
Pauline Marie Fu'cking Martinez ;

Driving aimlessly and getting lost calls me.

I've been told I'm sweet, but i'm really not..

I'm not good at small talk, so don't expect me to start a conversation

I hate those twisty things on bread.

I hate it when people say 'I understand' even though I say it too.

You don't know me, so don't pretend you do.

I'm fu'cked up, but happy for a fu'cked up kid.

I make mistakes and I learn from them.

I want to run away with the person I love one day.

Cameras, music, and skittles make me happy.

I'm pierced.

If I tell you I love you, believe it ; I won't say it for no reason.

If you're gonna add me, atleast say hi.

If you read all of this put 'Pauline Taste like soapy soup' in your comment.

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