

i'm kaytee,
a.k.a the living embodiment of awesome

fate is a fickle thing; what happens happens, but sometimes when it happens, we had more of an impact on our destiny than we thought.

i don't like alot of people in general anymore. therefore i don't have many friends,
not everyone is going to like me or accept me and i'm perfectly okay with that. your judgement or opinion isn't wanted or needed.


i think of the world as a tree full of branches. one branch reaches out to extend across the fading horizon, holding the weight of all the dreams, hopes and success. while another, limp and grey, sags to the ground, broken by love, death and evil. the leaves that extend from these branches, they are the lives that lives upon them. the children, the adults, the minors. all of these are the makings of the tree. while one leaf dies and gently floats to the ground, another one sprouts, it's green shine embracing the world around it. of course, i am the kind of girl who would climb up the tree, to pick the ripest apple. the apple, being the life's main goal and reason for living. while others are bruised, and fallen to the floor like the broken dreams and ruined lives they are, my apple is still growing, waiting to be picked at it's finest. love would be the golden sun that would florish the tree, envoloping it in it's warmth. but then, the rain- sadness and despair- is the one to hydrate the tree. you cannot have one without the other, i've learned. think twice before you deal with me.


Luckygurl22's avatar

Last Login: 08/30/2010 1:19 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/13/1990
