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maiaco's avatar

Birthday: 05/09

Wish List


  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Gnoman's Land[222]
  • Close the Barn Door![223]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Barton 3[251]

About XxRckr_emo_CHIkkAxX and Dark_Hearbreaker10

i hate XxRckr_emo_CHIkkaXx so much i created a h8ters club so if u want to join just pm me or comment me its easy right? and oh by the way her other account is named Dark_Heartbreaker10 she also copied that name from DARKHEARTBREAKER... we'll you see she is a certified foe and a copy cat!!!!

if u hate XxRckr_emo_CHIkka come join the club of XxRckr_emo_CHIkkaXx h8ters or Dark_Hearbreaker10 h8ters
about her:

1.she is a feeler she thinks she is a rocker!!!! can u believe that?? what a feeler

2.she is also a copy cat she has no originality when i made a XxRckr_emo_CHIkka h8ters she also made one tskt sk i feel so sorry for the poor girl.... she has no originality

3.she says bad words to me so i also say bad words to her and then she told me why don/t i comment her?? we'll how can i comment her when i can/t she didin/t put a comment box or something to her profile.... tsk tsk poor girl.. doesnt know how to put a comment box or something.....

4.SHe shouted at me when i became rich cause she is jealous when i become one............. that's why i h8t her!!!!

5.i made a new account name Hotaru Mikan you know why?? cause the feeler XxRckr_emo_CHIkka reported me for saying bad words to her so i dont know if iam gonna be banned or something.... so this maiaco account is for the h8ters club only...... she reported me what a cryer??? she can't stand me so she reported me she was the one who started the fight!!!! now she is reporting me??? what a freak.... cryer.... maybe she is crying now... huhuhuhuhuhuh..... hahahahah!!!!!

copy cat!!!!
this girl is a certified coopy cat when i made a Xxrckr_emo_CHikkAXx h8ter she also made one... i really feel sorry for her she has no originality... tsk tsk and she also took that name from MyChemicalRomanceFreak93.... and also she copied the name Dark_Hearbreaker10 from DARKHEARTBREAKER..... u see how copy cat she is??!!!! so hate her !!!!! iam telling you !!! you should hate her!!!!!!!!

if ur a real friend join me in my Xxrckr_emo_CHikkAXx h8ters and Dark_Hearbreaker10 h8ters club!!!!!!!!!!!! you should also hate her!!!!!!!


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aIIigator Report | 05/20/2012 1:02 pm
Wow, you're f**ked up for making this "haters club." Clearly you have no life.
How old are you, like nine?
But like they say, haters gonna hate . . .
So don't waste your time acting like a b***h towards one specific person. It makes you look bad, plus it's considered cyber-bullying.
So if she started the fight first, then be the mature one and end it. Don't argue with her and make the issue bigger, because this shows that you're immature and too dependent on others to deal with your problems. Like creating a haters club, for example.
Quit creating bigger s**t and leave the poor girl alone.
Monster Darling Report | 08/08/2010 4:06 pm
Monster Darling
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That's Alexa^ up there on those pics. [XxRckr_emo_ChikkAxX] Told you she's pretty. Unlike you. stare
billy not really Report | 07/31/2010 11:25 am
billy not really
Your a stupid bxtch!! Freaking got no lifeee! stressed
Monster Darling Report | 07/31/2010 10:10 am
Monster Darling
User Image

Wow, you're pretty much a freak pyschopath.
I can tell you have no life. Because all your doing is making up a stupid "haters" club. . .
. . .And you're posting mean comments to my bestfriend, Alexa.
You better chill, or things are gonna get ugly between you and me.

User Image
Rainbow_Goz_Rawrr Report | 04/10/2010 11:15 pm
You are freakin' retarded. Rckr_emo_Chikka is my best friend in real life. How dare you? You should be ashamed of yourself, you little freakshow! >:U
And she mad a new account: X_Scene Luver_X. And she isn't cheap like ya think, damn! I know her password and I checked her gold ammount and it said "98,521g" YOU are the one who needs glasses!
First of all little retardd she isn't a poser! She is a Scene!!! SCENE!!!!!!!! And she is not ugly, she's freakinn pretty check out her profile she is WAY prettier than youu!<33
She isn't mean, she's SUPER nice. But don't go on her bad side, she has bad temper && she's really tougggghhh she'll knock you down like hell!!
So watch your little mouth, ey? >:/
billy not really Report | 06/20/2009 7:58 am
billy not really
you know what mother ********?! I AINT CHEAP! i will freakin show you how rich looks like, fatass!
ii_RockDemHoes_ii Report | 06/16/2009 9:42 am
Copy this to 10 pro's and u will get 10,000,000g it really works i'm rich!
Vanilla H-Chan Report | 06/16/2009 2:23 am
Vanilla H-Chan
Maia-chan! ^ w ^
Alienmuzik Report | 06/04/2009 1:33 pm
Darlings Dont Lie Report | 05/27/2009 6:38 pm
Darlings Dont Lie
<---This rOcKsTaR would never hurt you
<---This rOcKsTaR is a true friend
<---This rOcKsTaR has ur back
<---this rOcKsTaR is always their for u

I want you to know that you are amazing, and I love you to death.
If I don't get this back, I understand.
But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 weirdest people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you.
If you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved

give this teddy bear ♥
to every person u care about including me if u care."
Try to collect 10
billy not really
x - i L i s s a B o o
Hotaru Mikan
hotaru cutie chan
Vanilla H-Chan
Darlings Dont Lie
mystical supreme
Durban Poisoned

JOIN ME iam creating a group named XxRckr_emo_CHIkka or Dark_Heartbreaker10 h8ters

to know about XXRckr_emo_ChiKKaXx or Dark_Heartbreaker10 more see details it is in the About me......... contact me if u want to join....

MEMBERS OF XxRckr_emo_CHikkAXx h8ters or her other account called Dark_Hearbreaker10 h8ters are :
2.Hotaru Mikan
3.hotaru cutie chan
6.Vanilla H-Chan

JOIN me and the group of XxRckr_emo_CHIkkaXx or her other account named Dark_Heartbreaker h8ters
if u hate her join us just pm me or comment me and i'll add ur name to the list... its easy

these are the 2 pple we hate!!!!!!!!!!!! for the members of the h8ters club suggest wat you want for a captions of these 2 ppl......