LRGG1's avatar

Registered: 06/07/2005

Gender: Female

Location: New York City

Birthday: 08/07


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Call me Kat. Or Ayashe.

Please, no random friend requests.
I really don't need those.

104 free avatar art given:
7 received.

[commissions are closed.]

I will be away for a few more weeks, and I still don't have photoshop.
Eventually, I'll start up another shop and be open for cert commissions and the like.


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это все для тебе, дорогой.



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Aevey Report | 11/17/2008 6:50 pm
I still want to be a spiritual counsellor, though I doubt it'll be a field I'll go into for a while. I feel I don't have enough experience yet. =D As far as how to go into it/who will hire you, you either need to attend a seminary, or otherwise procure a license from an authorized, legal religious institution. There ARE ones out there that are focused solely on the metaphysical, too, so it's not too bad. Then, you pretty much go into your own business. The only way I can see you getting hired by someone else, would be a large church, if you worked within their denomination. Hope that helped at least a little! Shoot me a PM sometime if you want more info or have more questions.
Mewsings of An Angel Report | 10/27/2008 6:10 pm

It was a good song, you don't see a lot of music like that anymore.
Mewsings of An Angel Report | 10/27/2008 6:04 pm
You're kidding me!

P.O.D rocks!

Youth of the Nation is my favorite though.
UkieeChick Report | 10/24/2008 10:05 pm
indeed User Image
UkieeChick Report | 10/12/2008 4:59 pm
yay! thanks :3

i love goggles too >w<

i'm doing well in everything else too

i have like A's & high B's, i do so many extra credits and i always do my work/h/w, participate

sooo yeah

just math/anatomy kill me

UkieeChick Report | 10/12/2008 4:53 pm
omg math is horrible for me xD
UkieeChick Report | 10/12/2008 4:41 pm
i got my first report card like a week ago

the only classes that suck majorly for me are math and anatomy DX
UkieeChick Report | 10/12/2008 4:35 pm
i'm scared to waste my moneyzz i have like 13k left and i don't wanna waste it @.@

i'm not doing so good in school right now....x.X
UkieeChick Report | 10/12/2008 4:31 pm
btw i didn't mean to write A S S like that xD

gaia did it for meh lolzzz
UkieeChick Report | 10/12/2008 4:29 pm
dood your avie right now

especialy kicks a** User Image


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