M r . P i n k

M r . P i n k's avatar

Last Login: 06/08/2009 6:03 pm

Registered: 02/18/2004

Gender: Male

Birthday: 09/21/1984

Occupation: Professional Thief

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sleepygamer117 Report | 10/09/2008 5:08 pm
nice reviera dogs User Image
Sledgehammer Gynecologist Report | 09/23/2008 3:18 pm
Sledgehammer Gynecologist
BAHAHA. Hello Pinky.
Exclamat!on Report | 05/07/2008 5:28 pm
Thanks! Although I don't know which avi you were talking about! xD

I'm a compulsive avi-changer!
smileleialoha Report | 05/01/2008 2:37 pm
Random Hanson Fan comment!! ^-^
Quantum Tiger Report | 04/21/2008 1:40 pm
Quantum Tiger
Im not crazy abot reality, but its still the only place to get a desent meal

Thank you Very much!

Wow three comments and i only joined gaia a half hour ago. O.O

Since when is reality a popularity contest? ~ VoijaRisa

UselessInformation13 Report | 04/12/2008 7:10 pm
I'm surprised you don't have any quotes from Mr. Pink's dialog on your profile... I suggest the diner dialog about the tipping of the waitress.
Reservoir Dogs Report | 04/12/2008 5:08 pm
Reservoir Dogs
Thank you, it's my favorite movie. I own 3 copies of it the game 3 posters and a Mrvin Nash shirt. I could probably quote the movie just about word for word
lioness_queen Report | 04/12/2008 12:29 pm
thanks, you too.
Why Mr pink Report | 04/11/2008 9:25 am
Why Mr pink
Thanks, I tried getting Mr Pink but I couldn't so Igot my name from Why do I have to be Mr Pink?
d i z k o t a z t i k Report | 04/08/2008 5:36 pm
d i z k o t a z t i k