I am me.
I'm a pretentious hipster chick with a SERIOUS love for independent music.
Also, a librarian in training.
I love piercings, and plan on being the librarian with the most metal in her ears EVER.
It will be EPIC.

I have uncontrollable capitalizing fits, I'm sorry.
There may be causalities by the time I'm through.


mail-order's avatar

Last Login: 01/30/2010 5:43 pm

Registered: 05/14/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/27/1991


Talk about me?

View All Comments

Lythiris Report | 08/20/2010 6:42 am
Lythiris Report | 06/15/2009 1:44 am
yeah, do that
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 10:51 pm
have faith
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 10:43 pm
I guess, but you did well last time. You will do good this time.
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 10:30 pm
I barely remember half the words.
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 10:25 pm
I'll be going thru spanish too, just harder than what you will be doing.
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 10:13 pm
ah it won't be that bad....
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 10:09 pm
Are you ready for more spanish this year?
madgrape Report | 01/05/2009 9:59 pm
Ello me friend
DecannulateLizzy Report | 01/05/2009 8:54 pm
Nope sorry, I was going from comment board to comment board, being the gold hungry gaian that I am lol

My baaaaaad


There's anthrax in the envelope I opened in my dream.

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