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Guess what bitches ? It's Mariah hacking my baby's profilee♥. Jay baby , i never thought we would make it this far. We started off as friends , to bestfriends , now this. (: You're irreplaceable ♥. I never thought i would fall for you like i did. I always thought of you as my bestfriend & nothing more. I've never been so happy. We started off on a bad start , ahem you know what i mean. It took me awhile for me to trust you , but now i trust you more than anyone. You're so adorable ♥. You're constantly saying your ugly , but we both know you're not. You constantly have me laughing & smiling. (: everytime we talk i can't help but fall harder for you ♥. I never felt so special . You make me feel wanted & loved. I remember the first time you said ”I love you” on the phone. It gave me butterflies ♥. I couldn't stop smiling. c: I remember the day you told me you liked me because everyone kept forcing you to. Lmao. Nobody makes me happier than you . I love waking up to your texts & calls , I love falling asleep to your voice , I love our ”I love you” wars , most of all i love you baby ♥. You mean the world to me , you're my everything. I'm glad I'm with you. I will never forget the date 7.16.12 , that day means the world to me. Lmfao , the day we played 21 questions & the truth came out & your family was bugging you to ask me out ♥. You're so cute. (: Nobody in this world can replace you. I can never love somebody as much as i love you. It's me & you against the world ♥. I promise to never do anything to hurt you , i promise to always be here for you . I got you , & you got me ♥. Forever Jay & Mariah . I love you baby ♥.