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Seventeen, Britannian (much to my distaste).

Here I am, caught in a war, the Britannian Empire trying take over everything. Truth is, I hate being Britannian, but I didn't get a say in the matter, I was born into a Britannian family. You may think i'ts all peaches and cream, my home life isn't...

I hate my parents, I hate everything they stand for and as soon as i'm at school (Ashford Academy) I have to act like I believe in the crap they tell us. Which is why I joined a certain a group of people, The Black Knights. I admire Zero (wish I knew who the hell was behind that darn mask, but I have my suspicions) and what he's doing, I understand people have to be killed in order for his plan to work. I'm pretty willing to do anything if it means the crushing of Britannia.

Personality wise, i'm a contradiction to myself. When i'm at home, I have to act like a true Britannian, I have to agree with everything my parents say. I have to sit there and listen to the crap some of the others come out with. Hell, one day they'll all be dead, good riddance.

At school i'm more my true self, unless i'm talking to someone who knows my parents well, then it's all b.s again. With my friends i'm calm and laid back, usually very witty and quick thinking. The one who is seemingly unphased by embarassing / awkward situations.

If i'm ever alone with Lelouch, I stay calm, but deep down i'm cofused as hell and arguing with myself about telling him how I feel. He'll probably never know, i'm like a clam, I keep everything hidden inside. Especially about home, I lie and say everything is fine when it's not.

When i'm in battle, i'm quite the fighter. Believe me when I say I could kill you. I know how to handle a gun, I know martial arts and I can pilot a Knightmare. Seriously, don't get on the wrong side of me.
I have a terrible temper, once I get angry, I get really angry. Most of the time I stay calm but certain things push me over the edge. Truthfully, i'm halfway to major meltdown, so please don't cause me anymore trauma.

When it comes to hobbies, I like to sing. I know it sounds so 'un-tough' of me, but music calms me. I play piano and guitar, but I rarely sing for anyone, so it'll take a lot to get a song out of me unless i'm alone.

I'm pretty athletic, keeping myself in good shape. I have a passion for fencing and joined Ashford's Fencing team, quickly becoming a high ranked member due to my skills. (Plus I think the guys enjoy seeing me in that tight fencing outfit -.-')

I love sweet things like candy and cakes. I'm like a child when it comes to ice-cream, I have a terrible sweet tooth. I'm an absolute sucker for lilies and deep down I always enjoy romantic getsures (what girl doesn't, really?). I enjoy things like chess and reading, things to get my mind going. I also love the ocean and the beach, it's one of my favorite places to be in the summer. The night soothes me, so you'll often find me wandering in the night.

I have a terrible fear of spiders and needles. I mean really, I screamed when a money spider crawled over my hand in art. Then I got angry and smushed it, it's what I do. I hate bugs and stuff like that. I hate Britannia, and I hate the stupid war.


That's pretty much it, just talk to me, i'm not all scary. Although, i'll probably have my defence up until I know you better...Nnmph.

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And I don't know why, I don't know why
I fight for you this way

Two words; Lelouch Lamperouge. I just can't help myself. I may not be like Shirley in my way of showing affections, but that's just because I don't want to be hurt. Honestly though, I fall more in love with him everyday. He understands me, he saw my scars and I had no choice but to tell him everything. He knows what i'm going through. However, in the back of mind I just get the feeling it's another lie. If I ever say that to him he gets mad and says it isn't but I can't help it. I love him, but I don't know who to believe anymore.

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I really love the things that you do
You're my best friend

Aleina Toshiya; probably my best friend in Ashford. She transferred here and she was just so quiet and well, she seemed nice to me, so I started talking to her and introduced her to people like Lelouch, Rolo, Kallen etc. She's someone who I can fully trust and I know if I ever want to tell her fully about my life, she won't judge me for it. Although, she knows how I feel for Lelouch and she really doesn't approve.

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