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Fluffy Floof on 07/16/2023


I won't lie, I do dabble in slave/master role-play, emphasis on master of course. I mostly play male characters, but on occasion I do part take in yuri, never yaoi. My masters range from brutal, cruel, sadistic and lustful to strange, oblivious, affectionate, but still sadistic. If things get a little steamy or my character's feeling.. Abbusive, well.. OR things get too violent/macabre (Which goes with any rp really x3 My characters can be rather vicious, ruthless, and inhumane not to mention their creations can be a little disturbing! Oh how I love rping macabre!! -Squee!-) I do have a yahoo/other Meebo (if I can remember the exact name of it =o Yay forgetfulness). -Chuckles- But serious, I don't mind rping things out elsewhere. If its important to progress of the rp of course >.
Depending on the role-play, I prefer playing evil characters, if my name wasn't obvious enough. They are not evil because they like to kill people, or some lame reason such as that. My characters have substance. Some may be the puppet master of a puppet regime, or possibly some misguided soul with a twisted sense of the word 'justice', but those are only two examples.

Though my characters are antagonists, out of character :3 I'm a fun loving guy.. Eh.. Well.. biggrin You can just find out for yourself! Though here are a few short personal things you should know:
- biggrin I love a well played violin, xD Pianos can bite me (seeing how I went to a campus where people played the same song OVER AND OVER AND OVER again on a piano, and.. To add insult to injury.. they were horrible at it.. That or they were practicing) So yeah.. Violin good, piano.. Eh..
-I won't tolerate people hurting my friends and will defend them, and be warned, I've been known to make people feel like crap for bullying my friends.
-I do play Magic the Gathering, used to play WoW, and love Minecraft (Ssssssss boom :3)
-Though my heart and soul burns with a warming, eternal fire, there is no one in my life to feed the flames (Single razz Might keep it that way, dunno)
Lastly! I like pie... No jk xD But yeah..

=o <3 Violins

:3 My Theme Song!

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Lovely Hex Report | 05/25/2013 6:55 pm
Lovely Hex
So..i like miss you and junk.
Mo_Xiao_Ya Report | 02/17/2013 9:42 am
It's alright and I have been really busy lately too smile glad to get back intouch with you though hehe I've been good. Just started a couple threads hoping to get them going again :3
Mo_Xiao_Ya Report | 02/04/2013 4:55 pm
-runs and glomps master-
--raphael_kitten-- Report | 03/29/2012 1:38 am
..................... cry Please! Aleena and Arminous are a great match! The next master for her will be a nice goody goody I know it! I don't want that for Aleena! Is there something we can do to maybe get you in the mood?
--raphael_kitten-- Report | 03/29/2012 1:13 am
Can you please try to get back in the flow? Please! I just would hate to start over with Aleena...that would be two characters if you quit...
--raphael_kitten-- Report | 03/29/2012 1:00 am
Thank you. Please don't leave! Please! D:
HaileyKurayami Report | 03/27/2012 10:16 am
Thank you for your purchase! heart
rainee dei Report | 02/23/2012 2:06 pm
rainee dei
Im gonna start posting! Same profile. Ill send you the official one later today! And, Im gonna do it all from my phone. Be proud of me. Hahaha~
rainee dei Report | 02/02/2012 12:01 am
rainee dei
Fukyuu Shinigami Report | 02/01/2012 7:26 pm
 Fukyuu Shinigami
Damn. Alright cool... sad Just an excerpt?
Master Nefarious