Luka Devera

Luka Devera's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2021 5:57 pm

Registered: 12/14/2005

Gender: Male

Location: The Great Midwest, But heading West

Occupation: Vagrant Drifter and Freelance Artist


Posts per Day: 0.37

Total Posts: 2573

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ABOUT ME: I'm a hardcore veteran role player. I've been doing this s**t for ten years now, and I'm sick of the tortured rich teenagers of the world. If you can play someone--male or female--like you have a brain, then please message me. Any artwork on here is mine, unless otherwise stated. Photographs belong to their owners.

My Perfect Partner

Literate to advanced- I play usually anywhere from four paragraphs to eight, sometimes more if I'm just really feeling what we're playing and I'm having fun. I don't like nor expect my partners posts to all be that size, because just like in real life, sometimes all you have to contribute is your half of the conversation or a manic cackle. Just give me enough to work with, and I'll be a happy camper. Meaty posts with description, emotion, and overall mood are soooo loved.

Go in equally on the story- I'm going to keep driving the story as hard as I can to keep things interesting. I just ask that you do the same--don't worry about messing up any plans I might have, I like screwballs that make me have to adapt. Too often all the work gets put on me, and then things get boring because I'll lose interest and start half assing it. Surprise me with plot twists, I beg you.

Control the NPCs- Our characters won't be in constant contact, sometimes NPCs (store keepers, teachers, police, friends, family, ect.) get involved. I hate playing with myself, and I hate having my partner be forced to talk to themselves, so I invent and pilot NPCs all the time. I just ask that you do the same, and that you pilot NPCs that I make as well. No one should have to have a conversation with themselves if we work together. <3

I hate pretty posts- But if you love them, knock yourself out. You can probably twist my arm for a basic "Name and picture" format if it means that much to you, but beyond that, I'm not coding for hours to make something for a game that might fizzle out. All I ask if you're going to do pretty posts is to actually have a quality post. I've seen a lot of people use the flash and dazzle tactic to distract from lack luster skills.

Realism matters a lot- I can't stand Mary Sues. Flaws are important, and not the cop out ones like a "temper" and "clumsy." I want some ugliness there. Realistic reactions trump the Mary Sue stipulation though. Characters who are 2D and don't feel like real people bore and frustrate me--I'd rather you self insert yourself into their personality than play something that doesn't feel right. It really doesn't bother me if you do it for that reason. :3

I like to be OOC friends- Not a requirement, per se, but awesome if you do. I play really dickish characters often, and I know this role play list isn't helping my impression, but I'm actually a nice guy and I'd like to get to know who I'm playing with.

Have balls, even lady balls- Tell me if you don't like how something is going. I thrive on critique.

Role Play Ideas
I play romance and hatred, as well as games that change back and forth between the two. I list Holden often as the character I'd be playing, but I can, and often do make up new characters on the spot. He's a strong personality, and if you don't like him, just say so and I can whip up something to suit your fancies better. These aren't all the things I'll do, just some stuff I'm craving in particular now. If there's something else you're interested in, throw it out there. I'm sure we can come up with something together.
I love and play with all genders. <3

An Abusive Relationship--Doomed Love
(*We're just so bad for each other. Long term, up and down roller coaster ride of emotions as the relationship swings back and forth between the good times and the bad.*)

HoldenUser Image/User ImageMale Character
HoldenUser Image/User ImageFemale Character

Bad Boy Boyfriend
(*The guy everyone's parents worry about corrupting their precious baby. How long can this stay a secret when he's picking you up from school and assaulting the people who've been giving you hell all these years? Maybe everyone was right... how long until someone really gets hurt?*)

HoldenUser ImageFemale Character
(Also include cheating, jealousy, and drug use?)
HoldenUser ImageMale Character
(Also include STDs, confusion over orientation, drug usage?)

Drug Burn
(*Times are getting hard, money's tight, and the supplies are all drying up everywhere. When someone cuts corners, someone's getting cut. It seems like everyone's stabbing everyone in the back these days.*)

HoldenUser ImageJunkie Friend (Male/Female)
(Someone promised the goods, and either kept them for themselves completely or cut it with a nasty substance you don't want to inject yourself with.)
Narc (Male/Female)User Image/User ImageJunkie Friend (Male/Female)
(It was just a normal assignment. No one ever expects feelings to get involved.)

Not The Girl I Thought You Were...
(*Holden's early teens, around 15 or 16, before he came out as trans. I've never played out that chapter of his life and would be interested in doing so. Basically his boyfriend or girlfriend at that time would be suddenly faced with their significant other coming out as transgender and all the changes, hardships and persecutions that come with it. It can go either way, positively or negatively, play it honestly with your character.*)

HoldenUser ImageORUser ImageSignificant Other

Dystopian Rebellion
(*The bad guys won. The government is not looking to serve and protect, and only one group remains that actively opposes them. Most people think it's only a matter of time before they're snuffed out like all the others, but some still haven't given up hope. You have to believe in something.*)

RomaUser ImageCivilian Refugee (Female, preferably)
(He was never supposed to be above ground with his debilitating mutation, but if he hadn't disobeyed direct orders, you'd be in one of the government's black bags. To say both of your futures are uncertain is an understatement. Big emphasis on adventure and story.)
RahUser ImageCivilian Refugee (Male, preferably)
(The raid had gone bad, the government seemed to practically know ahead of time what was going to happen, and your living block had turned into a war zone. What are the odds that the leader of the rebel faction would end up taking you "hostage" to save your life? Something isn't right. Huge adventure and story emphasis.)
CivilianUser ImageCivilian
RebelUser ImageRebel
Government Agent User ImageRebel
Government AgentUser ImageCivilian

Alien Colonization/Infestation
(*More of a couple species ideas I've been kicking around in my head for a little bit. No set in stone story elements, yet, other than it's going to be exceptionally dark. Pairings are pretty self evident, but I'll list a couple that I'm interested in at the moment.*)

Infected Human Host (Male)User ImageHuman Doctor
(The invading embryo was embedded among the patient's vital organs. There's only a little time before it matures and kills its host in the same violent as all the other victims. If a cure can't be found, you might as well kiss the planet goodbye.)

Infected Human Host (Male)User ImageAlien
(When you're as good as doomed, sometimes the only option left is revenge.)

Benign Alien SpeciesUser ImageHuman Scientist
(The human species has been decimated and is on its last leg. Sometimes you have to accept help from unlikely sources.)

Holden; Gutter Punk, In The Classic Sense

User Image

Age: 16 to 20, depending on the game.

Sex: Female to male transexual, completely passing as male until you yank his drawers down.

Physical Appearance:Tall and lanky, standing at close to 6'1” and weighing in at a tight 150 lbs he strikes a distinctive figure in a crowd. One that normally makes others cross to the other side of the road to avoid him.

Normally he's clad in black, drain pipe jeans that look as though they are composed of no fewer than fifteen other previous pairs of jeans. His tattered band shirts are made of more holes and safety pins than shirt. The ancient pair of combat boots are splattered with red spray paint from some mild delinquency a few years prior, and the steel tips are just beginning to peek through the worn down black leather. His most conspicuous piece of clothing is his leather motorcycle jacket, that's been studded and painted to hell and back. Since it's his first line of defense against the elements of nature, it's really beginning to show it's age. Without fail though, every time it's broken, he's repaired it. If someone were unlucky enough to get up close, they would notice the chain and padlock necklace he fashioned himself years ago that's only just starting to rust. He's lost the key ages ago and is no longer able to take it off without either a set of bolt cutters, or a pair of pliars and some serious determination. Not that he has any desire to do so.

If his questionable wardrobe weren't bad enough, he's positively filthy. Dirt and grime is plainly visible on both him and all of his clothes. Showers are almost never an option for him. He doesn't use product to spike up his hair, it does that naturally and there's a good chance that at any given time he's got a raging outbreak of head lice plaguing him.

His skin, under the filth, is a very fair peaches and cream that's broken up by his admittedly poorly planned circle-A tattoo and the festering track marks on his arms. His face and shoulders are dusted with freckles, and under his right eye is an old scar from a knife fight he got into a year or so back. He's very proud of the piercings his given himself, among those the ones on his ears, his left n****e, and one a little further south. He has trouble making eye contact with others, so most people miss the fact that his eyes are actually a really dark blue, rather than a black.

But at the end of the day all that matters is the fact that he's got a smoking hot a** for a guy.

Personality and Behaviors: Holden's my hardest character to sum up in a personality section. He's angry, confrontational, posturing, and a big ******** d**k who's desperately overcompensating for the lack of one between his legs. The music he listens to is questionable at best, the lyrics most often pertaining to issues in the English status quo, government fascism, and anarchy. He's rude, vulgar, spits, smokes, and engages in property damage as a hobby to pass the achingly long hours of the day, while at night he drinks and shoots a wild spectrum of chemicals into his bruised and infected inner arms to burn those long hours too for good measure. There's no future for him, to describe his life as a downward spiral would be generous as it seems more like active self detonation.

He's a DIY-er at heart. There's nothing he can get or fix for himself. The leather jacket he wears all the time was painted and studded by him and it shows. Regardless, he's proud of it, as he is of the denim vest he fashioned covered in band patches lovingly hand stitched in place with dental floss. He scavenges food from dumpsters and trashcans and generally attributes his homelessness as a political statement, rather than an unfortunate circumstance. According to him, it's a boycott of the entire economy, which he will talk at length about being corrupt. He has nothing but contempt for “consumerist pigs.”

In fact, at a stranger's glance there are almost no redeeming characteristics to him. He wouldn't have it any other way, either. He doesn't take to strangers in the least, reacting vitriolically and offensively to drive others away. It's a built up defensive mechanism that's more than a little grounded in an intense hatred of “normal” people whom he sees as ignorant and unimaginative. It's a labor of love to get close to him and it takes a dedicated spirit to do so. However, once someone gets close, the animosity disappears completely. His friends are dear to him, and he relies on them heavily for his own survival on the streets. He's built his own family up from nothing, since his own has bailed out on him.

Things that he does with his friends include drinking, doing drugs, going to shows, panhandling, performing petty crimes, and general hanging out like most young people. The relationship he has with each of them is fiercely loyal, but extremely mellow in day to day practice. They lean on each other, and in turn make something greater than all of them combined. Oddly enough, Holden dislikes mixing his friends. A new friend, from a different social circle is kept separate from the other street kids he knows. He refuses to introduce them, for his own convoluted reasons, the most likely being that some part of him is somewhat embarrassed by his nontraditional lifestyle.

No one has gotten close enough to see the raw tenderness and sensitivity beneath the grime and tough guy act. Things and life bother him a lot more than he lets on. It will take someone special to accomplish this feat of taming the beast.

Roma; Disabled Resistance Fighter, Out To Better The World

Coming Soon...

Rah; Leader Of The Resistance, Saving Your a**

Coming Soon


I'm livin' on a Chinese rock.[/color:3f390d9837]

Can you deliver a fix?[/size:3f390d9837][/align:3f390d9837]


View Journal

Role Play Logs

This is where I hoard role play sessions that I'm enjoying. Maybe the entire game we've got going, may only be partials that really struck my fancy. You probably won't be too interested in this.

Check This

Suggested Reading:
*1984 by George Orwell
*The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks
*A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K. d**k

Suggested Listening:
*c**k Sparrer
*UK Subs
*Sex Pistols
*Soundtrack to A Scanner Darkly

What stuff do you like? Message me about it.


View All Comments

thimble la marshall Report | 03/16/2013 5:49 pm
where you been?
Maxx15000 Report | 12/15/2011 10:02 pm
1X1 RP Bishes
Jenovara Report | 06/13/2008 4:16 pm

Little sister is watchin joo



TheBurlesqueQueen Report | 05/04/2008 8:10 pm
I haven't posted in here in the longest time. o.0
!.Ryo.! Report | 03/25/2008 7:47 pm
=O Hiya I know your little sister Luna, she says good things about you, so I decided to leave you a comment. ^-^
RHOBT Randy Stone Report | 02/28/2008 7:59 pm
Luka-kun... I miss you... Loves to you and whoever...

Scrawny Tauni Report | 02/27/2008 6:18 pm
Hullo~ It's Lori again.

forgot what the other account that I made was and also forgot the password to it. User Image

(I don't even remember if I PMed you or not, but... oh well. lol)

Just stopping by to see if you're still living. =p See you later.
Maxx15000 Report | 02/13/2008 2:13 pm
Rawr User Image
Maxx15000 Report | 02/07/2008 12:31 pm
User Image Like I said, suck it b***h ^^

I'm feeling rather nice today dont you think??
Maxx15000 Report | 02/07/2008 11:05 am
Oh for the love of God man....

-slaps you- Dude, stop getting all fired up about who's going to be president know the whole damn election isnt about who the people want...its about which candidate can suck up to enough high up people to get the position. Duh. Why do you think I'm not all "excited" about voting...theres been plenty of times that the people have voted for one candidate and yet the other still wins because the "Electoral College" says so. If anyone really wants to make a differance, start with the smaller positions like your states representative, although thats just all about who can please more big shots also. But, whatever, just dont burn anything down because I'll take the heat for it to (no pun intended User Image).

Plus, I dont want to hear about it from mom because you know what she'd say.

Mom: "Shaun -stern mom look- I can't believe that you let him do that. Why didn't you try to talk to him about it?"

Me: "Mom, I really tried to talk to him this time...but as usual, he didnt listen to me."

Mom: -takes my car keys and my laptop-

Me: -KILLS YOU...with loving care of course so I dont get introuble for that too User Image -


Art (C) to Me