
Hey Ya'll.......ok, sorry. I'm not from the south, I just like saying that ^_^ My aunt is from the south though.......does that count? If not...oh well...I tried.

I joined this site because my friends did. I know.... stupid reason, but it was good enough for me! ^_^

I love classical, techno, and rock music. Some metal is ok as well, but yeah. I'm pretty open-minded about music. These are just my favorites : )

My favorite songs are 'Moonlight Sonata' by Beethoven, "Now You're Gone" by Basshunter, "Dam Dadi Do" by Nightcore, "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller Band, "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra, and "Sharp Dressed Man" by ZZ Top. I also love competing in just about anything there is out there to compete over (That's why I like sports ^_^). I like cars. I like older looking cars though (From the 80's and back). What else do I obsess over?...... hmm.... OH! I know! I'm a complete neat freak when it comes to the details. If something has a smudge on it or looks out of place in practically any way, I'll fix it. Weird, I know, but hey, that's me.


*clears throat* A little pink is ok, but full out pink is beyond all evilness. I'm not so overly obsessed with the colors black, silver, reds, purples, and greens because I have an open mind to other colors as well, but these are just some of my favorites. Some may think I'm a goth, but seriously. Not even close. Others classify me as a teacher's pet and nerd. I'm not that either. I'm not anything. I'm a truly unique person. *gasp/fake faint* Sure, I'm like some groups of people, but my entire life doesn't revolve around one idea. Everyone fits in somewhere somehow. Some conformity is neccesary to live in this messed up world of ours.

Your probably thinking; How in the world could this girl be so messed up in the head? It might be that salty air getting to my head from living on the water in a boat for so long, but I give all credit to my family and friends. My father most of all. He recently passed away and this is what I wrote about him:

In the hospital a young woman waits. Her hair is disheveled, eye makeup stains her cheeks in teary trails, but she doesn't care because all she can do is wait....

Wait day after agonizing day by his unnaturally white bedside
Wait for her stomach to growl reminding her of her neglected hunger
Wait as her family and friends take turns asking "Are you ok?" when they already know
Wait for her dad's friends to tell her reminiscing stories just to make her laugh
Wait to hear mindless psychobabble from the hospital's chaplain
Wait all day to come home and sleep and not get a wink of it because she's crying
Wait and know that everyone that looks at her can't find the right words to say
Wait to find out from doctor after doctor that he's not gonna make it
Wait knowing that she's going to cry every day for a long time when he passes

Much more consumes her thoughts. Her mind scatters its thoughts constantly in a whoosh. A happy memory here, a worry there, a pang of sadness over there somewhere, but never stopping until she's there.
There by his bedside holding his nearly ice cold hand
Her thumb rubbing his swollen yellow knuckles with such care
Tears flowing so fast she can't catch them all
Listening and watching the beep... beep... beep up on the machine
She then looks over to the nurses extracting the tube from his throat
A grimace crosses her father's face at the discomfort, but returns to its peacefulness
Her other hand rising to cover her now increasing sobs as she waits

It seemed as if time had slowed to an almost halt. Just fast enough for everything to function. Seconds dragged on for minutes, minutes for hours, and all the while the beep... beep... beep got slower and slower still. Every thought was consumed with when it would beep next. Slower and slower it got still, but he was determined to hang on for his little girls that sat next to him clutching his fingers in their grasp. They said their goodbyes and told him it was time to go. He had people to bug up in heaven and that they'd be ok. That they had more people to love and look after them. So he really had to reason to worry any longer.

Time suddenly sped back up and it was as if he had heard and understood their pleas. The beeps were now almost seconds apart now.... and then the stereotypical long monotone of the machine rang loud and clear..... and he was gone.

The young woman squeezed her father's hand one more time as tears streamed down her face and said so quietly that it was if she hadn't said it at all,

"... I love you daddy..."

She then picked up the stuffed lion that she had left at his bedside to comfort him, clutched it to her chest in a vice, buried her face in its fur with just enough space to be able to see when she walked, and quickly slipped out of the room. She walked past people in the halls and didn't have to see their faces to know that they had sympathetic smiles plastered there. Her cheerful attire of striped neon rainbow socks and other such bright colors didn't fool them for a second when they glanced her puffy red and tear filled eyes as she shuffled past, but they said nothing.

Once outside the suffocating walls of the hospital, she inhaled the chilly autumn air and sighed strengthening the flow of her tears once more as she started to realize all the things in her life that he would miss. He'd never walk her down the aisle at her wedding, never idly threaten her husband that if he hurt her that he had guns and had no problem with going back to jail, never spoil his grandbabies rotten and then send them back home all hyped up on sugar.

She laughed silently at her own thoughts closing her eyes and whispered lovingly into the night air,

"I'm gonna miss you so much"

Everyone in your life influences how you act and decide on things. Even if you don't know who they are. Scary, huh?

Should probably tell ya my name, huh? I bet you've been wondering that. It's Lisa. By some of my friends I'm called "Kitty".

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Thank you for taking the time to read this, because if you did you're a brave person. It's either that and/or you're already my friend. ^_^

~Lisa~ =^_^=

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Item List:
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Nitemare Scarf

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Total Value: 5,907,795 Gold

Item List:
Nitemare Scarf
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Lunar Scythe


Viewing 12 of 12 friends


My Gaia Notebook

I'll sometimes post random things, but only when I'm really hyper. Which isn't very often. I plan to post a story that I'm writing on a few websites. I'll post it on gaia eventually, but my story isn't even finished, so It'll be a slow process.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/05/2011 4:24 pm


Oh oh oh I know you in real life! Oh hi *glomps* Don't mind me I had sugar hehehe but Phoebe really does know you. Can you guess who we are?
-XBu - ChanX-

Report | 07/02/2010 2:11 am

-XBu - ChanX-

^-^ flogging molly kicks a**.... i like ur pro...

Report | 11/27/2008 12:57 pm


Camellia Sohma

Report | 09/14/2008 3:26 am

Camellia Sohma

cool avi ^_^

Report | 06/09/2008 5:24 pm


User Image Woot!

ooh.. Cooll!! User ImageD Lol aww cute baby and I don't even know it? XD

Lol and your on gaia? o_o In my school gaia's blocked... like completelly.. not even the special way to get in.. D:

Report | 06/06/2008 4:31 pm


Ooh. I'm sorry. We shall talk more now!!!

I'm glad you had fun! User ImageD And I hope he had fun too! User Image

Lol, yeah.. I forgot... sorta.. but I commented you I think! and you never replied. ;-;

Report | 06/05/2008 10:02 am


Lol yes it has! WE should resume our conversations! I've come to miss our little chats. >.<

Your welcome! How'd you spend your birthday? Hopefully well I'm sure. ^.^

Oh btw, after looking at your piccy in your profile I realize your in my friends list on myspace. Lol

Report | 06/03/2008 2:54 pm


Omg woman! It's almost your birthday! <(^^< wink (>^^)>

Report | 06/02/2008 6:44 pm


Haii hai. :3 Long time no speaky! We should speak to eachother more!! How are you?

Oh and happy early birthday??

Report | 03/11/2008 3:19 pm


from al death note lovers loved the song so much and hot pro.


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