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pimpinelcome to your Utopia. A home where you can be the one you want to be, make friends, make relationships, and have fun. A home to all kinds: demonic, vampiric, angelic, human, or whatever else may be out there. Here is a place of love and discovery. Everyone here can clash and mingle to their hearts content without much worry, break from their little clans and races, and be more than they ever possibly thought.

pimpinƁut, be warned. There are dangers and darkness rooted deep under this utopia. Dangers are rampant and present at each corner or bend. It is a bit misleading to call this place a ‘utopia’, but this place truly is the ‘ideal community’. Thus, one should proceed at one’s own expense and caution.

pimpinӇave fun and welcome to: Lost Utopia (home of everything: dark and light)

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pimpinϒou have just ventured into the realm dubbed the ‘Lost Utopia’. By definition, a utopia is an ideal community or society possessing a perfect soci-politio-legal system (brought to you by Wikipedia), and yet, this place is kind of anything but that. There really isn’t a political system here that anyone has to follow, though there are people in charge that must be obeyed. The society is diverse and mixed of all races and species. Most of what is allowed isn’t always legal, though it is fun and exciting. This Utopia is full of light, darkness, and grey areas. Everything mixes here.

pimpinÅs said before, danger and darkness are rooted deep within this Utopia not only in the ground, but also within the hearts and souls of ever inhabitant. No one is incapable of greed or murder. Everyone is capable of kindness and evilness. Within this Utopia, you will be able to explore both and see what it is you truly are. You’ll get to interact with others of your race in places sanctioned only for certain types of creature. Examples are: Underworld and Nirvana. Underworld is for those who are openly evil and demonic. They live in a place where evil is ruler and good sits on the back burner. Nirvana is for the good souls and creatures. Goodness is the golden rule and evilness is frowned upon.

pimpinƬhere are other places to explore as well if you are in the grey area between light and darkness. Humans are the most rampant in these areas, but they aren’t alone. Also, keep in mind that evil and light clash in this grey area and thus, the areas are dubbed as neutral. Such places are Sanctuary, a mock Earth, and the Facilities. Both of these places cater to the needs and wants of its inhabitants that don’t choose to descend into the Underworld or ascend to Nirvana. These are places where people, where creatures accept both their kindness and evilness and yet don’t let either rule them.

pimpinʘf course, there are other places that are open for your creativity and exploration. Such places are the Academy and the Asylum. For those souls who want to better themselves through education are welcome to request a transfer into the Academy, home to all things educational and academic. There are dorms where students can live and lots of things that students can do like go to class or relax with friends. The Academy is an open for all and neutral location here in Utopia, but only goes from 9th grade all the way to undergraduate college. On the flip side, there is the Asylum, home to the crazies. Those who were placed in the Asylum are never allowed out of it for any reason, so choose wisely if you wish to be placed here. The rules are a little lax, but no patient is left alone for long. The Asylum accepts all crazies be they a demon or a human, but all are treated fairly.

pimpinƝow, if you enjoyed this little summary of the Lost Utopia, then please join and begin your adventures and exploration inside today. To do that, just simply fill out the ‘How to Join’ below and wait to be accepted.


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