
LuciaLoveBite's avatar

Birthday: 06/21


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the speaker of truth on 12/18/2020


Well, I'm Lucia... Please do not call me Lucy, it has recently started to bug the hell out of me.

I'm nineteen years old. (YAY... not.) and I love to Roleplay, if you want to RP or anything just mail or comment me - as long as it's not some weirdo cyber s**t.

If you are a fanfiction-er (I am too!) and you would like a story writing, I take requests on the following categories.

- Bleach

- Pokemon (Oldschool.)

- Dragon Ball

- Fruits Basket

- Paradise Kiss


- Deathnote

- Harry Potter

& a few others which I cannot be bothered to list at this moment in time! smile


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Wise AF Athena Report | 08/15/2011 8:01 am
Wise AF Athena
I accepted the request! Hi~!
the speaker of truth Report | 06/29/2011 7:07 pm
the speaker of truth
Feel better!!!!
the speaker of truth Report | 06/27/2011 8:40 am
the speaker of truth
Hahaha, I knew you'd say that razz
the speaker of truth Report | 06/26/2011 11:57 pm
the speaker of truth
I know you like kittens.
the speaker of truth Report | 05/02/2011 6:15 pm
the speaker of truth
My apologies have been received, accepted, and approved. If she's still uncomfortable with you, I won't let you back into the guild until she herself has said that she's willing to let you back in. Once she has said the exact words: "I am comfortable with Lucia", I will accept your join request.
TragicallyBeautifulx Report | 05/02/2011 2:31 pm
I don't care if you rejoin the guild.
I don't care about your stupid, immature, perverse comments.
But I will not tolerate you calling or implying in any way that I am frigid. It's not appreciated or wanted, just because your sexual history is vast and varied, doesn't mean that I'm frigid just because I don't sleep with people at the ration of 99:100.
Get over yourself if you think I'll let you walk allover me, and 'b***h'? I'd rather be a frigid b***h that a whore like you.
the speaker of truth Report | 05/02/2011 2:25 pm
the speaker of truth
She's told me that she forgives me for my comment, after I asked for her pardoning my comments. You, however, have much more weight upon your shoulders and that burden is yours to bear.

Your membership back into the guild hinges on the forgiveness of Lucia. If she were to forgive you, then I consider your re-entry with very tightened restrictions. Word your apology well.
the speaker of truth Report | 05/02/2011 1:46 pm
the speaker of truth
She and I are currently talking to each other, and we are comfortable with each other. If anyone has breached a trust or comfort zone, it would be you, gaily presenting forward the picture you managed to get off her of her chest, which she told me herself that she did not send you. She has told me quote: "you apologised so I really can't fault you for making a nondescript comment about the picture." Consequently, the only compromise that has occurred in the guild is your own demotion and removal.

The question hovers about, as to whether or not you will be so easy to apologize to that whom you yourself put into unease, yet at the same time sincerely offer your condolences, laying your dignity on a chopping block with Laura's hand upon the axe.
the speaker of truth Report | 05/02/2011 1:24 pm
the speaker of truth
You seem to enjoy the word 'frigid', but use words the way you will.

Equally, I never denied that Laura is attractive. I'm not hitting on her in any stretch of the imagination, nor am I sending her provocative lists containing sexual content of which is borderline sexual harassment. I also am not denying that I find you (in the pictures that you've willingly sent me) attractive as well. Everyone has a different line where flirting and wanting to get in someone's pants cross, and for you, those lines are pretty inexistent.

Our friendship shouldn't have to be allowed or given.
TragicallyBeautifulx Report | 05/01/2011 9:14 am
Stop acting like a child, you're nothing more than a vindictive, pathetic b***h and you're obviously a control freak.



♫ -
Someone said you were asking after me,
But I know you best as a blagger,
I said "Tell me your name, is it sweet?"
She said "My boy, it's 'dagger'"

♫ -
They say the devil's water,
It ain't so sweet,
You don't have to drink right now,
But you can dip your feet,
Every once in a little while,

♫ -
Rise up and take the power back,
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack,
You know that their times coming to an end,
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend,