
Hello world.
I go by Lyssa :]
14 years young.
Freshie at WHS :]
Friends and Family are my everything.
Music,drawing,and Photography are my hobbies.
Alyssa Henry, Melissa Lynn, Cammy Massey are my close friends.
Jesse Dakota James Pennington is my life <3 7.11.10♥
I am bisexual and if you have a problem with that, then go some where.
Im pretty chill and laid back, easy to get along with, until you piss me off.
Ive been told im funny, and i can always make people smile.
I have my days where i just want to be left alone.
And if theres anything else you wanna know, talk to me biggrin
Jesse Dacota James Pennington<3. Well this is my boyfriend. I cant get him out of my head. Ever since he moved in, I've been hooked on him. He is the funniest guy ever, he can always make me laugh. He is so sweet. His hugs are great, but i love his kisses ;]. I gotta get on my tippy toes to kiss him, and i love that! Haha. Hes my Buttea. Lol. But i only like him for his pimp juice ;]. Hhaha. He plays bass guitar, and i always zone out when he plays. I stole his picks too! (i made a pretty necklace wif em). Tehe. When im with him, nothing else matters. It feels like its just me and him in the world, and everything bad just fades away. He is my everything, and im never letting him go <3 7.11.10 Forever and Ever<333((;
Cammy Lee Massey. This is my sista right hur ;]. She is uber funny, she always makes me giggle, when no one else can. She has been there through thick and thin wif me, and i cant thank her enough for that. We love to play rockband together, and kinda fail, when we get bored haha. PIZZA PARLOR AD TITANIC TOTS FOR DINNER!!! ;D. And of course its always fun to dance around my tiny room singing "baby" but Justin Beiber!! And alot of rap songs that we kinda know the words too. Haha. We act like ganster G slices all the time , but we are undercover ninjas! razz . We just have crazy times everytime were together. And i love her to death, no matter what. biggrin
Alyssa Lee Henry. My non - biological sister. Shes a pimp :] . Hahah. She is so freakin funny. We have so many inside jokes we dont even remember how they started half the time. lmao. She has always been there for me and i try my beset to return the favor. She is the sweetest person i ve ever met. Im very VERY protective of her so if you think your gonna ******** with her, think twice. You will get hurt :]. YOUR FOOD IS MY DRUG!!! ;D When ever i dont want her around , i just tape my door shut with scotch tape. Or ill just ship her off to South dakota ;] . Basiclly , she is my other half. I love her to death and would do anything for her biggrin Shes stuck with me for life biggrin <3
Melissa Lynn Wiles. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, This betch right here. Hell no! razz She is CRAZY!!!! Haha. She is always makin some one smile/laugh. Always knows how to put a smile on that face razz . She always loves comin in peoples rooms and throwing stuffed animals at people, and then picking up a pillow and saying "fluff dat shyt!" ahah. Oh, and dont ever be depressed or cry in front of her because she will call your Mr. Grumpy gills, and you will laugh! Haha. I got her back no matter what so back up razz