

Cool name Huh?
I made it up!
It rox my sox!

Welcome to my page!
Below are a few things about meh,
And YES I am a gurl!

``MascaraTears`` [I'm a gurl!]

Fav Color/s:
I wuv them all!
Tee Hee I can never choose!

Fav Animal/s:
All of them!
I love puppies and penguins,
but I wuv them all!

Fav Movie:
Hangmans Curse, and The Pink Panther!
Hangmans curse rox!
You can find it at BlockBuster!

Fav Food:
Umm... That's a hard one!
I love to eat!
I am such a pig, but I only wear
a size 7 in womens pants!

Fav Shoes:
They rock so hard!
I like to customize them! @_@

Best Friend:
Amber H. and Becky O.
They are class mates!
They are my gurls!

Fav State:
Florida and Washington
P.S. I have lived in both states!

Fav Wheather:
Sunny days cause I get to go swimming.
It's a treat where I live!

Fav Sport:

This is my Dream avie!

I do very much need donations please!



All donators will be wuved forever!
Yes I also am a mule!