
Loveyoursacrifice's avatar

Birthday: 04/13


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My real name is Ashley and I live in washington. I will post stories in my journals and you are free to comment. I love anime and manga! My bigest topic is boys though! lol! I love drawing, painting, writing (stories, poems, and songs), singing, and dancing. I am all about the arts! I have blond hair, blue eyes, and a skiny build. I might post pictures. I am a spaz with or without sugar! lol! I love romace even though I may not act like it. Oh and I LOVE TWILIGHT! I have read all the books and I will read the books from Edward's point of view when they come out! So ya that's pretty much me! If you have any quetions feel free to ask!


Ok I L-O-V-E Ouran High Scohool Host Club!

Club Members
President: Tamaki Suoh
Vice-President: Kyoya Ohtori
Mitsukuni "Hunny" Haninozuka
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka
Hikaru Hitachiin
Kaoru Hitachiin

First Name: Tamaki
Last Name: Suoh
Japanese Way: Suou Tamaki
Birthday: April 8
Sign: Aries
Height: 6 feet
Blood Type: A
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grade: Second Year, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
Position: Host Club King (President); Dad
Nationality: Half-French/Half-Japanese
Favorite Subjects: English, French, World History (also fond of Japanese History)
Favorite Foods: Common folk ramen (recently), especially pork flaver; common folk sweets (recently), especially Baby Star
*An emotional, narcissistic man who cries easily. Loves historical plays and anime dripping with human emotions.
*He appears quite glib with the girls, but he really means what he says. To him, all girls are pretty, and he's at his most self-important when he's charming them giddy.

Tamaki Suoh Tamaki Suoh is a second-year student at Ouran High School, who established the Host Club when he first entered the private school. He is the self-proclaimed "king" of the club aka president. He is also the school board chairman's son, and takes second-place for mid-terms in his year every time. He is an only child and part of a highly influential family that has plenty of money. Though he is wealthy, he is not careless with money. He is also half-French and half-Japanese.
Tamaki was originally raised in France by his mother before he moved alone to Japan in his teens. He can never see his mother again - a condition his grandmother made when she offered to give the financial support Tamaki's mother needed in order to recover from her illness. So Tamaki arrived in Japan when he was fourteen, making the decision of his own free will so his mother could stay healthy. He lives in Suoh Mansion #2 as his grandmother does not see him fit enough to stay at the main mansion. Though his situation is depressing, Tamaki overcomes everything. He holds no grudge against anyone. He doesn't curse his circumstances. He has an overwhelming power. He accepts everything that happens and transforms it with his own energy.
Tamaki is also very emotional and has an enormous, sensitive ego. He gets depressed "funks" when he or his ego is hurt. He also likes to experiment with new things - in other words, things of the commonfolk. He often means well, particularly with things concerning Haruhi, but sometimes his good intentions blow up in his face. He is very much a drama queen, or king in this matter, and likes things to be grand and extravagant, especially when it comes to the Host Club. He can tear up at will, though his tears are usually genuine, except he does overreact a lot. He is easily upset when it comes to certain things, though he does have a very optimistic mind.
Though he may appear to be overdoing it when flirting and complimenting the clients, Tamaki means what he says in the most sincerest of ways. All girls are pretty to him. He can be particularly sharp in certain situations, coming up with plans to help students in need, but he is also dense most of the time. He is the last one to realize Haruhi is a girl, and the only reason he found out was because he picked up her student ID. He especially stumbles over ways of the commonfolk, trying to understand Haruhi's world, but not that successfully.
However, Tamaki's popularity with the girls makes him the Number One draw for customers. He has a 70% request rate. He is the only one in the club that can play the piano very elegantly, and has a hyper and playful dog named Antoinette. He also has a cute stuffed bear from childhood named Beary. His closest friend is Kyoya, though sometimes the vice-president won't admit it.
Ever since Haruhi became a part of the club, Tamaki pays special attention to her. He is at first fascinated by the ways of commonfolk, but comes to genuinely care for Haruhi, though he still doesn't quite understand her or her world. He does, however, really try with her. He likes (loves?) Haruhi very much, and would love for her to be more feminine. Haruhi, however, really couldn't care less either way.


First Name: Takashi
Last Name: Morinozuka
Nickname: Mori
Japanese Way: Morinozuka "Mori" Takashi
Birthday: May 5
Sign: Taurus
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Blood Type: O
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grade: Third Year, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
Favorite Subjects: Geography, Japanese History
Favorite Foods: Oriental (like fermented natto soybeans)
*- Strong, yet kind. Picture a Siberian husky... he's just like one.

Mori Morinozuka Takashi Morinozuka is a third-year student at Ouran High School, who everyone calls "Mori". He is very quiet and sober, and rarely speaks or smiles. As the National Kendo Champion, he is physically very strong. He often picks Haruhi up like a bag of flour over his shoulder. He is almost like the tall, dark, and handsome type, though he doesn't speak often. He is in the Kendo Club, and only joined the Host Club because Hunny did.
Mori usually takes orders quite literally. He helps whenever anyone asks or needs it. Though he rarely talks, he is very kind and thoughtful of others. He especially worries and cares about Hunny a lot. He gets very depressed when Hunny is mad at him, and usually takes the blame on himself when Hunny is hurt. In times like those, he can be very pessimistic. They have a blood bond as cousins, and he has followed the tradition of the Morinozuka family serving the Haninozuka family, though marriage already blended the family two generations ago.
Mori, however, isn't an only child. He has a younger brother, Satoshi, who looks up to him.


First Names: Hikaru (older), Kaoru (younger)
Last Name: Hitachiin
Birthday: June 9
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Blood Type: B
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grades: First Years, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
*- One word for their personalities is "dry." Very avid about things they are interested in but quite apathetic toward things they are not.
*- Unlike Tamaki, they are wholly calculating in their customer relations. They think women are easy. Still, they're just kids, so they sometimes do unexpected things. (i.e. In "Hunny's Bun-bun," they were "pretending to be scared," but in the end, they were genuinely upset.)
*- They're not really partial to spicy foods, so much as being contrary by eating whatever's "so fiery that nobody else dares try it." They do love maple syrup, though. Perhaps not the most ideal dining companions.

Hitachiin Twins Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin are first-year students at Ouran High School. They are twins who have a very close, personal brotherly relationship. They used to think the world was filled with idiots until only a few years ago. Their world is very small, and it is only recently, when Tamaki recruited them into the club, that their world has expanded even just a little bit.
The twins have a certain technique when it comes to their clients. They play off on their extremely deep relationship as the customers love the forbidden thought of incest between them. They are very calculating in whatever they do since they think women are easy, the exact opposite of Tamaki. They do love to tease and flirt with the girls though. If something's interesting to them, they will go along with it, but once they're bored, they discard it.
People usually couldn't tell them apart until Haruhi came into the picture. She can easily distinguish between the two of them, bypassing their usual tricks, which no one has ever done before. Thanks partly to her, their world of "us" and "them" has been invaded. They love to tease and touch Haruhi because it (sometimes) gets her flustered and it also breaks Tamaki out of his funks and gets him jealous. Somehow, they're always grabbing, hugging, or getting close to Haruhi. They also love to dress her up as a girl.
The twins are particularly mischievous and trouble-making since they love to be daring and have fun whenever possible. They have a type of cool and laid-back, but insolent attitude. But despite their joking manner, they can get serious. Seriousness, however, only usually happens when they're alone and they can talk things out. They also get genuinely upset when somethings happens to the other twin.
They are good at fashion, and cutting and styling hair. They're always changing their hair styles. One day, it's slicked, another day it can be spiky. They also part their hair differently, which is how you can tell them apart. From a reader's POV, Hikaru parts his hair to the right, while Kaoru parts his hair to the left. They take after their mother in both the looks and personality department. She is a fashion designer and president of her own brand. Their father is an executive for a software development company, and he married into the Hitachiin family. They have no siblings aside from each other, which is another explanation for their very small world.


First Name: Hikaru
Last Name: Hitachiin
Japanese Way: Hitachiin Hikaru
Birthday: June 9
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Blood Type: B
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grade: First Year, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
Favorite Subjects: Math, Physics, Chemistry
Favorite Foods: Italian, anything super spicy
*- One word for their personalities is "dry." Very avid about things they are interested in but quite apathetic toward things they are not.
*- Unlike Tamaki, they are wholly calculating in their customer relations. They think women are easy. Still, they're just kids, so they sometimes do unexpected things. (i.e. In "Hunny's Bun-bun," they were "pretending to be scared," but in the end, they were genuinely upset.)
*- They're not really partial to spicy foods, so much as being contrary by eating whatever's "so fiery that nobody else dares try it." They do love maple syrup, though. Perhaps not the most ideal dining companions.

Hikaru Hitachiin Hikaru Hitachiin is a first-year student at Ouran High School, and the older of the Hitachiin twins. He is usually the one that leads his brother into the different kinds of trouble-making they come up with. His words and actions a bit more evil than his brother's. He is loud and particulary crazy about schemes and mischief. He also doesn't care if he's being rude or obnoxious, especially if he thinks he's in the right.
Though he may act tough and uncaring, his one weakness is his brother. He cares for him deeply, and if he's hurt, he gets upset easily, though he won't show it to anyone but Kaoru. He is also particularly fond of Haruhi, since he and Kaoru have accepted her into their little world. However, he can't accept that Haruhi has had a life and friends before her time at Ouran. He gets extremely annoyed when Haruhi talks to an old friend, both jealous and not understanding why she needs other friends besides them. He gets angrier a lot easier than his brother. Kaoru usually tones him down just a bit.
Hikaru doesn't have many people that matter to him. He is codependent on Kaoru, and tends to shut out everyone else. He is especially immature and acts out his feelings without restraint. He only knows how to throw his feelings around rather than expressing them calmly, so he looks like a possessive kid. He doesn't know how to go about showing his genuine feelings. Hikaru still has to learn the basics of personal interaction.


First Name: Kaoru
Last Name: Hitachiin
Japanese Way: Hitachiin Kaoru
Birthday: June 9
Sign: Gemini
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Blood Type: B
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grade: First Year, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
Favorite Subjects: English, Modern Literature
Favorite Foods: Italian, anything super spicy
*- One word for their personalities is "dry." Very avid about things they are interested in but quite apathetic toward things they are not.
*- Unlike Tamaki, they are wholly calculating in their customer relations. They think women are easy. Still, they're just kids, so they sometimes do unexpected things. (i.e. In "Hunny's Bun-bun," they were "pretending to be scared," but in the end, they were genuinely upset.)
*- They're not really partial to spicy foods, so much as being contrary by eating whatever's "so fiery that nobody else dares try it." They do love maple syrup, though. Perhaps not the most ideal dining companions.

Kaoru Hitachiin Kaoru Hitachiin is a first-year student at Ouran High School, and the younger of the Hitachiin twins. Though he loves mischief and chaos as much as his brother, he is calm and relatively normal when he's alone. He is usually the one that follows Hikaru's lead. However, Kaoru seems to have a lot more tact when concerning others' feelings and what they say (i.e. the Arai situation in V5). He has better control over his emotions.
Kaoru is also the one that can calm Hikaru down when he's annoyed or angry. He is somewhat more toned down behavior-wise than his brother. He is more mature, since he is aware of both his and Hikaru's character flaws (he is usually the first one to realize them). He cares deeply about Hikaru, and wants to help him grow up.


First Name: Kyoya
Last Name: Ohtori
Japanese Way: Ootori Kyoya
Birthday: November 22
Sign: Scorpio**
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Blood Type: AB
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grade: Second Year, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
Position: Host Club Vice President; Mom
Favorite Subjects: English, German, Physics
Favorite Foods: Anything spicy
*- He is calculating but not greedy. He likes to move things forward according to careful planning, collecting profits along the way.
*- His fashion sense is not "intellectual" at all.

Kyoya Ohtori Kyoya Ohtori is a second-year student at Ouran High School, who was recruited to the Host Club when Tamaki established it. He is the club's vice-president, in charge of data - things like the request list and finances. He can be seen as the club's "Shadow King" behind Tamaki, since he takes charge of things from the background. He seems to be aware of all the coming and goings of anything concerning the Host Club (customers, events, etc). He maintains order when things get too out of hand, which is particularly useful since things get rowdy a lot. He also knows how to gain a profit out of everything.
Kyoya comes from a highly influential and powerful family, whose reach is "long and wide". He is the youngest of three siblings - he has one older sister and two older brothers. He has a close relationship to his sister, Fuyumi, who is now married and lives away from the family. His father is extremely strict and expects only the very best from his youngest son. As the third son, it is unlikely that Kyoya will be named heir to the family business. However, from Kyoya's secret smile in V6C25, it seems that he is working towards that goal one step at a time. (After the Host Club's success in the race for the Central Salon, his father said that if he has the talent, he wouldn't mind naming his third son the heir.)
Kyoya has a distinct money sense with a "devil's" smile. He is always calm and cool, and doesn't upset easily (or at all, it seems). However, just don't wake him up early in the morning. Kyoya is not a person to be disturbed during sleep.
Despite what he says, he's good friends with Tamaki.


First Name: Haruhi
Last Name: Fujioka
Japanese Way: Fujioka Haruhi
Birthday: February 4
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5 feet
Blood Type: O
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Elementary: Izumino Elementary School
Grade: First Year, Class A
Status: Common lineage
*Scholarship student
*Female posing as a male
Favorite Subjects: English, History
Favorite Cooking Style: Boiling up whatever's handy
Favorite Foods: Sushi, ramen, strawberries; has yet to eat great fatty tuna
*Owes the Host Club $80,000 for breaking an expensive vase
*Waived if she draws 100 customers
*After the Ayanokoji incident, Tamaki raises the quota to 1000 customers
*After the Christmas Party incident, Kyoya cuts the debt by a third
*After the Shiro Takaoji incident, Kyoya adds another $1000 to her debt
*Not very materialistic. For example, she really wants a laptop but doesn't lose any sleep over it. She hopes to win a raffle at the marketplace or something like that.
*It's not that her fashion sense is poor, but she will throw on whatever's at hand, no matter how crummy it looks.

Haruhi Fujioka Haruhi Fujioka is an exceptional scholarship student at Ouran High School. She has a dream she wants to fulfill by going there. However, one day when she accidentally breaks an $80,000 dollar vase, she has to pay back the Host Club. At first, the members believe she's a boy, so she works as the host club's dog before actually becoming a host herself. When all the members figure out she's a girl, she continues to work in disguise to pay off her debt.
Haruhi doesn't appreciate the preceived differences between the sexes, so she is very casual about working as a host. She is naïve and oblivious about certain things. However, she is bluntly honest and usually says what's on her mind. If it can be taken as an insult, that usually isn't what she means because she commonly speaks without malice. She also doesn't care much about looks. When she first met the Host Club, she was a bit distracted by the six gorgeous guys. Now that she's used to them and their eccentricities, it doesn't seem to phase her anymore. She has learned to go with the flow of the club. Her natural charisma makes her a big hit with the clients with her innocent yet honest remarks.
Haruhi comes from a somewhat average lifestyle, which is considered poor compared to Ouran standards. She is very practical about spending and thinks of ways to save money. Being a single child, it is just her and her father in their small apartment. Her mother was a brilliant lawyer and died ten years prior. Her father doesn't handle money so well, but he works at a male bar and cross-dresses. She has had to grow up rather fast, often left alone at home, while taking care of household chores and such. She is good at cooking. She is also a very independent person.
Haruhi is very smart and works hard at her studies. The Ouran Scholarship has high standards - she has to get the top score in her year for mid-terms in order to keep from being expelled. She doesn't like artificial, fancy places , but enjoys natural settings. She is also afraid of thunder.


First Name: Mitsukuni
Last Name: Haninozuka
Nickname: Hunny
Japanese Way: Haninozuka "Honey" Mitsukuni
Birthday: February 29
Sign: Pisces
Height: 4 feet 9 inches
Blood Type: AB
School: Ouran High School (Private Institution)
Grade: Third Year, Class A
Status: Wealthy lineage
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Foods: Cake, strawberries; unexpected cravings for spicy things
Habitual Phrase:* "Neeeeeeee" and putting "--ne" at the end of a sentence. Sometimes says "--kane" like a middle-aged man. (In Japanese, Hunny ends sentences with the equivalent of "Isn't it?" or "Right?")
*- His niche is "cute in almost an illegal way." But when you look closely, you can't really tell if he's cute, weird, natural or calculated.

Hunny Haninozuka Mitsukuni Haninozuka is a third-year student at Ouran High School, though you probably wouldn't know it at first glance. He is also the oldest member of the Host Club. He is extremely cute, but despite his size, don't be deceived. He is the National Middle School Champion in karate and judo. He is physically very strong, at least when angry. He knows how to defend himself and his friends.
Though "Mitsukuni" is his given name, everyone calls him "Hunny". He also loves to call others by nicknames (i.e. Haruhi=Haru, Tamaki=Tama, etc). In the manga, flowers surround whatever Hunny says. Hunny is usually never seen without his stuffed rabbit, Bun-Bun. Somewhat ironically, Hunny doesn't like carrots. He is, however, extremely partial to cake and any other types of sweets.
Hunny is easily upset when he loses things or gets scared. He also tears up pretty easily when upset. He also hates to be mean to others, but he likes to take naps and give hugs. It's rumored that if woken up during a nap, he gets put in a really foul mood. He's also in a bad mood if he goes without sweets for a long period of time.
When upset, he runs to Mori, who is actually his cousin. They share a very close relationship. Hunny is the only one to call Mori by his first name, "Takashi".
Hunny's cute appearance and ways attract many clients, so he is particularly aware of cutsy things. He knew Haruhi was a girl the moment he met her.
Hunny isn't an only child. He has a younger brother named Yasuchika in the junior high division of Ouran.


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Death Angel next in line

This is going to be my first story and it's name is "Death Angel next in line" ya I know, it's a long title! lol!


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FluffingOreo Report | 04/13/2009 10:11 am
Hey girl! Happy birthday biggrin
Bird Hime Report | 04/12/2009 8:41 am
Bird Hime
Your Birthday is after today! biggrin D -goes out to buy you a present-
LolliLuvU Report | 04/02/2009 2:25 pm
Thanks for adding me!!! :3
FluffingOreo Report | 03/31/2009 1:02 pm
Heyz! Thanks for the add biggrin Anywho, what's up with you? :p
VanessaVandalismx Report | 03/31/2009 10:33 am
Aw thanks! (:
VanessaVandalismx Report | 03/31/2009 10:16 am
Hey! How are you?

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For my heart has been stolen and then crushed, I live among the dead!