Maximus Zircon

Maximus Zircon's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Unkown

Birthday: 08/04

Occupation: Rogue Space Pirate


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Im Looking For A Job; Anyone Recruiting with good pay & Benefits with out me getting close To Phazon.

Elite Pirate

Log 09.992.3

Zebes has fallen. All ground personnel are presumed dead, either killed by the
Hunter clad in metal or in the subsequent destruction of the underground
facilities. Our research frigates Orpheon, Siriacus and Vol Paragon where in
orbit at zero hour and managed to retreat. Frigate Orpheon is now docked at
Vortex Outpost. Orpheon's cargo appears to have a 100% survival rate; Metroids
are healthy but on restricted feeding schedules due to uncertain supply status.
We are ready to begin research on the Metroids and other promising life-forms.
Security status remains at Code Blue; no signs of pursuit from the Hunter.

Log 10.023.7

Security Command issued an all-points alert after the fall of Zebes. The alert
concerns bioform Samus Aran, also known as the Hunter. Subject is a female
hominid, and is heavily armed and extremely dangerous. Subject uses a powered
armoursuit of unknown design in battle, along with a number of potent Beam and
concussive weapons. All combat units are instructed to terminate Aran on sight,
preferably in a fashion that will allow salvage of her powered armoursuit and
weapons. A considerable bounty will go to the unit who delivers Aran to
Command. Dead or alive, it matters not.

Log 10.229.2

Scans of the Spiral Sector detected a massive energy pike emanating from a
Wanderer-class planet identified as Tallon IV. Scout reconnaissance was
immediately dispatched to the center of the spike, a land mass at the heading
mark 40.08.08, returning with planetary samples and atmospheric imaging.
Analysis shows the energy source to be and unstable radioactive material of
enormous potential. We are unable to form an accurate risk-assessment at this
time, but we are unlikely to find an energy source this powerful again.
Analysis will continue but currently Tallon IV appears to be a viable secondary

Log 10.308.0

Field team reports are in on an aged structure of alien design built on the
surface of Tallon IV. Studies show this structure projects a containment field.
This field bars access to a prime source of energy within a deep crater.
Science Team believes the field is powered by a number of strange Chozo
artifacts. Studies for possible resting places for these talisman have begun.
As the field could hinder future energy production operations on Tallon IV, we
must dismantle it as soon as possible. If this means the destruction of the
Chozo Artifacts, it will be done.

Log 10.344.8

We have codified the newfound energy source as Phazon, a V-index mutagen of
which we have very little reliable data. Indications point to a meteor of
unknown origins impacting an indeterminable time ago, expelling Phazon into the
environment. This material appears so possess lifelike characteristics, mutating
organic life-forms strong enough to withstand its poison. There mutations
appear promising, with abrupt evolutionary leaps appearing in single-generation
reproduction. Plans to establish a Science Team on Tallon IV are being

Log 10.401.7

Phazon mining is under way. Several garrisons have been established and
terraforming of the Chozo Ruins is under way. Security systems are operations,
and Science Team continues to make progress in their biotech research. The
Phendrana Drifts have proven to be an optimal location of Research
Headquarters, and soon it will be joined by a fully operation Combat base and
starport. If
Command's predictions are half true, we shall rise dominant of this sector
within a deca-cycle. Truly, these are glorious times.

Log 10.444.4

Initial transfer of Metroids to Tallon IV research facilities has been
completed. Three were terminated in an incident at the landing site, but the
others were pacified and transported safely. Initial Phazon infusion testing is
under way. We are eager to observe the effects of Phazon on Metroids,
especially their ability to absorb and process the energy give off by Phazon
sources. Early research suggest a considerable growth in power and size.
Whether the creatures will stay stable thereafter remains to be seen.

Log 10.515.8

Our initial tests exposing Tallon IV's indigenous parasites to Phazon appears
to be successful. Increases in size, strength and aggressiveness are common in
all test subjects, as well as unforeseen evolutions like addition poison sacs
within the abdomen and the appearance of a second ring on mandible in several
subjects. These creatures were chosen because of their resilience, and it
appears possible that, given enough exposure to Phazon, they many be able to
survive on any planet we transport them to. Our methods will have to be
refined; we currently have 100% extinction rate after the forth infusion
period, and most survivors of the third infusion stage are so violent and
uncontrollable that they have to be euthanized. Even still, we remain hopeful
that further experimentation will result in success.

Log 10.587.7

Mining operations have begun near the crater where Phazon appears to be more
concentrated. Daily Phazon yields have increased 44%, and out mining system
becomes more streamedlined as personnel and equipment flows increase. Several
incidents of Phazon induced madness have been reported, prompting augmented
life-support regulations in the deeper chambers. Symptoms include loss of
equilibrium, erratic respiration, muscle spasms, and in the most extreme
cases, hallucinations. A timeline reassessment for the refinery operation is
recommended, as the material proves more unstable than initial analysis

Log 10.664.2

Research outpost Glacier One in Phendrana Drifts region of Tallon IV's
mountains is operating at 85% capacity. Sub-zero temperatures have made the
Metroids sluggish and easy to control, even those well into Phazon infusion
cycles. Cold containment status are sufficient for the juveniles, but some of
the larger Metroids have been moved to quarantine caves for safety purposes.
Security doors remain an issue, as malfunctions due to ice occur everyday.
Large predators in the waster are also a concern, as they continue to kill
personnel and breach secure areas. Unfortunately, it has become clear that
our containment teams cannot neutralize all of them without a vast increase of
munitions and soldiers.

Log 10.891.0

The reconstruction of geoform 187, code-named Ridley, was recently completed.
After his defeat on Zebes, Command ordered a number of metagenenic improvements
for him. Though aggressive, we were able to implement these changes in a cycle.
The metamorphosis was painful, but quite successful in the end. Early tests
indicate a drastic increase in strength, mobility, and offensive capability.
Cybernetic modules and armour plating have been added as well. We believe our
creature, now called Meta Ridley, will become the mainstay of our security
force, a job he will certainly relish.

Log 10.957.2

Confidence is high regarding Phazon applications. We know enough about Phazon
now to begin combining it with Space Pirate DNA. The code name for this venture
will be 'Project Helix'. Preliminary studies indicate that Phazon infusion
could produce radical Pirate genomes. Benevolent mutation levels are high in
current test subjects. Phazon madness is a concern, but refinements in the
infusion process should reduce or neutralize the the odds of mental

Log 11.001.9

Initial Project Helix experiments with Space Pirate embryos were disastrous.
The Phazon-infusion process degenerated brain tissue even as it augmented
muscle mass. None of what termed Elite Pirates lived to maturity; the few that
survived their infanthood suffered severe psychotic breakdowns as juveniles,
killing anything within their zone of perception. Research team Sclera made a
recent breakthrough, in which parasite studies with a Phazon strain code-named
Vertigo were highly successful. Since then we have successful fused Vertigo
Phazon with Space Pirate DNZ with great success. The latest batch of Elite
Pirates have reached maturity successfully and are ready for field testing and

Log 11.156.9

Investigations into a possible ingress point for the impact crater continue to
meet with failure. The shield of strange energy that protects it is
impermeable, and all attempts to tunnel past it have proved fruitless. Our
continued futility in this matter is made all the more significant in light of
recent life form readings we've discovered emanating from deep within the
crater. Analysis of the readings indicates that a massive creature is gestating
in there, absorbing enormous amounts or Phazon from the Phazon core at the
heart of the impact crater. This discovery makes accessing the crater doubtly
important - not only will it open the door to the vast deposits of Phazon
within, but it will also lead us to this creature, whatever it may be..

Meta Ridley: Research Lab Aether, Phendrana Drifts

Log 10.891.0

The reconstruction of geoform 187, code-named Ridley, was recently completed. After his defeat on Zebes, Command ordered a number of meta genetic improvements for him. Though aggressive, we were able to implement these changes in a cycle. the metamorphosis was painful, but quite successful in the end. Early tests indicate a drastic increase in strength, mobility, and offensive capability. Cybernetic modules and armor plating have been added as well. We believe our creation, now called Meta Ridley, will become the mainstay of our security force, a job he will certainly relish.

Once Samus Aran landed on Tallon IV and halted Space Pirate operations on the planet, the project was cancelled due to the destruction of the labs in Phendrana Drifts and the Phazon Mines.


View All Comments

RoronoaZ Report | 03/08/2008 6:12 am
nice avi User Image
VgMan AlphaZero Report | 12/17/2007 6:46 am
VgMan AlphaZero
I joined before you joined Gaia lol
RoronoaZ Report | 12/15/2007 11:44 pm
Happy Merry Christmas!!!!!
Pain Killers Report | 10/18/2007 3:30 am
Pain Killers

RoronoaZ Report | 10/18/2007 1:05 am
Pain Killers Report | 10/17/2007 8:40 am
Pain Killers

ummmz kay..
VgMan AlphaZero Report | 10/16/2007 3:16 am
VgMan AlphaZero
Masami Okui Report | 10/16/2007 2:12 am
Masami Okui


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