This is who I am.

Okay, so. My name is Haley if you couldn't have guessed by my username. :3 I am thirteen(I know, young) and I'm completely out of my mind. Or, that's what people tell me. I like to think that I am just fine.

I L-O-V-E shounen-ai/yaoi/slash. It makes my girly parts smile. Tre Cool is my hero, and I love Green Day. Not to mention Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance. :3 LOVE THEM. All of them. Oh! Three Days Grace, also.

I like to write. I write ALL the time. And roleplay too. SO, if you ever want to do a yaoi roleplay PM me!

The pictures around my profile are of my friends and myself. :] I love those people, all of them.