about me

well lets see....ii'm 15 & my name iis Sarah but ii liike to spell iit wiith out the 'h' so pwees spell iit liike that iif uu ever diisiide to call me by me name. ii am iin hiigh school & ii'm goiing iinto gr. 10! & hopefully iit wiill be a year of beiing stoned & partyiing. x3 iif uu really get to know me ii am a very shy person & don't really talk a lot to ppl ii don't know. & my nerves really get iin the way of the thiings ii really wanna do iin liife. unless one of my bffl's are there then ii talk, but other than that uu may thiink ii'm iinviisable. tee hee, when ii date someone ii kiinda get obsesiive & cliingy. : but ii can't help iit, ii'm just a very attached person. uu can say iits from my past experences.... but ii quess ii was just raiised that way. & when ii lOve uu ii lOve uu. ii don't cheat cause thats just not niice & iit really hurts. so all uu cheaters out there go burn iin hell cause uu are a selfiish person that iis a waste of skiin. ii don't beliive iin iinternet datiin to don't ask me out on thiis thiing. ii consiider myself a loser cause ii never really go out but when ii do ii just spend money. so ii guess thats why ii stay iin. cause when ii go out ii could have $20 on me & then have $1 by the tiime ii get home. & ii really really liike thiis one person & he should know who he iis. x3 ii absoutly lOve musiic. ii always have iit playiing but not when ii'm iin class or sleepiin. 0.o so ii guess ii don't always have iit playiing. but blahh.... ii liike all kiinds of musiic from Gothiic Rock to the Blues. as long iit makes me happy or makes me feel good then ii would lOve iit. ii would liike to say ii have a good siingiing voiice but ii kiinda don't. : iits alriight to me but other ppl may say somethiing else. :3 but ii really don't care what ppl thiink as long iits about me. ii just wanna be liiked by everyone & not be hated on unless ii want someone to. & any liittle thiing saiid to me stiicks liike glue & wiill haunt me for a month or longer. ii wiish ii wasn't liike that but ii am. & ii just gotta learn to beal wiith iit. & ii thiink ii'm done. & ii'm doubliing up my 'ii's cause iit looks cute so User Image!!

Music Is Everything
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Dillinx Report | 09/07/2009 5:49 pm
Dillinx Report | 09/07/2009 4:53 pm
Awwe Sara Looks So Cute xD Lmao