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Vhearun is narcissistic, arrogant, and has a sarcastic wit. These however, are not all he is. He can be happy and jovial one minute and seductive and cruel the next. His moods flip from one extreme to the other, with no in-betweens.

It is hard to make him lose his cool, but once this has been accomplished he shows no mercy and can be quite imaginative in his punishments. He has a way of finding every weakness a person has and exploiting them. He enjoys using people, and no one, not even his followers, is safe from this.

Vhearun keeps the nicer and softer parts of himself well hidden, although his mission to free his people and see them with the same chances every surface dweller has points to it. He has a talent of manipulating people into forgetting he's evil, making them assume they are his friends, and then betraying them suddenly and swiftly. When he finally removes his own mask, then he will know his people are truly free.

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Dream Avatars
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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/23/2009 11:09 am


Why aren't you wearing a mask, Masked Lord???
Dead Goddess 2

Report | 10/18/2009 12:35 am

Dead Goddess 2

I am willing to begin a discussion with you (without attempting to destroy you utterly). UnderGaia has relegated us to unimportance. In this rare instance, I believe cooperation may be in order for the purpose of taking back our place at the forefront. I do not propose to do it inside UnderGaia, but to simply let Gaia at large know, WE are the drow pantheon. twisted In this pursuit, I have started a guild for my followers to commune with me (Lolth's Demonweb Pits). I suggest you do the same. If you need help with this, I may be able to dispatch some assistance. It's in my interest to see you succeed at least in the short term, as it improves my position so you can be assured I won't betray you for the time being and will hold to any cooperative agreements. In the interest of promoting relations with the other gods I allow all other drow pantheon gods to join my guild for negotiations and other formal purposes (such as begging for my mercy, etc.).

Report | 07/04/2009 1:01 pm


Oh, sorry, I think I turned them off when the "***" crud was going on.

Report | 07/08/2008 10:45 pm


UnderGaia is having a gods of UnderGaia contest in the UnderGaia Games Forum.

Report | 06/18/2008 8:09 pm


The mask is supposed to cover the nose and below. Not the eyes.

Report | 01/30/2008 6:50 am


lord Vhaeraun

(on my knees)

i am your worshiper.

i will bring all my servis to you, my lord.

Report | 11/20/2007 6:02 am


Thankyou Masked Lord, I have added Zekojlocar to the growing list of avis on my page.

Report | 11/09/2007 5:34 pm


I hope that the Lord Vhaerun is not displeased that I've added the deity to my page.

Report | 11/02/2007 11:39 am


Hello Sir Vhearun! It has been a while since I have gone on this... weird... net... thing... How have you been? I see you have been on someones bad side recently...

@__@ Things have been ok. Could be better, but things haven't gotten worse. @.@ I've gotten a bit of a sore throat, though. Been coughing all week! I'm hoping it's just another passing cold...

Well, that's all the time I have to spare for now! Please keep in touch!!

... And Youko says hi... and that she wants to try drow alcohol... Please tell her no? >.>; Please?

... And she says she'll be getting her own account soon (THANK GOODNESS!!! -- I mean...)

Have a good day!


Report | 08/12/2007 10:22 pm


I've revamped the UnderGaia intro post. Please let me know if you'd like me to update your listing and such. Thanks!


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