ulitimate showdown


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Birthday: 10/02


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wafflez_skater Report | 09/01/2009 5:12 pm
The Story of Anthony Wells
By Melissa Rocha
Illustrations By Melissa Rocha

Once there lived a young boy in Elistone. His name was Anthony Wells, but his friends called him An. Today was his first day at Willo middle school. He was so exited. After brushing his teeth and eating breakfast he left on his way, walking to school in a wonderful mood. Anthony was so distracted thinking about being able to see all his friends that he didn’t look both ways before crossing Cypress Ave. Suddenly he heard a loud “HONK” as he looked up he saw a Truck coming right at him, as fast as a bee he jumped out of the way just on time but his backpack had fallen and the truck ran it over leaving little pieces of paper, leather, and cotton. Anthony’s smile slowly faded into a frown. All Anthony could think about was what his mother would say when she found out about what happened to the back pack. That cost her $45.00!. Anthony decided that instead of going home he would hide over at his friend Marylyn’s house. He walked toward her house leaving his torn up pieces of back pack and forgetting all about school. As he got to his friends house he saw that Marylyn’s parent and Marylyn weren’t there . So he waited for 8 Hours until Marylyn got there, with Anthony’s Girlfriend Jessica. He asked Marylyn if he could sleep over and maybe eat something and she said yes, but that Jessica was also sleeping over. As soon as night came it was time to sleep so Marylyn got the sleeping bags ready while drinking soda. When she was trying to put a sleeping bag on the floor for Jessica her coke fell all over the floor were Jessica and Anthony’s sleeping bags were going go. No problem said Marylyn and showed Jessica and Anthony to a guest room in her house the room was big and had three beds it had a queen sized bed in the middle and on the right and left side were one person beds and Marylyn left them walked out of the room closing the door behind her leaving Anthony and Jessica alone…………………………………………………………………YOU DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT
wafflez_skater Report | 08/30/2009 1:02 pm
