
[~Lov~]'s avatar

Last Login: 10/24/2008 1:27 pm

Registered: 06/19/2005

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pimpin' it.

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Fave Recipe Of The Year



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I am.

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Not to mention I am very:
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Alright. I turned 20 in november incase you can't see when I was born it was November 10th.
My real name is Cory, I hate my name beyond all reasons you'd understand.
I am what most people refer to as white, sure, my complexion is white and I look it everywhere but my eyes and nose.
I have in my blood a rather deep mix of fine bloods, some call my family mutts but if that were the case then the queen of england herself is a mutt. I am a Savell, my heritage from the poncelet and savell family runs deep through the history of wars with the blood of alexander the great and even a touch of egyptian lingers within me.
I look white almost year round, I gain only a tan under my cloths and though I wish I wasn't so pale such will never be the case.
People have often and on a constant basis told me I am beautiful, pretty, and/or cute.
I still have yet to understand why they would say such things, I myself dislike the way I look, enjoy who I AM and despise the small quarrels over my obsessive compulsions to correct people's mistakes.
Most see me as a pompus b***h or a belligerant fool, yet I hold respect, admiration, fear, desire and attention of all the people who have come in contact with me wether it be online or irl.
I have nothing you can suck if you dont' like it, though you could always eat a mud pie.



View All Comments

ni merga 1234 Report | 12/29/2007 12:50 pm
Your avi is really cool. ^_^

Awesome profile as well.
Rooj Report | 05/08/2007 11:50 pm
You're just simply awesome.
Gldn Report | 04/12/2007 10:14 pm
Hm... I wonder if she'll ever get this... Oh well, Hey there!
~Redrum_Mary~ Report | 04/07/2007 2:11 am
I murdered a goat because that's how I roll, lol.
`Juden Report | 03/11/2007 4:11 pm

Hey there! :3
Amanda Star Report | 03/08/2007 3:54 am
wow nice profile im jealous =P
dark shadow falcon Report | 02/11/2007 11:16 am
funny pics
PPTthethief Report | 01/21/2007 8:50 pm
I love your media!! H.I.M. is one of my favorite bands.
[Pleasurable+Nightmares] Report | 01/21/2007 1:12 am
Sadly, it's a shitty world we live in.
We're surrounded rapists, murders, child molesters, and so much worse but that's what humans do. We are disgusting creatures, but we won't change. Never have and never will.
I do understand where you are coming from though and how you feel. If you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me sometime. I'm always here to listen. <3

I totally agree with you on that. Many parents now a days lack the power to tell their child "No" and "Shut the ******** up". heh Honestly, that's why we have so many assholes in the world. If their parents had just took care of them and actually paid attention when they were younger, maybe they would have turned out a bit differently.
Nothing that can be done though. All I can do is take care of my children the best way I know how and hope they don't turn into just another shmuck in a business suit.

But yes, praise to the happy moments friend.
Heres to them never ending. <33
Scarlette Teacup Report | 01/18/2007 8:11 pm
OMG!!!!!!!! this like the first time ever that i see Hyper Police on Gaia. so crazy.o_O


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that's what I want
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What type of Fae are you?


Month of birth:......................................Day of birth:

January--I kicked..................................1-------a birdbath
February--I loved..................................2-------a monster
March--I smoked...................................3-------a phone
April--I humped.....................................4-------a fork
May--I choked on..................................5-------a Mexican
June--I murdered .................................6-------a gangster
July--I did the Macarena with .................7-------my cell phone
August--I had lunch with ........................8-------my dog
September--I danced with .....................9-------my best fr iends' boyfriend
October--I sang to ................................10-------my neighbor
November--I yelled at ...........................11-------my science teacher
December--I ran over ...........................12-------a banana
............................................................13--a fireman .............14--a stuffed animal
............................................................15--a goat ..................16--a pickle
............................................................17--your mom ............18--a spoon
............................................................19--myself .................20--a baseball bat
............................................................21--a ninja .................22--Chuck Norris
............................................................23--a noodle ..............24--a squirrel
............................................................25--a football player ...26--my sister
............................................................27--my brother ...........28--an ipod
............................................................29--a permanent marker
............................................................30--a llama .................31--A homeless guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:

White--because I'm cool like that! .....................Black--because that's how I roll.
Pink--because I'm NOT a homosexual................Red--because the voices told me to.
Blue--because I'm sexy and I do what I want ....Green--because I hate myself.
Purple--because I'm cool. ................................Gray--because I was drunk
Yellow--because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars.
Orange--because I hate my family. ...................Brown--because I was high.
Other--because I'm a ninja. ..............................None--because I cant control myself!

I'll miss everyone that ever leaves my side.

Don't make me hurt you you NOOB.

Yes, I am bi.

Stop staring and
touch already

My Ex owner. wasn't he just gropetastic?

My aunt Kathrine Block's
(my fave)
Sticky Buns

1c of vanilla ice cream
1c of dark brown sugar
1 stick of butter

2 loaves of frozen bread dough
in the morning unthaw bread
in the evening roll
out thawed bread dough
separately using rolling pin spread
with butter cinnamon and brown
sugar. sprinkle w/
roll up and slice into individual
rolls and place in
baking pan

combine on medium
heat the ice cream, brown sugar, and
stick of butter
bring to a boil then remove from
heat and pour over cinnamon rolls
cover w/saran wrap and refrigerate
in the morning take
pan out remove saran wrap
and bake in oven @ 350
until done. about 25-30 minutes.

#13 Dune leone #14 `juden #15 Luke valentine #16 Don royale fortune #17 Grope #18 Jashu555 Girls on the list #1 Quetie #2 godess 181

list #1 milo #2 Joel #3 Sean #4 pleasurable nitemares (damien) #5 no nuts #6 Mr Expencive #7 01Auron10 #8 Uraxah #9 Duke023 #10 Ramcio #11 Seabook Arno #12 the delightful deviant