-mayonaka-chu- knows what you're thinking

-mayonaka-chu-'s avatar

Last Login: 06/17/2020 8:23 am

Registered: 12/17/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/19


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My items of pure awesomeness

I want these items! all of them! RAWR! ...but nobody ever gives these to me. is it because you all hate me? T^T



... sweatdrop Again.....I cannot think of anything to write...
8D Time for Personal Info Forum!

username: -mayonaka-chu- (which means midnight kiss. what a beautiful title -3-)
real name: Brittany
last name: rolleyes Like i'd ever tell you that. *Secretive smile*
age: *Giggle* Classified Information
Country i'm currently living in: England. Pretty boring here...
Name of town/city/village or wherever i live: ...this is too personal. Let's just say the place where I live beings with the letter W and ends with R


...Seriously, that's all I can think of...

...so, yeah....thank you for all reading! (though, seriously, what was the point of reading it when it's so short?

...When people ask me what my hobbies are (lmao, this is so random), usually I just say, '...'...then leave it at that. I'm not very good at speaking to people........especially about the things I enjoy doing (in case the other person thinks of me as an idiot) but it's much easier to write on a profile page XD To people I don't even know....
What the hell am I talking about? ~
...I'm not really sure anymore...something about what I like doing? Eh....

Something I like doing is playing video games. (not in front of other people though...) I like kingdom hearts and final fantasy (i want FF13...) but I also have SA2B and some other crap........
I <3 manga/anime. Currently I only have 5 different mangas, but now me and my sister are ordering loads more <3333333333 I LOVE PANDORA HEARTS! It's the best manga I've ever read <333333 I love it so much >w<
I am currently learning Japanese~ It's very fun to learn ^^ ... afterwards i'm going to learn mandarian (is that how you write it? rolleyes ) and THEN korean. (all asian languages? I like them because of the writing symbols. They're fun to draw <3)
...i'm currently learning danish as well, though. *sigh*

This is my dream avi...<33333
how the hell will i be able to accomplish this?????????? crying
Right now I have...
2/10 of the items....(powder blue sweet lace skirt and dark elf's aura ^-^)

User Image
Total Value: 13,733,715 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Angelic Microphone
Celestial Wrap
Mercury's Moon
North Kitten Star
Alruna's Rose 6th Gen
Powder Blue Sweet Lace Skirt
White Stockings
G-LOL Choke Dollie Shoes
Dark Elf's Aura
Daisy's Dark Hair

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want the North Kitten Star(heh....like I'd ever get it). That's my lifetime goal. -w-

yay, colors. i love colors ^-^

see those links down there? VV if you do not press one of them a kitten dies

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Comment me! Or there'll be consequences!

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-mayonaka-chu- Report | 07/01/2011 1:47 pm
Man, I haven't been on here for ages o_o
Wolf The Guardian Angel Report | 08/09/2010 9:59 am
Wolf  The Guardian Angel
so are ya going pm back?
Wolf The Guardian Angel Report | 08/09/2010 8:50 am
Wolf  The Guardian Angel
hehe so you going eat me and are you going pm back X3
Wolf The Guardian Angel Report | 08/09/2010 8:39 am
Wolf  The Guardian Angel
your welcome! hehe eat me! XD
Wolf The Guardian Angel Report | 08/09/2010 8:28 am
Wolf  The Guardian Angel
nice profile and avi razz
ImaginingJackie Report | 08/05/2010 3:28 pm
D'aww, you look so adorable 4laugh
ImaginingJackie Report | 08/05/2010 3:17 pm
Aww, you don't have to if you don't wanna > w <
: D
ImaginingJackie Report | 08/05/2010 3:09 pm
: D I hope you enjoy it bunches and bunches. 3nodding
ImaginingJackie Report | 08/05/2010 2:36 pm
!!! *glomps*
THANK YOU!!!!! ; w ;
You bought my skirt. <3
*huggles* > w <
-mayonaka-chu- Report | 07/31/2010 6:37 am

...a signature. not much to say here

.....just a normal, soon-to-be-updated signature....[/color:3852e6ec3a][/size:3852e6ec3a]

-Fire Rose_ Tsukimi-

My best friends

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