What about me?

I am a whore. Who only wants to be a hooker when I am older. I was only on gaia for a guy. I am very STUPID and probably hated by people. v.v **coughcough** Well, I have a real life boyfriend, and I guess I probably like him. **BLEHBLEHBLEH**

Oh yeah, right. By the way. I am banned from the internet, so I deleted everything. Go ahead and take me off of your friendslist, I don't care, it doesn't matter to me.

I'm also reTARDED. So, yeah. As I typed up there, take me off of your friendslist, and if I make another account, DO NOT ADD ME. Again, I was banned from the internet. I may be tempted to sneak online, so help me by not adding me.

Thank you for your time, and your boring-enough life to read this.