Magical Fluffy Bunny

Magical Fluffy Bunny's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2020 4:19 pm

Registered: 06/21/2004

Gender: Male

Location: In the lawn, growing that grass that jack built.

Birthday: 05/02/1989

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Magical Fluffy Bunny Report | 11/04/2009 11:51 am
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Hi again profile.
It's me.
How are you?
I AM A CAPYBARA Report | 11/03/2009 6:43 pm
Hi dear.
chibalou Report | 11/03/2009 7:08 am
Go to bed

Do you ever listen!
I AM A CAPYBARA Report | 10/09/2009 9:38 pm
Chaeronia_Syathephos Report | 06/19/2009 4:32 pm
For some reason, I really like your avi. razz
Thicc N Buttery Report | 06/11/2009 4:26 am
Thicc N Buttery
Well, i'm glad I was able to motivate you darlin'.
But seriously, do it.
I'd like to see what you're capable of.

It's nice to meet you, by the way.
Thicc N Buttery Report | 06/11/2009 1:58 am
Thicc N Buttery
A great mind should never go to waste.
You really should start writing again.
I'd definitely read any of it.

And, there's nothing wrong with being an egoist.
Obviously if you're being complimented enough to be fueled by it, you must be pretty good eh?
Thicc N Buttery Report | 06/11/2009 1:41 am
Thicc N Buttery
Quite modest too, I see.
That's cute.
Thicc N Buttery Report | 06/11/2009 1:31 am
Thicc N Buttery
You're my bloody hero.

That was the most epic block of words i've ever read.
Catt Brooke Report | 06/09/2009 11:53 am
Catt Brooke
how're youuu?
im sorry about when i promised id cam.
then like i wasnt here when you imed.
but i will cam for you sometime soon.XD


Good evening my plump slices of fresh pumpernickel,
How are you?

I will make the assumption that you responded somewhat positively and that your answer was either "fine" or "pretty good" and not the actual answer to that question like a weird person would do.

Welcome to my profile and may I be the first to congratulate you for knowing who I am.
It is a privilege and I'm sure your gratitude is a deep vein of thankful gold.

But, I'm sure you're not here to read about things you already know because as is clearly marked, this is the autobiographical portion of my profile and some information is something I believe you are deserving of.

My nom de plume, as it were, is Andy. It is also, very conveniently, my actual name. I believe you'll find this choice to be rather effortless to remember, as two names is so difficult and exhausting. Who wants to care about two names. Do you care about Samuel Clemens? ******** no, I want Mark ******** Twain and don't you hassle me about it. Please, forgive my curses, but a man must deliver the grand hammer of anger when it is required of him.

Moving on, I am male and one score in age. My hobbies include sitting, writing, telling grand fables to passing vagrants, and being a god.

And thus ends this journey of knowledge, for I have grown wary of myself and must rest. I am, after all, a lot to take in at once, even for me. Let me end by saying "You're welcome"





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Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny
Magical Fluffy Bunny


Note: I refuse to ever spend the time to make my profile look pretty and I don't much like using layouts that other people have made, so In the end, this will always look shitty. We apologize for the inconvenience.