Lux Bellatisima

Lux Bellatisima's avatar

Last Login: 12/30/2012 3:04 pm

Registered: 09/07/2004

Gender: Female

Location: A place where dreamers belong

Occupation: Cupid


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Take it you stumbled onto my profile, by accident? Non?

You poor thing...

Kidding! Hello hello I guess I should start off by telling you my name and such. Well for now it's Onikitsu [[ Huh?! What's that mean?]], it's my way of combining the word Oni [[Which in Japanese usually refers to 'Monster' but can sometimes mean demon]] and Kitsune [[Which means fox]] So "Monster Fox" or "Demon Fox" either way, it's a name I made when I was in Middle school [[college student now :3]] and it's grown on me <3

Wow all that for a name?

Then after introducing myself to you, I'd tell you my likes and dislikes right?
It'd look something like this:

Likes: / Dislikes:
Animals / Mean people
Laughter / Laughter at the expense of others
Art / Sore Losers
Fashion / Picking up dog poo >:
Video games / Being sick
Breaking china when angry / Traffic
Trash Talking on Xbox heart / Tripping when trying to look cool
Smiles / Artists' Block
Anime/ Bad hair days
Singing/ When you have a closet full of clothes, but nothing looks good.
etc. / etc.

And at that point you'd then realize we'd either have a lot in common, or you like picking up dog poo and I am the worst person you've ever pseudo-met. But wait! There's a bit more.

Cause after that, I'd go a but more into detail like so:

I'm a very nice person [generic] to strangers [Oh whut?] because I always give the benefit of the doubt. So Yes I will be sweet to you, but once we become friends, I'm a bit more sarcastic and a lot more raunchy- but don't worry I know my limits. I guess you can say I'm just a grown up kid. I love having fun, and I don't think imagination should be the price we pay for growing up. Then again, I can be mature and collected when needed to. Overall, I'm like a Wonder Ball-- You never know what you're gonna get, but its just cool to have.

And then my "About Me" Section would have all the components necessary for you to judge whether or not we'd talk. But, I'm not going to do that. Instead Message me, learn, my real name, and find the rest about me by dropping a line.


Btw: I love Zombies


View Journal

Heart of a Kitsune

My journal with stuff in it!! ^_^ Let's hope i keep it.


View All Comments

Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 1:08 pm
o3o You're giving people your items? o3o But won't you come back in sometime though? /hugs
Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 12:56 pm
Hiatus why? =w= /huggles
Okay I'll make a sub avatar with them at some point I'm sure XD /snuggles and steals
Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 12:49 pm
/cuddles le chi/ =w= I can now be a foxy ff. But what do I have that matches? XD
Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 12:37 pm
/picks up my chi and walks off with, snuggles up to =w= heart
Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 12:32 pm
Fff Oh they do chi? /licks cheek =w=
/nibbles on
Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 12:21 pm
On gaia?
I might, but I'm not sure xD
/nuzzles le chi =w=
Byankuya Report | 01/23/2012 11:01 am
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Byankuya Report | 11/09/2011 11:31 pm
could be better. but thats usual /steals
Byankuya Report | 11/05/2011 4:20 pm
/noms on
Byankuya Report | 09/02/2011 2:26 pm
/snuggles <3


heart Blip! heart


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