
my name is Jacob Paul Pearson
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A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down. I'm scared
Guy: No, this is fun!
Girl: No it's not. Please? It's too scary.
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you. Now slow down.
Guy: Now give me a big hug!
*She gave him a big hug*
Guy: Can you take off my helmet and put it on? Its bothering me...
In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. There were two people in the crash, only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broke. He didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he could die. If you would do the same for the person you love copy this in your profile.

One night a guy & a girl were
driving home from the movies. The boy sensed there was
something wrong because of the painful silence they shared between them
that night. The girl then asked the boy to pull over
because she wanted to talk. She told him that her
feelings had changed & that it was time to move on.
A silent tear slid down his cheek as he
slowly reached into his pocket & passed her a folded note.
At that moment, a drunk driver was speeding down
that very same street. He swerved
right into the drivers seat, killing the boy.
Miraculously, the girl survived. Remembering the note, she
pulled it out & read it.
"Without your love, I would die."


Viewing 12 of 20 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/20/2011 5:27 pm


Thank you for the purchase! biggrin

Report | 03/26/2011 8:47 pm


Thanks for buying.
vampyress of hell

Report | 03/04/2010 3:38 pm

vampyress of hell

Thank you very much for your purchase.

Report | 01/23/2010 10:10 am


Help us boost price for Sven the penguin biggrin
little iceman

Report | 12/29/2008 6:15 pm

little iceman

can you except my bid please ill buy you somthing
Jackie Nemo

Report | 12/24/2008 7:25 pm

Jackie Nemo

Thank you very much for purchasing from my shop ^_^

Report | 12/14/2008 4:50 pm



your a christian?

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just asking................User Image
Toko Boko

Report | 07/30/2008 1:33 pm

Toko Boko

Happy Birthday! For some reason you're on my friends list. lol Who are you again? ^^
yagami gato

Report | 07/30/2008 10:56 am

yagami gato

hi do i know you for somereason your on my friends list

Report | 07/30/2008 7:58 am


Happy Birthday Jacob ^.^ how old are you now? 16?


i can be your best friend or your worst nightmare...choose wisely.