
Maleus Stapes is a mysterious figure whose father is believed to have been So'ran the Great. His Father was a great mage whose powers were specialized in fire and healing, a follower of Gyth. So'ran's people were under attack of the Baenites, a very cruel race who loved death and chaos. So'ran began to studt them in order to defeat them. He soon fell into the dark arts and went crazy. He was about to destroy Utaran, a Nemothian City, when it appeared that his powers comsumed him in a dark flame, leaving only his ring, staff, and a mysterious bundle. The mother, Tilian, kept these these items for Maleus until he was grown.

When Maleus turned 19, he was given his father's items. He slipped on his ring and pointed his staff toward a dead tree. Instaneously, the tree caught fire. What was really weird is the tree burned into life fully bloomed. Mal, terrified of his power, put away his and ring, and hid them within the cave below his mother's house. Weeks after, he started to feel very different. He got in fight with a friend and got outraged. He picked his friend with one arm and became fully in flamed with fire. Unfortunately, his friend caught fire and disappeared. Mal was so scared that he packed up his items and left his hometown.

He went into the mountains and learned how to use and control his newfound powers. He honed fire and dark, and a healing magic; an unusual combination. Mal learned that when he used magic while being emotional his powers produced unexplainable products, like the fire and healing magic would sometimes combine or the dark and fire magic also. He travelled to the deserts of Khoras, into the lands of Gyth, the holy Fire Maiden, and sought instruction from their temple. The Head Preistess, Mier, after staring into the flame, told Maleus that there was unresolved issues at home and that before instruction he must gather his father's things and recieve the truth from his mother.

He returned to his mother's house and got an unwelcomed surprise from the citizens of the town. Unbeknownst to him, he had a large bounty on his head. Every bounty hunter in the next two counties was all around his house to make an arrest. In an attempt to make an arrest, a bounty hunter, Zarukus, threw a dagger towards Mal but missed and stabbed Tilian. He created a circle of fire and took them out one by one. His hair was no longer black, it had turned a bright red, and a fire emblem had been singed in to his back. Tillian revealed that he was not the son of So'ran but that he was So'ran. When enflamed himself, he had aged into a child in the bundle. Tillian alson revealed that she was not So'ran's wife but instead his cousin. After this revelation, Tillian breathed her last breath. Maleus buried the only mother he had ever known and went to the cave he had sworn never into go to again and retrieved his ring and staff and started. His own journey to personal discovery had just begun.


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