
matrix6977's avatar

Last Login: 11/25/2017 8:41 am

Registered: 03/12/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Florida

Birthday: 10/30

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About Muah

I'm sick and tired of embracing reflections of past time receive me or cast me away
...god please take me away
resistance futile suicidal ideas I will crucify my own being satisfy selfish needs ******** the deities justify my own right to what's waiting for me
On the other side the time has come lock and load I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming home.




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ShihoriKage Report | 04/14/2010 5:35 pm
=[ I are sad
ShihoriKage Report | 04/11/2010 6:00 pm
Hey chuuu o.o -=Gasps=- I are no longer your friend?
Serptastic Report | 09/22/2008 5:54 pm
Nice sig pics; they look great!
ickle_kimie Report | 09/17/2008 11:07 am
IM pretty bored too to be honest..and i need a new computer chair..this one is soooo uncomfortable!

What you been up to today anyways!? fighting villains?!painting masterpieces?! or just bumming out User Image

I Der Geist I Report | 09/17/2008 3:41 am
DUDE!!! you still didnt check my entry to your dream avi contest...
ickle_kimie Report | 09/16/2008 1:37 am
Hey you User Image

Yeah its been a great help..slowly going down though User Image lol

What you been up to!?

I thought i commented you last :S

Hope you're ok anyways mister User Image xx
ickle_kimie Report | 09/11/2008 10:24 am
I hated the ending of the film though.

and my god..that stupid god woman...I was near on screaming at the tv lol..i hate all that kinda stuff!!!

Mmm i dont know if id like to see one from close up thanks User Image

Much rather be safe and a little damp in little old england than getting blown across america User Image

ickle_kimie Report | 09/11/2008 10:14 am
Oh thats cool then User Image

Shame about your headlights!! Mmph, id go mad! mind you..some lovely person has been kind enough to key my car all down the side.So im not really much of a happy bunny at the moment!!

Im watching clips on youtube at the moment of lightning storms and hurricanes..hey.its something to do lol.

Actually..thats made me want to watch the ever seen that film!?

ickle_kimie Report | 09/11/2008 9:17 am

Just seen the trade you're offering User Image

Id just like to say a big FAT personal thankyou *squeeze*

How are you!?

Good day today!?

Ive been looking for a cat..

User Image hopefully getting another siamese!!

You up to much tonight mister?!

ickle_kimie Report | 09/10/2008 10:06 am
Hey you User Image

When do you find out if you got the job or not?!

Hmph..will you help me get more gold?

Im really struggling User Image

Hows your day been anyways mister?!

Mines been pretty good..amazed it hasnt rained today!!

User Image
