Madam Hare

Madam Hare's avatar

Last Login: 04/01/2023 12:52 pm

Registered: 07/11/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Tennessee....;[

Birthday: 05/29/1988


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Repo Genetic Opera - Zydrate


I'm 20 years old, my name is Ashley but most people call me Ash or something of that sort. I work at Lowes in the Paint Center, and amazingly enough I enjoy my job. I am now attending RSC where I will become a teacher majoring in Special Education. Erm...I'm a pretty nice person all in all, but on occation I can be a bit moody, but who isn't? I like hanging out with my friend, watching films not many people have heard of, singing off tune with my friends even if we sound horrid, and I just like having fun in general...Well I think i'm done for now, I may add a bit more a little later on. Ta ta for now.

This is from random boredom.

Name: Ashley Heard
Date of Birth: May 29, 1988
Birthplace: Crossville, TN
Current Location: My house
Eye Color: Mud brown
Hair Color: Dark brown with various colors mixed in.
Height: 5'3"
Heritage: I am a mixture of many different things. (That is a nice way of calling myself a mutt.)
Piercings: Just my ears.
Tattoos: None as of yet.
Favourite: N/A
Band/Singer: Erm...I dunno probaby Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
Song: I don't really have one.
Movie: The Princess Bride
Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast
TV show: Right now it's a tie between House and Bones.
Color: Bright Orange Bright Green.
Food: Great Grandma's chicken and dumplings.
Pizza topping: Mushrooms I think.
Ice-Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Drink (alcoholic): Desorono (sp?)
Soda: Faygo Red Pop
Store: Any good book store.
Clothing Brand: Whatever's cheap and fits me.
Shoe Brand: Usually Sketchers truthfully.
Season: Late Autumn
Month: October
Holiday/Festival: Christmas, best time all the family is there.
Flower: Violets
Make-Up Item: Eh..I don't really have one.
Board game: Why play a board game when I could play D&D?
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Rainy, or even stormy...I love the look of a good storm they are so beautiful.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Fruit or veggie: Usually fruit...
Night or day: Night, for sure.
Sour or sweet: Sweet.
Love or money: Truthfully I have no opinion of either so I void this question.
Phone or in person: In person, for sure.
Looks or personality: I can truthfully say personality for me, if you don't have one I don't tink I can be that attracted to you.
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: I always have prefered cold.
Goal for this year: Finish out my year in Comunity College with a 3.5.
Most missed memory: I guess I forgot it, if it is missed. ;p
Best physical feature: Nice hair, I guess.
First thought waking up: "Oh God...It's morning already?" ;
Hypothetical personality disorder: Eh, I don't really get this one.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: None, for me.
Sesame street alter ego: I would tell you if I could remember any of the characters.
Fairytale alter ego: Probably Bell (Beauty, for all of you who do not know her name.), only without the handsome prince waiting for me at the end of the story.
Most stupid remark: I dunno, I'm sure I've made a few of 'em.
Worst crime: Can't say that I have one.
Greatest ambition: To be a Special Education Teacher.
Greatest fear: Needles.
Darkest secret: It wouldn't be a secret if I told you, now would it?
Favorite subject: Either History or Science.
Strangest received gift: I can't really think of one.
Worst habit: Chewing my nails to death.
Do You:
Smoke: Definatly not.
Drink: Hardly ever.
Curse: Not very often, but I have been known to in the past.
Shower daily: Yes
Like thunderstorms: No...I love them.
Dance in the rain: Not dance in it, persay...More just stand in it till I am soked to my core and all the bad energy is washed away with the rain.
Sing: No...No one would want that torment.
Play an instrument: No, I am not musically inclined.
Get along with your parents: Yes
Wish on stars: I haven't done that in years.
Believe in fate: Sort of?
Believe in love at first sight: No. Attraction at first sight, maybe, but it's not love if you don't know anything about them.
Can You:
Drive: Yes.
Sew: Yes, pretty well actually.
Cook: I feel like it, I can not say I am fond of it though.
Speak another language: I probably could if I had a refresher course in German.
Dance: No
Sing: No
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope, tried many times but was always unable.
Whistle: No
Curl your tongue: Yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Never
Been Stoned/High: No
Eaten Sushi: Yes
Been in Love: No, I'm not even convinced that love exists.
Skipped school: I have been known to on occation.
Made prank calls: Nope
Sent someone a love letter: No
Stolen something: No
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Stupidity
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? Depends on the day I have had, anywhere from 10 at night till 3 or 4 in the morning.
Name three things you can't live without: Food, air, water. Oh, and books.
What is the color of your room? Erm...Bright Orange and Green.
Do you have any siblings? Yes...Many of them infact.
Do you have any pets? Yes...Several of them.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? If I thought I could get away with it, sure, in a heartbeat. After all, I hate them.
What is you middle name? Lynn
What are you nicknames? Ash, Ashums, Ashy...Etc.
Are you for or against gay marriage? For, why not let them be as miserable as the rest of us?
What are your thoughts on Abortion? I don't think I should get into this subject...
Do you have a crush on anyone? I do.
Are you afraid of the dark? No...I prefer the dark, actually.
How do you want to die? In my sleep at a very old age.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? Probably several.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? I would say so.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Probably the speed limit on my way home from work.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Don't care
Eye color: Don't care
Height: Don't care
Weight: Don't care
Most important physical feature: eyes or smile
Biggest turn-off: Ignoring me. (No I don't need attention every second of the day, but when you ignore me, it makes me feel like I have done something horrible and I feel bad about it.)


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Listera Report | 09/15/2015 4:46 pm
Nice sash
Ziggyzaster Report | 05/29/2010 4:42 pm
Oh shiz it's your birthday! ;D Happy Birthday! O:
wiggles22 Report | 05/29/2009 3:09 pm
Please join this guild of Romance and Love. Once a very famous guild. Only Join if you will roleplay, and chat, or just seeking advice.

There is no fee!

Romance for Love and LifeBack to Guilds
This guild is for Roleplaying and seeking love advice or seeking a relationship. Come in my dears and have a good time.

Tags: Roleplaying, Romance, Yuri, Yaoi

if you join, please message me!
AquilaLiberum Report | 04/22/2009 6:06 am

Damn you Sofa, stop tricking us! gonk

PowerLad Report | 04/04/2009 9:03 pm
Love your avi!
Grey Gardens Report | 09/09/2008 9:22 am
Grey Gardens
Just wondering what you're up to and what's happening with the guild.

Hope you're doing good.
CH1NTZY Report | 08/02/2008 6:47 pm

did it myself.

thanks for the comment/compliments User Image
CH1NTZY Report | 08/02/2008 10:23 am
i stopped by because i liked your sig.

and it looks like we have a bit in common User Image

neat avi
Makoto_Gin Report | 07/10/2008 8:11 pm
You're most welcome,I enjoy pointing out how wonderful outfits I like are.Thanks,it's quickly becoming one of my favorite outfits.
Eisbeere Report | 07/10/2008 4:05 pm
And so incredibly modest. x3


Formerly March_Hare`


A promise to do the impossible is not binding.

Click me...You know you wanna'. ;o