That Boy You Just Can't Resist.

The name's Maxamillion Antony. Antony's the middle name, not the last. As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to know my last name. You can call me Max, or any variation that you prefer.I blow out the candles on August 12th. Oh, and I'm gay, and engaged. My favorite color is green, and I happy to be a little kid at heart. I love the disney movies from my childhood, and I could probably quote every single line from each of them. I can sing, dance, and play the guitar. I guess you can say I'm talented like that. I can probably handle more than any of you, and I'll never go down without a fight. I love games; I get addicted to them quicker than anything else. Animals are the most amazing things on this earth, and I love them to death. I love the rain, and whenever it's storming outside, I can't stop smiling. I have an obession with checkers and rainbows, and of course sharpies. I honestly probably wouldn't be able to live without sharpies. I love to make my fiance jealous over silly little things like Fancy Pants. Write me a lullaby, and I'll love you forever. Write me a letter, and I'll never forget you.

That man right there? That's my fiance Andrew. I love this boy more than words can ever possibly discribe. Since the day he walked into my life, all he's done was brighten it more and more. If it wasn't for him, I would never know what true happiness was. I will always be grateful to my sister for introducing us and allowing us the chance to get to know one another. He is everything I could ever ask for and so much more. I know that no matter what happens, he'll always be there, despite what everyone else says. There is no one in this world that will ever fit me better than he does. He's the most perfect person for me, and I don't care who knows it. Andrew is amazing in every way, and I'll never stop trying to convince him of that. He is my life and always will be. I'd continue to write all these things about him, but then you'd fall in love with him, too, and that I simply will not tolerate. He is mine.

August 1st, 2008~ The day I asked him to be mine. I had never been so nervous in my life. I remember wanting to dart from the room and puke than to ever find out his answer. But now I'm glad I stayed around, or I would have never heard that sweet yes fall from his lips. And that was only day one of our forever.

December 25th, 2008~ The day I asked him to marry me. In all honesty, I wasn't planning to ask those four words for a very long time. I was fairly certain that he wasn't ready for that type of commitment, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for that either. But I did know that I never wanted to be without him now that I found him. The words just came out, and to my shock, he agreed. And now I couldn't be any happier. I have my Andrew, and I always will.

"..My life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars--points of light and reason.. And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty."