
Madoku's avatar

Last Login: 06/25/2022 2:51 am

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Hey, the name's Tyler, but around here I go by Madoku or... Uh... Momo... Anyhow, I came to this site because I love discussing, and ended up getting hooked on roleplaying, so if you're up for either, or just plain ole chatting, send me a PM.

Heh, bad at endings so I guess I'll just say hi to all my friends. Hi!


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Thoughts of a crazy paranoid genius philosopher

This is where I'll list my theories, philosophies, and anything else I can't put other places. Feel free to comment or add to them.


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Ryo_Eldaragon Report | 05/06/2011 8:21 pm
I'm back on gaia! biggrin
crzychick314 Report | 04/04/2010 8:11 pm
wow! I didn't know we both watch monk!
gree Report | 04/01/2010 7:02 am
Ugh. I hear you. I'm in college myself... If it wasn't for a trust fund from my grandparents, I'd still be working at Subway. xP [/sigh] Dont'cha just miss the blissful days of high school? ;P
gree Report | 02/14/2010 1:10 pm
Crazy, crazy stuff has been happening there! Hardly have time to come online anymore, but life is still good~ And how has Madoku been? n___n
gree Report | 01/15/2010 9:14 pm
Omghai! O___O I miss you, Madoku---
Anna_Megami Report | 12/10/2009 7:00 pm
Sorry it's taken me long to respond!
School work just decided to go
insane on me. And I was just
baking tons of Christmas
treats for my friends!

Wow, and I completely
forget what we were
talking about...

-Sorry about your mom,
but it's good that everyone
is okay now..
-drinking=fun, but
can be bad. I've stopped
for a bit, just cause
I'm tired of partying.
-girls regret the guys
they do sleep with, guys
regret the girls they
DON'T sleep with.
=P That's my theory
and yeah.
-heart problems=bad.
Which is dumb.
I'm ridiculously healthy.
(minus the drinking
and occasional
energy drink)
Pretty sure I don't
have weight to loose,
so it can't be that.
I don't know,
no one can figure
out what the heck
my heart is doing.

Uh....was there something else?
I love winter...<3
Anna_Megami Report | 12/08/2009 3:13 pm
Haha, was like BOYS!
That was the issue. There were lots of them.
And they all liked me, and at first it was
fine and it didn't affect any portion
of my life, other then my 'love' life.
But then slowly it started to change
who I hung out with and ect.
Things were heading down a
pretty bad path pretty fast.

I'm terribly sorry, that's a horrid situation. I'm
glad everyone is okay though.
Haha, wow, yeah...
I've never gotten drunk
but I've had stuff to
drink. It was during
the past few months
of my life when I was a bit
too outgoing. It's fun and all,
and drinking definitely increases
confidence and makes you feel
at ease. But idk, I'd never want
to get drunk. I've done jello shots,
normal shots, tried beer and hated it,
vodka mixed with orange juice.
Basically everything. Not drugs though,
I will never and have never tried drugs.
Drugs and sex are pretty much where I drew
the line. lol.
Some boys are icky drunks, they slur and
become so socially unaware that they
let go and are basically disgusting.
Some boys are erm...
excited drunks who
get very...physical.
It just depends I guess.

My first time drinking was with
the 'cool, hot, athletic boys'
( our star football players)
and I'm actually
pretty proud of how I handled
the situation.

Oh, that's really admirable.
I want to be a cardiologist.
I find the heart fascinating.
Or maybe ER physician, I
don't know yet. I used to want to
be a lawyer, and I was pretty much
set for it, but then my mind changed
when I developed some heart issues.
Anna_Megami Report | 12/07/2009 10:50 pm
I'm in the International Baccalaureate program!
But I tend to...socialize more so then any
of the other kids. Actually, now
that I think about it, it all started with that issue
(it's okay if you don't remember it, it was a long time
ago-ish) which caused me to leave the thread I created
with you, soffish, kecherra, and everyone.

Your mom was hospitalized?! Oh,
I'm so sorry!! sad What happened?
Jeez, I don't know what I'd do
if my mom was hospitalized..
It wouldn't be good.

Haha, I feel young.
But I always do,
I'm going to be 17 when
I graduate High School this
spring, most of the people
I know are 18, it seems like
a big difference.
But hey! 20 is close to 21,
which means you can legally drink!
(I don't know if that means
much of anything to you,
but my step brothers went
crazy when they got there)

Wait, so if you had
the option to pick
whatever profession in
the world you wanted,
what would it be?
Anna_Megami Report | 12/07/2009 9:23 pm
Haha, yeah. I think I might be addicted.
I can't seem to kick the habit.

I've been pretty good, not up to much,
dealing with all the high school drama
that seems so determined on surrounding me.
I got tired of it and sort of stopped talking to
some people, and stopped going out so much.
Lol. I had some deep-ish realizations.
Which is why I'm back in fantasy land?
hehe. I don't know! It's odd.

How about you?
How have you been? Wha'cha been up to?
Anna_Megami Report | 12/06/2009 10:27 pm
Maddy! It's been forever and I joined Gaia again cuz I'm addicted.
How are you?

Life is like a game of cards. The hand you're dealt with is determinism, how you play them is free will.

