. They are Gruumsh One-Eye and Llothe. Gruumsh is the first god of the orcs, the story of his last name coming from when I slashed his eye out in a battle with me. He and all his people have sworn vengeance on me and my kind. We are at a tenuous, almost unspoken treaty at this point.

Llothe is a bit of a complex story. Long ago, she too was a member of a Seldarine, an elven fate goddess. Though she betrayed me and was named tanar’ri, later known as Llothe, the evil goddess of the drow and Spider Queen.

I hope you enjoy seeing my profile. Feel free to comment or add me to your friends, including if you are one of my followers, elven children, or just an elf enthusiast!

Depeche Mode - World Full of Nothing

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Thellanir Report | 12/31/2009 4:03 pm
Hail to our high god!
Thellanir Report | 10/22/2009 8:50 pm
*Pays homage to the great god of elves*
Ghaunadaur Report | 09/18/2008 11:38 pm
Draevir Report | 08/01/2008 4:30 pm
UnderGaia is having yet another Gods of UnderGaia contest. User Image
Kiaransalee The Vengeful Report | 07/03/2008 5:41 pm
Kiaransalee The Vengeful
*Cackles* Well hello Corellon.
Lord_Corellon_Larethian Report | 04/12/2008 6:13 pm
D: .......... Rally the troops! Drow will not take over!
Araiia Report | 02/27/2008 4:38 pm
Tamuril the Dark Elf Report | 02/19/2008 7:23 am
Tamuril the Dark Elf
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Thellanir Report | 02/12/2008 4:31 am
Great lord, what will we do when the evil drows come to kill us?
Thellanir Report | 01/31/2008 4:46 am
Praise and glory to our fair lord Corellon Larethian!


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