~~~~~ :: Luca Bellus :: ~~~~~

Luca Bellus's avatar

Registered: 05/19/2007

Location: Here: because no matter where you go - there you are

Personal Website

~~~~~ :: Dark's Song :: ~~~~

Translation for
Kodou ~Whenever~

(Heartbeat ~Whenever~)

As if clad in bright flowers
you're an angel that swooped down
your voice...your smile...
my heart beats faster
In the midst of
this neverending deep love
you understand
gentleness and strength

Heal my pain and I spread my wings
for your sake
Even in the savage rain
even in a night so dark
you can't see your own fingers,
I'll find you
some day I'll take your hand
and hold you so tightly that
you won't be able to breath

From this world plunged in grief
premonition of beating wings and
the sound of turning fate
can be heard
The stars, moon, and sun
will grow more brilliant
if you open your eyes
Call my name
I'll take the sadness
endlessly raining on you

I offer up my body
even risk my life
I want to hold on to your smile
until the very end

Now Go Listen To It!

~~~~~~~ :: Poetry :: ~~~~~~

Angelic Kiss
by ~serranwings (deviantART)

My hands carress your chin,
As I lean into the kiss,
Feeling your breath on my lips,
My heart has ached for this.
Sweet blonde hair,
Sifts through my hand,
Our lips touch, My knees shake,
I can barely stand.
Your hands search my back,
As we come closer together,
Your wings envelope my body,
As my lips kiss a feather.
Why did I hide my feeligns,
And always pretend?
Because now that I've kissed you,
I don't want it to end.

~~~~~ :: Krad's song :: ~~~~~

Translation for
Rakuen ~Fanatic~

Paradise ~Fanatic~

Let me catch you in my trap
Here in this room without windows.
May you dye me in sin
Here in this supreme love.

With a sword of pleasure
I cut away my wings.

Both body and mind
can melt together
In eternal paradise.
Dance in ecstasy,
And cry black tears.

If I could reach out, gladly
With that sweet pain.

I spread over you
the wings I tore away
And lie down with you.
Now, for the being
who is so precious
Let me wear my cross.

I should set you free,
This overflowing desire,
Then, for the first time,
The chimes of blessing resound.

Now Go Listen to This One, Too!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: ABOUT ME :: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It seems to me that Gaia has been evaded for quite some time. I think I have Facebook to thank for that. Ah, new useless passtimes. But actually, I do love Gaia and I felt I should peer back into it's midst for a little while.

I'll start off by saying: Hello, I'm not going to tell you my name. smile The name Luca Bellus actually comes from a character of mine, in a story I tried to write in seventh grade. Since then, my avi has taken on a life of it's own and ceases to resemble said character. If I wrack up enough Gaia gold here, I might change her hairstyle to (somewhat) resemble mine, and then she'll be more Me, and less avi-Luca. But since the style is one of the most expensive (of course...) that'll probably wait for a substantial amount of time.

I am a Visual Arts junior at the Perpich Center for Arts Education in Golden Valley, Minnesota. It's a two-year school for juniors and seniors in high school that focuses on the arts: Music, Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, Literary Arts, and Media Arts. It's pretty great, but the academics are either lacking, or they're just not my style (0_-?). My Worst English Teacher, I'm sorry, but I don't like you very much at all... Mrs. Nap and Mr. Randall(elementary), Mrs. Bruecken (middle school), Ms. Staloch (9th grade), and Ms. Romero (10th grade): I miss you.

As I mentioned, I am Minnesotan. Yahsure you betcha, my favorite food is tater tot hotdish. :3 Peace out. (o_-?)

My boyfriend of a year and a half thinks we should get a hobby, so we don't just hang around in my room kissing each other to death all day - but let's face it: that is a hobby. razz Other than that, there's LARPing (look it up! It's amazing! http://www.AllianceLARP.com), going to car shows with my dad in the summer, costuming, drawing, I try to write sometimes, and I'm not as avid a reader as I once was...

I guess that's it for now, so... Ta ta! smile

Ooh~ P.S. I am a crazy D.N.Angel fan. If you've never read that manga, do it. It's the bestest thing ever, I swear! ^^

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: comments :: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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x I n f e c t e d x Report | 07/22/2008 6:04 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
Hey it's been awhile. How have you been? ^^

I've been kinda busy, but I'm doing well.

No I havn't kept up with it.

Is it funny to read? O.o
x I n f e c t e d x Report | 07/02/2008 9:39 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
It'll be ok, no worries.

You know it took me a long time to finally end up with the Mrs there.

It was a long and hard road to walk. A lot of heartbreak, but she found me to be honest.

I've never been happier. It's very noticeable and we are very happy together.

Maybe it's going to take sometime, but you'll find love. ;D
x I n f e c t e d x Report | 07/02/2008 9:25 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
That's good.

I've been great. How is everything with that guy, if you don't mind my asking?
x I n f e c t e d x Report | 07/02/2008 9:16 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
Aww why thank you. ^_^

We do love our pirates. <3

How've you been?
x I n f e c t e d x Report | 07/02/2008 8:29 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
Yeah we're pirates now.

We sail the seven seas. ;D

Mrs. Nightmare proposed we dress like pirates.

but we were talking about pirates when she just blurted it out.
x I n f e c t e d x Report | 06/27/2008 5:29 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
Sounds like fun and I had a tick on me just recently and it's no fun.

Good thing I got him off before he could suck my blood. xD

I have no idea what you were going to say. o.o
x I n f e c t e d x Report | 06/27/2008 5:12 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
Off at a camp?

How'd that go?

Was it any fun?

I've been great and lucky you got to miss time from school.

This summer has been really hot so far. xD

Glad to hear things are going good.
Faisarah Report | 06/26/2008 8:14 pm

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x I n f e c t e d x Report | 06/22/2008 10:40 pm
x I n f e c t e d x
Hey how've been!?

It's been so long.

Hope everything is ok.
Nurse Nightmare 424 Report | 06/20/2008 3:17 pm
Nurse Nightmare 424
Thanks, lol. I listen to anything and everything. Almost.

Hope your day is going well. =)

~~~~ :: Music of Sorts :: ~~~~

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

YAY Obnoxious Yellow! xD ...I needed a change. :3