Lovely Sailor Sirius

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Birthday: 07/18


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Name: Alliyena Bellatola

Age: 18

Weight: 110 lbs.

Height: 5'2"

Birth Date: July 19

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: grey

General Body Description: Petite

Place of Origin (where do you come from?): Sirius

Personality: Alliyena is a rather cheerful and bright person. There isn't much that can upset her. She enjoys making people smile. She can also be brash, and on a rare occassion, short-tempered. She is bold and outgoing, usually making friends easily. She hates being under estimated and can be a little masochistic.

Phobia: Not being strong enough

Favorite Food: Anything that's sweet

Favorite Color: Pink, but she has so many other ones, too.

Other Favorites: Making people happy, helping out however she can, seeing people smile

Dislikes: Rude people, her mother, smothering, dependence, being underestimated

Strengths: Agility, flexibility,

Weaknesses (Physical): Allergies.She's allergic to chocolate, grapes/raisins, and garlic or onion in high levels. Minute amounts of any of these ((one piece)) is not particularly toxic, but has a slightly adverse affect on her. She also does not have much physical strength.

Weaknesses (Element): Darkness

Senshi/Knight Title: Sailor Sirius

Element of Influence: Light

Planet/Star (Origin): Sirius

Henshin Item: Sirius Star Pendant

Transformation Phrase: Sirius Star Power, MAKE-UP!!

Transformation (what does it look like?): Alliyena kisses her pendant and winks with a heart coming off of her eye. She becomes a translucent light blue in front a space background. Stars and nebula clouds swirl around her make her skirt and top. Dust falls to make her collar. She slips her hands and feet into four stars, which become her shoes and fingerless gloves. She lifts up her hair, which falls around her shoulders as she bends over, making contact with a star using her forehead and throat. These shape into her choker and tiara. She stands up again and raises one hand, catching a star which becomes the pendant/brooch on her fuku when she places it. A light eminates from it, returning her to a non-translucent state. She closes her eyes and silver dust becomes eyeshadow for her, and pink dust dances across her mouth to be become her lipstick. She spins around and strikes a pose in front of the night sky, and thus Sailor Sirius is ready for battle!

Fuku/Outfit: Black collar, neckband, fingerless gloves, strapless bra, miniskirt, and heels. Her tiara is silver with an onyx center jewel, the surrounding jewels are black crystal.

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Looks (does he/she look physically different when he/she transforms?): (Doesn't change)

Attacks :

(Offensive) Starstrike, Sirius A : a bright, hot pink glow shows up at the tips of Alliyena's index and middle fingers. It can be focused as a laser and is useful for short and long range attacks.

(Defensive, mainly)Starfield, Sirius B : A globe of stars completely surrounds Alliyena. It is impenatrable. It can be shaped into armor at her will, or expand and explode in a massive attack, draining Alliyena of her energy.

Weapon : She has a black sword that she uses when she isn't in her senshi form.

Guardian : Rhemus(godfather) - Maeran

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GS Sailor Amphitrite Report | 05/04/2014 9:41 am
GS Sailor Amphitrite
I miss RPing with you...seems like you not active anymore. crying heart much love girl.
Saint Terra Report | 07/28/2012 6:02 pm
Saint Terra
Keeping his eyes out for the water taxi, but listening to what Alliyena asked, Charlie replied, "Just as long as you don't look too close to the water," then facing his Sirian girlfriend grinning to hide his chuckling smile.
Saint Terra Report | 06/22/2012 6:17 am
Saint Terra
"Tassì, tassì," Charlie shouted, waving down a water taxi since they were in Venice. What better way to travel the waterways of Venice than in a speeding boat?
Sorcerer Eriol Report | 06/17/2012 2:35 pm
Sorcerer Eriol
3nodding Yes, Seijin Terra.
Saint Terra Report | 06/13/2012 3:12 pm
Saint Terra
The content vibration from Alliyena's moan made Charlie feel good inside, and just had to break the kiss again to say, "And you'll always be my Alliyena," warmly looking into his woman's eyes. Trailing off the subject for a moment, the young man said, "Why don't we catch that taxi, and get to our destination," grinning mischievously.
Saint Terra Report | 06/13/2012 2:45 pm
Saint Terra
Charlie had responded with a sudden kiss on Alliyena's lips, and made it last a few moments longer than hers while embracing the fragile being in his arms. Breaking their passion for a moment, the young man said, "I may have done that, but I have my own ways as well. James probably rubbed off on me, but doesn't have my charm. We each have our own techniques, but doesn't mean we can't learn from the other," smirking, and pulling Alliyena close to him again, raising her head with his pointer finger and thumb. Then looking into his girlfriend's eyes, Charlie closed his again, and kissed Alliyena much deeper this time.
Saint Terra Report | 06/13/2012 2:16 pm
Saint Terra
"But I'm not him. We may friends, but we're not the same person," the Italian boy told the pink haired girl. "I'm a confident person, with a bit of an attitude. I may be wary of strangers, but I'm outgoing, Alliyena," describing himself to the Sirian woman. "And lastly, I'm reserved to those I'm close with," speaking softly to Ms. Bellatola.
Saint Terra Report | 06/13/2012 2:03 pm
Saint Terra
"Then since that's the case, I'll hail us a taxi, and we can play in the backseat until we reach my bed," Charlie teased in returned, but weaved a grace into his tone. "Unless I'm to whisk you back by hot air balloon," playfully running a finger under his Sirian girlfriend's chin.
Saint Terra Report | 06/13/2012 1:55 pm
Saint Terra
"Where ever, you say? Would you care to take this to the back of a bistro? Then befuddle the people in the kitchen," making eye contact with Alliyena, giving her a sly look.
Saint Terra Report | 06/13/2012 7:55 am
Saint Terra
"Do I want to be busy," catching the hint of Alliyena's comment. "If we're going to be having any sense of busy, we best not do that in public unless you're feeling the need to get into 'trouble', Pinky," air quoting trouble, looking at his Sirian girlfriend, showing that he had been amused.



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